

Rosilinda · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Kai Guterez

I stare at the phone with anticipation. Sylva had said she would call me today, but she never said when. Time is going by very slowly as I wait each minute for my landline to ring. I haven't showered yet, scared I might miss her call. I have strong feelings for a girl I just barely met. I feel a connection towards her and I don't know why. I'm not sure if she feels it, but I certainly do. When she had her head in my lap yesterday, she fell asleep. Watching her be at peace after everything that happened with her ex was so beautiful. She's a natural beauty to behold.

My line starts to ring after about ten minutes of waiting. I wait a little bit before picking up, not wanting to seem desperate.

"Hello?" Sylva's voice rings through the phone.

"Hey, It's Kai," I reply.

"Hey, I honestly didn't think I would call you right now, but here I am." I can hear her cute giggle through the receiver.

"Here you are, how's your day going so far?"

"It's going pretty good, I've just showered and put on some clothes. Just some sweatpants and a Zeppelin shirt." God, if only I can see her. Her in a Zeppelin shirt is a sight to behold.

"I haven't showered yet, I will later though."

"Do you want me to go so you can get ready for the day?"

"No no, I'm fine. I enjoy talking to you."

I can practically hear her blush, "I enjoy talking to you too."

"Do you suppose we could go out later? Perhaps maybe a shopping trip?"

"I would like that, we could stop by Bennigans. It's one of my favorite places to eat."

"Of course. I can pick you up around one-thirty?" It's eleven o'clock right now.

"Sounds good. I'll see you in a bit, bye Love."

"Bye," I hang up the phone.

She called me 'Love.' I can't help but feel fireworks in my stomach. That may be what she calls everyone, but I loved it when she called me that.

I make my way to the bathroom to shower and get ready. I make sure to scrub my head with shampoo really well, hoping to smell good. I wash my body well and use my gentle face wash on my skin. I've always had sensitive skin, so I use what's best for me, and what's best for people to look at. I try to keep up my appearance to look my best for any possible girl, but right now I only want to look good for Sylva.

I step out of the shower with the towel around my waist as I open my closet to pick out what to wear. I pull out a pair of jeans with a plain black shirt that makes my muscles stand out. I get myself some underwear before putting on my clothes of course.

I got about an hour before I went to pick Sylva up, so that gave me enough time to get her a present.


I step on the welcome mat in front of the house of the girl I'm going on a date with. I have my present in hand, holding it behind my back as a surprise.

I knock on the door and take a step back to allow room for whoever will open it. The door opens inward and I come across a girl with two dutch braids that go down past her waist wearing a Zeppelin shirt and jeans.

I love when she wears Zeppelin.

"Hey," Sylva breaks the silence.

I take in a breath, "Hey, you look beautiful."

She blushes and tucks a loose chunk of  short hair that didn't make it in the braid behind her ear. "Thanks, you look nice yourself."

"I try."

"Are you ready to go?"

"First," I stop her. I pull the present from behind my back and give the flowers to her. "I'm an old fashioned man."

"Oh my gosh, they're beautiful. Thank you," Sylva smiles. A smile I could look at forever. She grabs the flowers and runs back inside to, I assume, put them in water. She comes backs out and takes my arm. "I'm ready now."

We walk to my blue El Camino and I open the passenger door open for Sylva and close it once she's safely inside. I walk around to the other side and get into the driver side seat and turn on the car.

"This is so nice of you, taking me out." I don't even have to look at Sylva to know she's blushing.

"Of course, I love spending time with you."

"I like spending time with you too," she smiles.

I speak as I drive. "Again, I'm sorry you had to see me the way I was when I was handling Thomas, that's not my usual character."

"No, it was sweet of you. You barely know me, yet you wanted to protect me."

"I didn't like the names he was calling you and assumptions he was making. That's not how you talk to a lady, and that's certainly not how you treat one."

"That's amazing of you, I'm glad you're sweet and not some asshole that I'm being forced to marry."

"Maybe it doesn't have to be forced," Sylva turns to look at me. "Maybe we can get to know each other and come to terms with what has to happen. As they said, 'For the good of the companies,' right?"

"Again, I can't see you like that, not for a while. For all I know you could be the worst guy in the world, even though you seem good so far. I just need time, you know?"

"Yeah, I understand. You're amazing, so I have no problem with any of it, but, like you, I wish it was under different terms."

"I know what you mean, you wish that we met by chance and not by force. Though, if it wasn't for this arrangement, we would've never known each other existed."

"Cheers to that," Sylva and I both started to laugh.