
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 映画
158 Chs

Ch. 115 - Apocalypse (1)

"Really?! You would?" Due to excitement, Jean spoke out loud instead of talking inside her mind.

"Uh, Jean?" Beast was confused by the sudden outburst.

"U-uhm, sorry." Jean stuttered and apologized while Doflamingo was laughing inside.

'I-I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me that made me scream like that.' Jean could still feel her telepathic connection with Doflamingo, so she apologized but this time, she didn't speak out loud.

'It's fine. It's actually not that big of a deal, just allow me to send information to you. However, I couldn't do it if you don't let me in.' Doflamingo said while deep inside, he finds this situation funny as he seems to be a degenerate person who lures innocent girls into his bad ways.

'Yeah, sure.' Jean beamed up and used what Professor X taught her on how to allow someone to get inside her mind without having to break through her mind defenses.

Feeling that the barriers on Jean's mind completely disappeared, Doflamingo shook his head in disappointment. It looks like he has to teach her not to trust people that easily, or else it would not end well for her.

'Jean, listen to me first. You shouldn't easily trust people okay? Just because you assumed that I'm a kind person, that doesn't mean that you would open up your mind for me. Remember this, okay?' Doflamingo first scolded and adviced her.

'But you told me to let you in, didn't you and besides, I could feel someone's emotions so I could tell that you're not a bad person.' Jean tried to reason.

'Still, you shouldn't easily trust people that you just met, okay?' Doflamingo said bringing the hammer down.

'Okay.' Jean finally understands and nodded her head.

'Alright. Hold on, let me transfer it to you.' Doflamingo said before sending a part of his memories, his memories towards Mind Arts to be exact.

'W-woah.' Suddenly, Jean got very dizzy and almost fell on the ground, fortunately she managed to hold herself up.

"Jean, are you okay?" Beast noticed this so he asked worriedly.

"I-I'm fine." Jean said, deciding to keep this matter a secret, after all, Doflamingo is right, they would surely be mad at her for trusting a person they just met.

"Look, how about we come with you, guys? You see, we're looking for something and I have a feeling that coming with you all will help me find it." Doflamingo said making Beast and Raven squint their eyes at him.

"What is it that you're looking for?" Beast asked.

"Relax, it's just a ring." Doflamingo chuckled at seeing their cautious faces.

"What ring?" Raven asked.

"It's a...ring." Doflamingo was thinking of using the same lie that he used on Professor X, so as he was speaking, he was gesturing for Hela with his eyes.

Raven nodded in understanding as she gave him a thumbs up.

Meanwhile, Hela was oblivious to what was happening, so she just ignored Raven's thumbs up.

[Lol, a dense heroine? Hahaha]

While Beast scoffed, feeling a little bit jealous as ever since he became a Mutant, finding a woman has been so hard for him, especially since he's always stuck in his laboratory.

"So, what are we waiting for? Shouldn't we go and try to find Professor?" Not knowing what was happening, in Quicksilver's mind, he's only thinking about when and where they would find Professor X.

After sharing some glances, Doflamingo finally decided to use a different method. After all, since they couldn't just leave the children lying on the floor, right?

"Alright, I think I know what to do." Doflamingo said while rubbing his palms against each other before slapping them on the ground.

"What are yo-." Just before Quicksilver could finish his question, the ground suddenly rumbled as a small hut made from the broken cements and stones started emerging from the ground.

It looks as if God has descended and decided to create a house out of nearby materials using only the scraps.

"Woah." Everyone's eyes except for Hela, widened in surprise as they've never met a mutant who has different abilities.

First, he could make several people faint without moving and lastly, he could also create a small hut out of broken cements and rubble.

"Are you...really a mutant like us?" Beast raised a question.

"Actually, no. I'm more than just a mutant." Doflamingo said, shocking them.

"More than a mutant? Are there any other races in this world besides mutants and humans?" Beast questioned, however Doflamingo ignored the question and just focused on building the structure.

It didn't take long for him to finish and finally, they have a temporary shelter where they could stay in the time being.

At the same time, the mutants finally woke up and when they saw a strange and unfamiliar structure, they were confused until Beast went outside and told them to get inside.

Despite being a hut, it is still big enough to fit most of them while Doflamingo and Hela mostly stayed outside.

It took a few minutes before everyone in the entire world heard a voice in their heads.

"Hear me inhabitants of this world..."

"It's Professor." Jean said as everyone perked up as they listened to the voice.

"This is a message. A message to every man, woman and mutant in the world."

"You have lost your way. But I have returned."

Even in the other countries such as Japan, Korea, China and the entire population, can hear the voice of Charles. Even those who doesn't understand English could understand the words that he said.

"The day of reckoning is here."

"All your buildings. All your towers and temples will fall."

"And the dawn of a new age will rise. For there is nothing you can do."

While everyone was focused on the voice, Jean was hearing a different message from Charles.

"Jean. If you can hear me focus only on my voice." Jean then started focusing on this new message that she received.

"Cairo, Jean. Find us. Cairo, Jean Find us!"

"As for those strongest among you...Protect those without. That is the end of my message."

Hearing this voice, Doflamingo was excited. Obviously, he's only sending a message, so Doflamingo's defenses don't see it as a threat.

"Professor sent me a message." Jean said, trying to Garner everyone's attention.

"I think he sent the message to all of us." Scott said however, Jean continued.

"No. He sent me a secret message. A message that he knew only I would hear. I know where he is." Jean resolutely said as everyone got excited.

"He is in Cairo." Jean said.

Quicksilver then raised his hand and when everyone's eyes were already on him, he spoke.

"So, how do we get there?" When they heard this, the hope in their eyes was deemed slightly. At least that was until Doflamingo spoke.

"I could take you guys there." Doflamingo said with a smirk before snapping his fingers.


Soon, a portal formed beside him, once again shocking the mutants.

"There's the third one." Beast muttered. He's been wondering about what Doflamingo told him earlier. That he's more than just a mutant. Beast came to the conclusion that either Doflamingo is a Beyond Omega Level Mutant or he's not from Earth but an alien who came from space.


While Apocalypse was talking with Magneto, Charles was thinking to himself on how he would disrupt Apocalypse's plan and save the entire population from him.

However, he suddenly sensed so many brainwaves appearing just beside them. Apocalypse also sensed this so when he turned his eyes on where he sensed this, he was met with a huge car flying on his face.

Apocalypse used his fist to punch the car as the car melted into atoms.

"Who?" Apocalypse raised a question however, he was only met with several individuals surrounding them.

"You are his students?" Apocalypse was confused.

"How did you all get here so fast?" Even Charles was stunned, though he was thankful that they arrived just in time.

'Hmm. Maybe he won't lose his hair this time.' Doflamingo said to himself while glancing at Charles.

"We got some help." Beast smiled and said while gesturing towards Doflamingo.

"And you are?" Not knowing who the person in front of him is, Charles asked him to know his name.

"Just call me Doffy. I'm just here because I'm looking for something." Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders before whispering towards Hela who was by his side.

"I'm sitting this one out. I'm sure you guys could handle this."

Aside from having more mutants than the one in the canon, but there is also Hela here as their ally, so their chances of winning is at 100%. Heck, with Hela here, Jean won't have to use her phoenix powers.

"Sure." Hela said however, her grin was at an all time high as she conjures a necrosword on her hand.


Without any warnings, Hela rushed towards Apocalypse and arrived at his side in just a second however, much to her shock, including Doflamingo.

'Wait what? How did he manage to block her necrosword with just his body?' Doflamingo was confused as even he, himself is not immune to her necrosword not to mention, block it with just his body.

While Hela and Apocalypse continued their fight, Doflamingo could tell that Hela was having a hard time trying to injure Apocalypse however, thanks to her instincts and years of combat experience, she's managing herself well and it's a surprise that Apocalypse could still hold his ground, mostly thanks to his unusual indestructible body.

Doflamingo was racking his brains on how Apocalypse could have such an indestructible body.

Unless, he has obtained something that made him indestructible?

Coming up to this conclusion, Doflamingo also realizes that he's here for the ring and since he doesn't know where it is except that it is somewhere in Cairo, Doflamingo could already guess what caused Apocalypse to have such a body.

Doflamingo used his eyes to trace Apocalypse's body starting from his head up until he reached his hands, specifically his right hand.

'Is that...the ring?!' Doflamingo almost yelled in surprise as he realized that Apocalypse is actually wearing the ring that he's been looking for!


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.