
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 映画
158 Chs

Ch. 42 - A New York's Superhero

After asking Matilda it leave him alone so he could focus, Doflamingo started doing his job as he first analyzed the entire structure and every detail of the suit.

This took him a few minutes before closing his eyes and opened his palm wide and started creating it.

The first thing he created is the easiest, which is the golden mask.

The mask itself was the easiest, but inputting the runes was the hardest as there wasn't enough space to place the runes on, so Doflamingo has to resort on writing it very small and the smaller it gets, the harder it is to make the rune work as he needed to make it as delicate as possible and make sure that there aren't any mistakes on it.

"Yosh. Let's start!" Doflamingo stretched his limbs and cracked his neck first before his finger lits up in mystic magic as he placed his finger close to the golden mask and started writing.

The first thing he did was the enhance durability rune, it won't easily rip apart and if it did, that's where the second rune comes from which is named, 'Self-Repair'. The name already speaks for itself, so in simple terms, it would repair the entire mask itself whenever it got damaged or ripped.

Although it sounds powerful, but of course it has it's limits, first of all, it uses the wearer's stamina to repair it and if he or she got exhausted, then the Self-Repair will automatically stop.

The third rune that he inputted, was the perfect merge, so that it would always stick to her face whatever movement she did or if someone wants to remove her mask without permission.

The fourth and the last rune is about turning the other runes invisible so that no one would see nor interrupt the writings on the mask. So, it would look like just a normal golden mask to average person but if someone with special eyes or strong enough would be able to see the runes.

"That's all." Doflamingo wiped the sweat off his forehead as he placed the golden mask down before resting for a few minutes.

"No wonder none of the students wanted to learn this. Not only because it consumes mana greatly, but it is also time consuming to learn when they could just use that time to train." Doflamingo thought to himself. As a matter of fact, when he asked for the book related to runes, a master approached him and told him the disadvantage of studying runes.

However, Doflamingo didn't listen to him and just minded his own business.

It turns out, only the Ancient One and the previous Sorcerer Supremes ever bothered to study runes as none of the masters wanted to learn it.


After resting for quite a while, Doflamingo resumed his work and this time, he is gonna create the entire suit, so he needed all the time he could get.

"Let's start with the upper body." Doflamingo whispered as he closed his eyes and did the same as previously but this time, he was going and taking it easy as he didn't want to get exhausted before the main recipe.

After a few minutes, Doflamingo sighed in relief as he barely sweated this time.

"Now the lower part." After he said that, Doflamingo did the same as always and after a few minutes, he was finally finished.

"Why do I feel like I'm more of a seamstress rather than a fiercesome Kingpin that spreads fear to his enemies." Doflamingo's face scrunched up as he never expected this and if someday his enemies heard about this, he's sure as hell that he would be laughed at.

"Well, whoever do that, I'll kill him before he could spread the word." Doflamingo's eyes went cold before returning back to normal and proceeded to inputting the runes.

The first rune that he inputted was the Lightweight rune, which would make the wearer seemed to have defied gravity. Well, not exactly defying gravity, it's more like making the wearer lightweighted and he won't feel the weight of his body anymore, making her move faster and jump more higher.

The second rune is the Auto Temperature rune, where the suit would adapt to the environment and give the wearer the necessary temperature that she needed. For example, if Matilda goes to a hot and scorching desert, the suit would release a cold air inside the suit, keeping Matilda cold enough so she won't feel the heat.

The third and fourth rune is the usual increase of durability and Self Repair but with an added function of Self-Clean.

And finally, the last rune that he placed is her life saving protocol. As long as Matilda received injuries that might threaten her life, it would bloaten the suit large enough to fit in 5 people and increase the durability, tough enough to withstand countless missiles, except for a nuke, meanwhile, the bloatened suit would swallow Matilda inside and send a distress signal to Doflamingo through magic waves which would be felt by him.

In short terms, it's like turning Matilda into a turtle who went into hiding inside her shell.

"That's all there is to it. If there's something that she needs, I could always add more runes once I learn more rune spells." Doflamingo said as he called Matilda through their link and as he waited for her. He took a look at the suit that he just created and can't help but marvel at his masterpiece.

Although it is very bad compared to the relics in the Sanctums, but as a beginner in Rune magic, he already did quite a good job.

Now, there is actually a reason on why he insists on letting Matilda becoming a hero.

First of all, he could let her have her fun and also as his payment for her doing almost all he needs like searching for information, having an assistant and even building this Amusement Park might be impossible if it wasn't for her.

She did a very good job and as the head of the family, it is only evident that he repayed her for her hard work.

The second reason is the same as his reason for Robin Hood. A voice on the masses.

Imagine if someday, Robin Hood the savior of the poor people and Matilda, the savior of both poor and rich people against bad guys, joined each other, then even if they plan to overthrow the company and establish their own, the masses won't have any bad opinions about them, after all, in everyone's hearts, Robin Hood and Matilda are more better than those who sat at the top.

Yes, what you're thinking is right. He is indeed planning on conquering America, but it isn't that easy, he has to consider so many things and both Robin Hood and Matilda are just the first step on his plans.

His plans are exactly the same as Doflamingo's plan when he conquered Dressrosa but his would be a bit different.

You see, the original Doflamingo framed up King Riku and became the savior of Dressrosa. (A/N: Lol I made some mistake here, I thought it was King Cobra.)

As for him, his plan is to expose the corruption and bad deeds of the government, especially the President.

He knew that the politicians would always have something dirtty under their armpits and it's up to him to search them up and reveal them to the whole world.

Right then and there, he would appear as a great hero to the citizens and as long as Robin Hood and Matilda speak up for him, he too would be accepted by the citizens and would be the new President of the United States of America.

However, it is impossible for now as he's sure that the other countries won't stay idle, especially Shield.

So, before conquering America, he must first conquer those who hide in the dark like Shield and Hydra.

There are many things to plan and prepare before he could fully accomplish his plan, and besides, this plan of his, which he named as Make America Great Again plan, is still on its early development phase.

Before he could proceed in his MAGA plan, he must first find potential allies that would help him in managing everything that he needed.

"Is it done?! Lemme see!" While deep into thinking, Matilda suddenly blasted through the front door like a normal person as her eyes gleamed in excitement the moment she laid her eyes upon the piece of cloth on Doflamingo's hands.

"I already did the modifications, now all that's left is your performance in saving the citizens." Doflamingo said as he hand the cloth over to Matilda, who can't wait to wear it.

"Thank you so much!" Of course, Matilda didn't forget to thank Doflamingo, so after hugging him and jumping around like a little kid, she finally decided to go to the bathroom to wear it.

While she was changing, Doflamingo was now thinking of adding runes on his Joker outfit.

"This is so cool!" Matilda got out of the bathroom and showed Doflamingo what she looks like.

"How do I look?" She asked.

"You really looked like a hero that everyone could rely on." Doflamingo smiled and said to her as Matilda said.

"Can I do my hero job now please?!" Doflamingo could read the word 'pweasee!' on her eyes as she made a posture that resembles a cat, begging it's owner.

"...Sigh, fine. Just be careful and call me if something bad happened. My only advice for you now is make sure that you won't go overboard tonight, we don't want you having bad reputation at the start." Doflamingo said as Matilda jumped.

"Yes! Alright then, I'll do what you said. Bye!" Matilda nodded her head at his words before saying her farewells and jumped out of the window and flew.

Atlhough it's not that fast, but it should be as fast an average run of a car.

"Sigh, I can't believe she's already maturing now." Doflamingo wiped his fake tear as if watching his child grow older.

"Anyways, I should do my job now." Since Doflamingo have a day off, he decided to talk to someone in the meantime.


"Now! Where are you all, criminals!" Matilda was flying around as she searched for a crime scene happening. Of course, she wasn't dumb enough to get caught, so her altitude wasn't that highs and she's hiding amongst the tall buildings, and besides, it's a bit dark now, so the chances of her being seen is low.


"Oh! There it is! Don't worry madam, Matilda will come to the rescue!"


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