
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 映画
158 Chs

Ch. 43 - Richard Parker

As soon as Matilda flew over the corner of the street, she came upon a dark alleyway where people place their trashes.


"Shut the fuck up!"

Inside the alley, Matilda saw a Caucasian man holding a knife close to the blonde woman who was trembling in fear.

"P-please don't hurt me!" The blonde woman begged.

"Oh, don't worry madam. This wouldn't take long." The man said as he started unzipping his pants while his victim stared at his action in horror.

"Stop right there you criminal scum!" Matilda suddenly fell from the sky as she yelled at him.

"What? Who the fuck are you?" The caucasian man was shocked and immediately zipped his zipper back and looked behind him.

Seeing a woman in costume, the man's eyes gleamed in excitement and lust as he said.

"Holy shit! This is a beauty!"

Matilda's face scrunched up in disgust as she realized that the man in front of her was having malicious thoughts about her.

"Disgusting..." Matilda uttered as she raised her hand towards the man and activated her telekinetic powers.

Before the man could react, he was suddenly thrown back at the wall of the alley as a crack was heard by the three of them.



Meanwhile, the blonde woman screamed in fear as she became a witnessed into something that transcends common sense and struck her fear towards the unknown.

As the man fell on the ground and whimpered in pain, he tried to reach out for the blonde woman who he just tried to r*pe earlier and begged for her.

"Hw-hwelp me! My back hurts!" He begged as the blonde woman stepped back.

"Don't be afraid ma'am. I'm a superhero, you know, like Captain America?" Matilda tried to calm the woman down, although it indeed work but only a little.

"W-who are you?" She stuttered as she asked.

"I- uhhh-" Just when Matilda was about to introduce herself, she realized that she haven't made a superhero name for herself.

"I-I'm sorry but I haven't thought of a name for myself since I was too excited and started without preparation. But you can call me whoever you want. Now, please step aside and let me do my job and bring this scum to justice!" Matilda stood upright and brought her chest forward, giving her an illusion of a strong woman as she apologized for the lack of preparation before announcing a trail of words that she genuinely didn't rehearse for time to time.

Yup, she truly didn't make a script and rehearsed a thousand times for her superhero entrance.

The blonde victim didn't respond and just followed her and stepped aside, giving Matilda the path towards the fallen scum.

"Let's bring you to the nearest police station but first..." Matilda said to him as he grabbed his arm but stopped for a bit when he looked at the man's crotch.




["We got some reports of a rumored superhero that has appeared in the streets of New York last night...."]

["According to the witnesses, the superhero was said to have supernatural superpowers like the ones in the fantasy comics."]

["We are now interviewing one of the victims that she saved last night. What do you think about our superhero, ma'am?"] One of the reporters asked a question to a blonde woman by her side.

"I wanna thank her for saving me and if it wasn't for her I don't know if I'd ever see my family again!" The blonde woman started crying and snots were leaking from her nose as she cried and thanked profusely.

["U-uh, that's all for our superhero for today, will she show up again and bring criminals to justice or is her appearance last night will be the last time we'll see her. Stay tuned. Back to you, Carl."] The reporter immediately attracted the attention of the camera as she didn't want the American's morning to be presented with a woman full of tears and snot.


"You're famous." Doflamingo said to her through their communication link.

"I know right! I can't believe that everybody knows me now! Last night was so much fun and hearing their words of gratitude warms my heart so much!" Matilda was currently lying on her bed as she replied.

"That's good to know. By the way, will you only operate at night like Batman?" Doflamingo asked. To be honest, he was also shocked when he discovered that the DC comics actually existed in this universe and it is the one leading the comics industry of the entire United States of America.

"Yeah, I'm thinking of doing it at night only, I still have some things I want to do and it is mostly when the sun shines on the sky." Matilda said.

"You do know that if the criminals were to realize this pattern, they would operate more on the day than the night, right?"

"I know that, that's why I wanted to operate at night for a few days and when they started operating at daytime, I'll strike them the least they expected me to." Matilda smiled proudly at her plan.

"....That's good, I guess." Doflamingo hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Anyways, I'm graduating to Master this month, so expect that I'll be back next month." Doflamingo changed the subject and said.

"You're becoming a Master? What's the test like? Will you be fighting horrendous monsters that threatens the safety of the earth!" Matilda excitedly asked as she was making up scenarios in her head.

"No, I'm just gonna fight a fellow Master and if I receive their recognition, especially the Ancient One's, then I'll graduate and will be given a choice to stay or leave." Doflamingo explained to her.

"You chose to leave right? What's the point of staying anyway."

"Well, if I stay, I'll still be able to access the benefits of being a member of the Master of the Mystic Arts and continue to improve my strength and dedicate my whole life on protecting earth from dangers." Doflamingo said to her.

"Oh, I see." Matilda nodded her head in understanding.

"I'm leaving now. Is there anything noteworthy I should be hearing about?" Doflamingo was about to leave but didn't forget to ask.

"There's nothing much, except that the Hand has now reached out to Hydra in order to cooperate to eliminate you, so expect an assassination to occur once you are out here again." Matilda said before continuing.

"Another thing, I found a very interesting individual through my research. Do you remember this guy named Richard Parker, the brother of Benjamin Parker one of our staffs on Dressrosa? It turns out he's part of Shield Research Department and he's currently working as an undercover scientist inside one of the famous pharmaceutical company on New York." Matilda told him about a familiar man.

"So, what's this got to do with me?" Subconsciously, Doflamingo could feel on why Matilda mentioned Richard Parker.

"I just recently discovered that he's researching on Spiders without anyone, including Shield's consent. He's literally making research all on his own." Matilda said as Doflamingo already squinted his eyes as he tries to remember something.

"Then, he seemed to make an achievement on his research and is now on his way to leave the country along with his wife as his wife was also a Shield Agent and knew about his secret research. However, Shield and the pharmaceutical company that he's working on discovered about his achievement and they now wanted to capture him."

"Alright, so the purpose of this is you want his research on spiders and his achievements, right?"

"No, actually that's one of the reasons but the main reason is because I wanted him to be part of our family, you know I'm tired of being your only 'servant' I need some help, you know. And besides, he's a great scientist, only falling behind Bruce Banner a little bit but it's not bad, right?" Matilda finally revealed her reasons as Doflamingo sighed.

He could understand her feelings, after all, it's been almost 2 years since she joined him and all she ever did was to follow his every order without complains.

"Alright, just watch over him and if something bad happens to him, inform me."

"Actually, he already boarded a private plane and is now heading towards east." Matilda said as Doflamingo finally remembered this scene.

'Isn't this the Amazing Spider-Man? Wait, I thought it would be Tom Holland in his universe, is it Andrew Garfield? But, that's impossible. I clearly saw Peter Parker's face through the screen that Matilda presented to me a year ago when I wanted to learn who Peter Parker is, and it clearly looked like Tom Holland but as a child.' Doflamingo leaned and fell into contemplation.

'Maybe it is not Andrew Garfield but the plot about his parents are the same as the other Peter Parkers.' Doflamingo made an assumption in his mind as he thought this is really plausible as only Andrew's version explained what truly happened to his parents.


"What?" Turns out, Doflamingo was too deep into thinking that he didn't heard Matilda's 5 minutes of constant nagging.

"What happened to you? You just suddenly fell quiet, I was worried for a bit." Matilda expressed her concerns.

"Oh, is the tsundere Matilda worried about me? I thought you didn't like me?" Doflamingo teased. Just a few months ago, Matilda started distancing herself from him and sometimes would even act like she has a crush on him. At first, Doflamingo really thought that she fell in love with him, and he's not gonna blame her for that, he's really handsome. And also hot.

However, when he confronted her about it, it turns out that she's on her rebellious phase and she sees him as a brother which is why she was acting as a rebellious kid in front of him.

And besides, she told him something that day that shocked him to the core.

"I told you, I'm not into men! Especially blonde men!"


Although he was shocked at this revelation, the last part was unnecessary. What's wrong with blonde haired guys? They looked hotter than average black haired guys, right?



You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.