
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 映画
158 Chs

Ch. 23 - The Boogeyman

After eating his breakfast, Doflamingo decided to have a walk outside just to get some fresh air.

"Would you like to come with me?" Doflamingo, who was putting on his suit, asked Matilda.

"Nope. I'll stay here." Matilda replied while eating her own ice cream as she played some games on her computer.

'Right, I always forgot that she's still 11.' Doflamingo felt like slapping his forehead.

'I should buy her some gifts that will be suitable for someone like her. A Quantum Computer, perhaps? Actually, no scratch that. I have no idea how much is that, not to mention if it's even on sale or something. Don't want Government's ass on me yet.' Doflamingo muttered to himself before stepping out of the house.

Since it was still morning, he could see some people, jogging either alone or with their dogs.

'Oh right, a dog. I should buy her a dog or a puppy.' Doflamingo's eyes gleamed in light as he started looking for a nearby pet shop.

As he was looking, he noticed as if someone was following him, watching his every moves like an eagle.

'Did the FBI noticed me? Or perhaps the SHIELD?' Doflamingo started guessing inside his mind as he entered a dark alleyway to face this person.

As expected, the moment he entered the alleyway, a man clad in black suit and tie entered and before he could react, Doflamingo was already on him, with his fist curled up.


Surprisingly, the man managed to react fast enough to block his fist and brought out a HK P30L pistol and pointed it at him.

"Who are you?" Doflamingo felt like this man looked a bit familiar to him, but since the alleyway was a bit dark, he couldn't see his face clearly, his Observation Haki is useless in identifying someone since he's only on the stage of sensing his surroundings but not to the point where he could 'see' his surroundings, so he asked.

However, the man didn't speak and fired 3 bullets at him, two at his legs and the last one on his head, this process was very fast and infallible, showing that the man is trained and experienced however, to Doflamingo, this is just a child's play, so he dodged, much to the man's shock

"You gonna talk now?" Doflamingo chuckled before looking at him seriously.

"I'm gonna ask you one last time, who are you?" Doflamingo threatened as the man still didn't speak.

"A silent one, are we? I guess we do the hard way." Without speaking another word, Doflamingo was already on him and threw out a punch.

However, the man in front of him dodged his punch as if predicting his move, and threw out some cool karate moves, aimed at every point on his body.

Of course, Doflamingo has his own 'Spidey-sense' and dodged all of this.


Suddenly, the man did a feint on the right side of his ribs and when he was about to block it, the man crouched and kicked his legs, throwing him off balance before pointing his gun at his head and fired at him.

Despite being shocked by this, Doflamingo still reacted enough and tilted his head sidewards before throwing an unsuspecting kick towards the man's back and was thrown past his body.

Doflamingo then got up and just in time for the sunlight to shine on the man's face and what he saw next shocked him.

"Keanu Reeves?" Doflamingo dramatically asked in shocked.

Meanwhile, 'Keanu' stopped from his tracks as even he was confused at Doflamingo's words and even doubted if his name was Keanu Reeves. After all, Doflamingo's expression shows him that he wasn't mocking or something, his face looks like he knew him or something.

"Who's Keanu?" He finally spoke, since he was very curious about Doflamingo's dramatic question.

"Oh. I mean, you're not Keanu, I just know someone who looks exactly like you. Anyways, you're the Boogeyman, right? The Legendary Hitman, also known as John Wick." Doflamingo immediately changed the topic.

John Wick, despite wanting to know more about the Keanu Reeves guy, saw that Doflamingo doesn't want to talk about it anymore, so he could only give it up and resumed his mission.

After killing Doflamingo, the Mafias would be his next target.

"Tsk." After getting no reaction from him anymore, Doflamingo tsk'ed before resuming their fight.

Fists after fists were being thrown out.

And what fascinates Doflamingo was the fact that John Wick could contend with him, despite being a normal human with above-average physical qualities.

"You're good. Tell me, you work for Tasarov right? Abandon him, he's not worth it. In fact, my next target would be him, so I hope that the next time we cross paths, we would be friends." Doflamingo stopped moving and said to John, who was breathing heavily.

Although John Wick could indeed contend with him, but Doflamingo's physical aspects are much more higher than him and that includes their energy and stamina.

So, after their fight, John was the only one breathing heavily and sweating. His bullets has ran out and his spare knives were either on the ground far from them or was snapped in half by Doflamingo.

"....What if I don't?" After taking a heavy breath, John asked him.

"Then you're dead." Doflamingo said without remorse and pointed his finger at John Wick which confuses him.

"Tamaito." Doflamingo whispered and before John Wick could react, something flashed right beside his cheeks, drawing out a line of blood from him.

John Wick turned around and saw a bullet hole behind him.

"What?" John asked, but not to Doflamingo, but to himself.

Suddenly, he remembers Charon's words, where he stated that Doflamingo was rumored to have some kind of Superpowers, and John now knew how right he is.

"You're not going all out, aren't you?" He turned around and asked Doffy.

"Who knows?" Doflamingo didn't intend to give him too much information about him, although he watched the John Wick film and shows that he has a kind heart in the movie, that doesn't mean he'll trust him in real life. After all, despite how kind he was shown in the movie, there's still the fact that he's an assassin and he'd probably killed many innocents, whether it is part of his mission or during his mission.

"Tonight, Tasarov will be gone." Doflamingo smiled and said before walking away from the alley, under the watchful eyes of John.

"And besides, I'm doing you a favour." Doflamingo continued as John Wick asked.


However, Doflamingo didn't reply and just continued walking away as if he didn't hear him.


"He's not picking his phone up." Meanwhile, inside a luxury bar, a middle-aged man was dialing something on his phone but no one was answering.

"Perhaps he failed his mission and died?" His assistant, who was beside him, made an assumption.

"Died?" Viggo Tasarov repeated what he said as he turned around and gave his assistant a deathly stare.

The assistant backed away in fear as Viggo continued.

"John...Is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will!" Viggo declared and punched his assistant on the face.

"So if you tell me that he died then I might as well as die! I've made many enemies in my life and John is the reason why nobody has touched me and my business yet." Viggo breathed heavily before continuing.

"John is more stronger than that fucking Joker! Get out of my sight!" Viggo threw the glass of whiskey to his assistant before yelling at him while pointing at the exit door.

His assistant didn't say anything and obediently followed his order and went outside the office as soon as possible.

"John. Where are you?" Viggo stared outside the window and watched as the sun fell down and was replaced by the moon, displaying the beautiful night sky full of stars.


Suddenly, he heard gunshots and screams just right outside his office.

"What's going on?" Viggo was having a bad feeling as he immediately went to his desk and picked up a gun made of gold and pointed them at the entrance door.

As the gunshots increased and the sounds got closer and closer, Viggo's heart started throbbing madly and his grip on his gun was getting tighter and tighter.

Before he knew it, the gunshots outside stopped, along with the screams.

"Is it over?" Viggo muttered to himself and wanted to go outside to have a peek but before he could do that, the door was blasted open and a man with gold blond hair with a huge grin on his face walked inside.

"Jesus." Viggo whispered in shock as he saw the corpses of his bodyguards and his assistant laying outside, dead.

"Mentioning his name won't save you." Doflamingo chuckled as he said that.

"What do you want, Joker? Where's John?" Viggo started asking questions but stopped when he saw Doflamingo gesturing him to be quiet.

"Shhh." Doflamingo then pointed at his pocket and before he could analyze what he meant, his phone rang and when he picked it up and saw a familiar number, be sighed in relief and immediately pulled the call in.

"Viggo...I'm sorry." Viggo didn't even managed to utter a word when John spoke first before hanging up.

Viggo's mouth was wide open as he realized on why John Wick wasn't answering his calls.

He Was Betrayed!

"You can't do this to me." Viggo muttered as he saw Doflamingo marching towards him.

Although Doflamingo was walking very slowly, but to Viggo, he could see his whole life flashing before his eyes.

"Please, no. I have a son." Viggo kneeled on the ground and begged for his life.

Seeing that Doflamingo stopped, Viggo thought that his words has touched his heart and stopped trying to kill him when he suddenly heard his words.

"You're son is a bastard. Maybe not now, but will be in the future." As soon as he said that, Doflamingo snatched the gun made of gold from his hands and pointed it at his forehead.





You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.

[Extra Chapter every 300 stones.]