
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 映画
158 Chs

Ch. 126 - Wrapping up

It took a few hours until Doflamingo finally managed to take notes of every aspect of his bodily strength.

His strength is around 1,000 tons, which is enough to lift several boeing planes, stacked on top of each other.

He also tested his speed he could proudly say that Quicksilver from the Mutants Universe would look like a turtle if they both race with each other.

Which means that Doflamingo's speed is around 3,000 miles per second. That is a few times faster than the speed of sound.

Next is his durability, he doesn't have anything good to test his durability so he just went with the basics.

First of all, he's immune to fire, well not totally immune as he could still be burned by the heat of the sun however, aside from that, even if Doflamingo swam in lava, nothing will happen to his body.

He also immune to ice, Doflamingo doesn't have anything to make an Absolute Zero, so he could only temporary say that he's immune to ice until he tests the Absolute Zero on his body.

After that, Doflamingo also tried many man or alien-made weapons, and he mostly blocked everything except for few weapons such as the Destruction Beam, which is a weapon that he found on Ronan's spaceship. Doflamingo was actually surprised that such weapon exists on Ronan's spaceship and he wonders why he didn't use it against him at the time that they faced each other.

"Maybe he forgot about it? I don't know. Though this weapon will now be useful to me. I could use it to kill some enemies that are hard to kill like Deadpool or something." Doflamingo muttered to go himself before proceeding to the other few tests.

In short terms, he's invincible now. He's like a miniature Superman, except that he can't release beams, breath ice or fly, well he could fly but not the way Superman flies.

Aside from those, Doflamingo is technically a crippled Superman. It's not bad actually. He'd rather be a crippled Superman than be good for nothing.

"I can't believe I got all these power ups just because of the Ring of Power." Doflamingo muttered as he finally stopped testing his strengths.

Next is his Haki.

As far as he knows, Haki is related to will power or perhaps also related to soul.

Now, the point is, Doflamingo thinks that something has gone wrong on his Haki because the color has changed from black to complete red.

'And when I said red, I mean complete red with some small touches of orange, there's not even a small tinge of black can be found. It's like my entire hand has turned into lava.' Doflamingo said to himself as he tried punching around and realized that the Vibranium was easily pierced by him, no delays, just instant pierce.

"Okay, I swear I was only using Armament Haki, not Ryou." Doflamingo shockingly said as he stared at his arm in amazement.

"Is this behind Haki level? Does that mean I am the first one to reach this level? I don't remember any one piece characters having red armament Haki." Doflamingo said as he tried many things with his new Armament Haki.

"Okay, nothing much changed except for its strength. I can't believe I tried using it to light a cigarette only to fail." Doflamingo chuckled to himself.

"I want to try my Conqueror's Haki but I don't have anyone to test it out and considering that my Armament has become so strong, I'm afraid that my Conqueror's Haki won't just make people faint, it might also cause some irreversible damage to them or something." Doflamingo almost shuddered at that thought. He's thankful that he is the one who has it not an enemy or something.

"So far, I have 3 Rings on me. Ring of Authority, Ring of Truth and Ring of Power. In my eyes, Ring of Authority is the strongest, though I've been having a problem controlling it." Doflamingo said then continued.

"According to Truth, I need to desire it completely and It's hard to desire something. At first, I thought it would be easy but it turned out to be the hardest." Doflamingo then realized something and asked Truth.

"Wait, since you told me that I need to desire it completely, then how did the Ring of Authority suddenly take over Hel Dimension, even though I didn't desire it?" Doflamingo asked the question that has recently bugged him.

[It was your mother, Nemesis's desire as she noticed that you barely use the Ring of Authority and considering that she needed energy to maintain and grow, she has decided to take matters into her own hands.]

"Well, she's the original owner of the rings so I already expected that she also has control over it." Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders and said.

He doesn't actually feel bad or something as he knew that he's not the true owner of the rings. In fact, he should be thankful to Nemesis that she even allowed him to take the rings for himself. He's sure that she has a hundred percent authority that she could take back the rings for herself but she didn't, so he's thankful to her for that.

[Please don't think of Ring of Authority at the same level as the other two. They're on completely different level. The Ring of Authority has the ability to make anything yours with enough strength. So if you want to conquer the entire Multiverse, then the Ring of Authority is something that you will need.]

"But how about the creator of the Multiverse? Won't that dude be mad or something?"

[I apologize, I lack information towards the Creator named, One Above All.]

"It's fine, I already expected that. I would be disappointed in him if I could just spy on his matters through a ring."

[I'm sorry, is that an insult?]


[I see. So, it is a compliment.]

"Yeah." Doflamingo chuckled at Truth's lack of emotions and common sense. So much for a Ring who is capable of knowing everything, almost akin to an Omniscient God.

"It's probably daylight by now, I've lost track of time here. I should go out and touch some grass." Doflamingo looked at the clock and went to a shower before going out.


Meanwhile, at a simple looking house, Phastos, along with a few familiar faces was sitting down on the table with dimmed faces.

"Did Ikaris really do that? Ajax..." After hearing the story from Sersi.

"I can't believe it either. Things had just been so sudden. One thing I was having my life then the next moment a deviant suddenly attacked me and Ajax sent me a message that if she ever died, there's a chance that Ikaris is involved. She knew from the first moment that Ikaris is a loose soldier who only follows what the Celestials have ordered us to do. At first, I fell in love with him because of his loyalty however, it became the reason why I hate him now, our mission isn't to protect and make humans develop. But to help them populate themselves faster so Tiamut could absorb their life energies and awaken himself." Sersi said as she sobbed for being tricked by not only her ex-lover, Ikaris but also her creator who she worshipped.

"What about Ikaris? Where is he? Did you talk to him?" Phastos asked with a worried face.

"When we got to Ajax's dead body, I saw the note in her house, so I confronted him about it. However, I didn't expect him to suddenly attack me and if it wasn't for Sprite helping me escape, maybe he would've killed me." A few tears escaped Sersi's eyes as she felt like her romantic moments with Ikaris are nothing but a bunch of lies and deception.

"We should stop Ikaris right now. What if he has already arrived at Tiamut's location?" Phastos said worriedly.

"We can't fight him with just us, he's the strongest among us. We're gonna need help. I think I still have their contacts." Sersi said after wiping out the tears on her eyes.


"Okay, did you find this Tiamut's location?" After reading the report that the CP0 has submitted to him, he asked in return.

"We don't have the exact details however, we have our eyes on Sersi and her group, we just need to follow them and they'll lead us to Tiamut." Ryuma answered while kneeling.

"How about Ikaris? Did you manage to track him?" Doflamingo asked.

"...We failed to track him, Kami-sama. He's flying and too fast for us to catch up! I apologize for our lack of ability, Kami-sama! Please punish us!" Ryuma was then about to take out a whip to whip himself when Doflamingo stopped him.

"No need. Just tell me if you arrive at Tiamut's location. If I have to guess, their next location should be where their friends are. So make sure you observe them as far away as possible, okay? I don't want any of you being captured especially since one of them is capable of controlling minds. I know you all were trained for that but you all need to be cautious. There are many bad things in this world that will happen to us exactly when we don't expect them. Understood?" Doflamingo gave them some advice before dismissing them.

"Thank you for these wise words, Kami-sama! We'll take it deep into our souls!" They all shouted in unison before disappearing in a flash.

"Things just got interesting." Being left alone in his office, Doflamingo leaned back on his chair and placed his arm behind his head and said.

"I wonder if I could take Tiamut's power. Perhaps I could use him as a test for my Ring of Authority. I could take Authority over his power and take it for myself, easy peasy lemon squeezy."


[Cook me some stones or else I will haunt you in your dreams! muwahahahaha!]






[Next chapter: Eternals vs Rip-off Superman]

You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.