
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 映画
158 Chs

Ch. 137 - Wandering the forest

[My new fanfic is finally out now on the Patreon! So, go check it out!]


In the bedroom, specifically Hela's bedroom, two naked bodies lay on the bed while cuddling each other.

[A/N: To be honest I feel bad that I can't give you all the lemons since it's forbidden for me yet, so either I find another way or wait till I become 18 which will be on May 19 next year.]

"That was intense." Hela breathed in and out as she felt like she had fought a battle for thousands of years without resting.

"Yes it is." Doflamingo isn't the same, although he looks like he's tired, he's actually breathing normally fine.

'Doesn't matter, she'll soon be able to keep up with me as long as she stays in Asgard for a long time.' Doflamingo said to himself. In fact, he guessed that Hela would only need a year to be on Asgard and she'll be back on her prime. And he can't wait for that because it means that he'll have a very strong wife and she'll be able to keep up with him.

With Doflamingo's enhanced senses, Doflamingo could already detect hurried footsteps a few meters away from their room.

"I hear footsteps." Doflamingo said and after a few minutes someone knocked on the door.

"My Queen! We have an emergency!" A soldier's voice sounded out of the room.

Luckily, Hela and Doflamingo have already dressed themselves. So, Doflamingo quickly opened the door and met the soldier who was sweating heavily, Hela also came behind Doflamingo and faced the soldier.

Without hesitation, Hela threatened the soldier with a glare.

"If this report isn't important, I'll have your head!" One of the things Hela hates the most is interrupting her time with her darling.

"Gulp. His Highness, Odin has passed in his sleep!" Gulping his saliva in fear, the soldier immediately reported without wasting anymore time as he's afraid that he'll find his head rolling in the ground.

"What! He died!" Hela's face contorted into 'shock' as she grabbed the soldier's armor and shook him.

"Is what you said true! If this is a lie, I'll have you executed along with your family!" Hela reacted very intensely.

'She's a great actor. If I didn't know that she was expecting this, I'd thought she was really worried for Odin.' Doflamingo applauded his wife inside his mind.


Soon, they were led to Odin's chambers where Odin was laying on the bed with various people surrounding him.

"Father!" Hela immediately ran over to him and 'worriedly' held Odin's cold hand.

'Damn! She's really good! If Odin were still alive at this point, he might fall for her act.' Doflamingo can't help but applaud her once more.

As of now, Thor, Hela and Frigga were shedding their tears while Loki was standing on the side with a sad look on his face.

Doflamingo could tell that Loki wanted to show a strong front which is why he's holding back his tears.

"We shall prepare a grand funeral for him!" After a few minutes, Hela wiped her tears and announced before dragging Doflamingo to leave the room.

"That's a good act." Doflamingo praised her.

"It's disgusting. I'm only doing this to raise my reputation among the citizens of Asgard." Hela sneered and made a disgusted face.

Doflamingo chuckled and wondered about the mysteries and the things in Asgard.

The thing that he wanted to discover the most were the animals or magical creatures, why magical creatures? Well, this is Asgard and Doflamingo is a hundred percent sure that there are monsters in the forest that the soldiers either kill for meat or to train.

Being with Hela for almost a year, Doflamingo was influenced by her and developed a battle lust for strong enemies.

"Are there any strong monsters around? I want to move a little." Doflamingo said while cracking his neck and his knuckles.

Hela who was fidgeting with her fingers earlier, pouted at him and said.

"I thought we'll go back to c-cuddling?" Still the same as ever, Hela was still shy at the words that involve anything sexual or loving.

"Haha, we'll do that at night and we'll make it more than just a cuddle." Doflamingo chuckled before whispering on Hela's ear before blowing it, as she shuddered by the sudden cold air entering her ear.

"There aren't any strong monsters in Asgard that would satisfy you. How about the Forest of Death in Alfheim? I heard that there's quite a few strong magical creatures there. Well, at least the last time I remember." Hela answered his question as Doflamingo nodded his head before planting a kiss on Hela's cheek and left through a portal.


Since Doflamingo doesn't know what Alfheim looks like, he portaled himself to Bifrost where he found Heimdall sitting on one of the stairs and wimping to himself.

"Heimdall?" Hearing Doflamingo's voice, Heimdall immediately grabbed his sword and pointed it at Doflamingo.

"Who is it!" Heimdall angrily yelled as he just recently received the news of his king's death however, as much as he wanted to leave and go see his King, he must stay in the Bifrost as it is his job to never leave Bifrost unless something bad is happening to the Asgard or his King ordered him.

"It's me, Doflamingo." Doflamingo raised his hand and said as Heimdall lowered his sword.

"I apologize for my actions." Knowing that Doflamingo is the husband of his new Queen, Heimdall bowed his head and apologized.

"It's fine. I understand why the suddenly outburst." Doflamingo said while patting Heimdall's shoulder.

"I appreciate your concern. Though may I know why you graced me with your presence today!" Heimdall wiped the tears off on his face as he asked.

"I'm actually here to use the Bifrost, I want to go to Alfheim, specifically the Forest of Death, have you heard of it?" Doflamingo then went to the point when he asked.

"I see. I have indeed Forest of Death and the magical beasts that reside in it. However, the Queen of Alfheim has banned entrance to the Forest of Death due to the sudden appearance of a Magical Creature known as Ku'ar." Heimdall said while Doflamingo wondered about the magical creature, Ku'ar.

"Why? Is the magical beast very strong?" As Doflamingo asked, his blood was boiling at the excitement of fighting a strong creature.

"From what I have observed, it is indeed a very strong magical creature that is almost on par with the Elf Queen." Heimdall said, which just made Doflamingo's blood boil more.

"Well, can you let me in? I know that they banned others from entering but perhaps Bifrost has a way to take me in, undetected?" Doflamingo nudged Heimdall's elbow, trying his best to convince him.

"In return, I will tell Hela to let you see Odin and even attend his funeral." Doflamingo then whispered while his eyes were flicking to the left and the right, looking as if some kind of criminal buying some 'goods' from a bad man.

"I have no permission to open the Bifrost unless the Queen orders it. So, I will not allow you to use Bifrost." As soon as Heimdall announced that, he then left his sword on the Bifrost before walking away.

Seeing such a familiar scene, Doflamingo can't help but laugh at Heimdall's tactics whenever he wants to go against orders.

"Thank you." Doflamingo gave his gratitude before tilting the Hofund similar to a key that opens a lock door.


The Bifrost was finally opened and Doflamingo walked closer to it before he was sucked in by the Bifrost.

Heimdall walked back to the Bifrost and removed the Hofund from the Bifrost, diminishing the Bifrost energy and stood on his usual spot as if nothing happened.


In a lush forest full of trees and grass, a colorful beam of light slammed down on the ground before vanishing, revealing Doflamingo who was looking around in curiosity.


"If it wasn't for the clean air, I'd thought that I accidentally travelled myself back to Earth." Doflamingo commented as his Observation Haki flared, covering the entire Forest of Death in just a few seconds.

"There are indeed strong beasts inside!" Doflamingo's eyes gleamed in excitement as his clothes changed from a suit and tie to a cloth that looked similar to the Original Doflamingo's outfit when he fought Luffy. Which is just a casual open white long sleeve that reveals his muscular physique and a purple tiger stripes pants. Even his iconic pink furred coat was resting on his shoulders.

"Let's go in!" Doflamingo grinned as he slowly walked inside the bushy forest, surrounding himself with nothing but trees.


Doflamingo's senses picked up a loud sound from his side and when he turned to look, he saw a lion with a snake's tail. Unlike the lion from earth, this lion was bigger and the aura he's emanating shows how strong the lion is.

"In just 10 seconds since I entered, I already encountered a strong beast!" Doflamingo laughed maniacally before releasing a bunch of strings from his fingertips before using them to wrap itself on the lion's body before tightening it.

The Lion tried to fight back and so was the snake tail however, as time passed by, blood trickled on the lion's body as the string kept tightening itself.


Before he knew it, the strings started slicing through the Lion's skin, chopping its body to pieces.

'"Huh? That's it? It's quite weak." Doflamingo scratched his head before assuring himself.

"Ah! Maybe it's the weakest beast in the forest, there should be a stronger beast out there!" Doflamingo positively said to himself before resuming his journey to the depths of the Forest of Death.


[Come on guys. I noticed the lack of power stones, what's the problem (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)]

You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.