
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · 映画
158 Chs

Ch. 114 - A different timeline

What information did Doflamingo receive that caused him to be shocked, you may ask?

It turns out, there's another Ring in this universe but in a different timeline.

The timeline of where the Apocalypse awakens and wrecks havoc in the world before being defeated by the X-Men.

However, that leaves him with a problem. How will he travel back in time? And not only that, how would he travel to an alternate timeline.

[I think I might be able to help.] Suddenly, a familiar voice spoke within his mind.

"Who?!" Doflamingo immediately went on guard, thinking that a mind reader like Charles has managed to penetrate his mind without him knowing.

[Don't fret. It's just me.]

'Neme- Mother?' Doflamingo was about to call her by her name however, inside his mind, he had already considered her as his mother but he was just too shy to show it.

[Y-you called me mother! I-I glad.] Nemesis herself was also shocked before sobbing in happiness.

'A-are you crying?' Doflamingo asked when he heard the sobbing.

[No, it's just sobs of happiness. Ehem, anyways, I think I might be able to help you with your problem.] Nemesis replied as she changed the subject.

'How so?' Doflamingo also didn't pursue the topic anymore and just went with the flow.

[It's simple, actually. I'll just do the same thing I did to you and Hela when I transferred you into that universe. If it was the previous me who hasn't received the Ring of Truth, then it would be impossible but now that you have it, I'll be able to transfer you in that timeline.] Nemesis explained, as Doflamingo nodded in understanding.

'That's good to hear. Thank you.' Doflamingo sighed in relief.

[Anything for my baby boy.] Nemesis swooned like a mother.

[Now, get ready with you and your fiance first. Just tell me whenever you're ready!]


Although there was still a bit of hesitation, Doflamingo was slowly getting used to it, which made Nemesis happy.


After telling Hela about their next location, she beamed up in happiness especially knowing that there is a Mutant God that they will be fighting in that timeline.

There weren't that many things to prepare so after a few minutes or so, Doflamingo finally called Nemesis and told her that they're ready.

[Alright! Make sure you guys don't puke!] Nemesis warned him and just when Doflamingo was about to ask her about it, both him and Hela were suddenly tossed in the air at very quick speeds and it quickly speeds up until it reaches the speed of light.

And just when Doflamingo thought that it would stay at that speed, he was soon proved wrong when it suddenly got faster and faster to the point that even Doflamingo's observation Haki was having a hard time sensing their surroundings.

"Wwoohooooo!" Contrary to what Doflamingo was feeling, Hela was the opposite of him as she was enjoying this despite being moved at beyond light speeds.

Looking at her being like this, Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders and threw his worries out of the window and decided to just enjoy the ride.


Doflamingo doesn't know how much time has passed but the moment they both land on a solid ground, Doflamingo remained standing while Hela was flat on the floor.

"Fuuuh. If she wasn't your mother I would've killed her for this." After spitting out a few stones, Hela commented, earning her the chuckle of Doflamingo.

"Heh, mother or not. The real question is whether you could kill her." Doflamingo said while Hela stands up and hurrumphs.

"Let's first see where we are right now." Doflamingo patted her head and said before walking out of the alley and saw tall buildings.

To be honest, there doesn't seem to be much difference from this place back to the X-Men timeline.

Except that the style of clothing in here is more on the 19's side.

"Let's find Charles first before doing anything else." Doflamingo said to her and since he already knew where the location of his school is, Doflamingo just conjured a portal that leads them to the school grounds.

However, when both Doflamingo and Hela walked inside, they both suddenly felt something bad was about to happen and just as the ominous feeling that they felt, the whole mansion soon exploded into pieces while people suddenly started appearing outside on the grass.

'Holy shit is that Quicksilver?' Doflamingo's observation Haki flared out and he sensed that Quicksilver is moving at the speeds that even impressed him.

'I'm not gonna lie, his speed clearly surpassed mine. Well, unless I use an enhancement magic spell to increase my speeds but when it comes to the physical body alone, then I would have no chance catching up to him. I can't even use Soru as Soru is only used for instantaneous movement.' Doflamingo said to himself and just as the entire school fully blew up, Quicksilver finally stopped and looked at the exploding house in amazement.

"Wow!" Quicksilver said while removing his eye protector.

'Hmm, I wonder whether I should've brought Pietro here. It would be fun to see the two of them race.' Doflamingo said to himself as a red car stopped in front of them as a man in glasses looked at the house in terror and fear.

"What's going on? Where's my brother?" Scott asked in horror.

"..I'm pretty sure I got everyone." Quicksilver hesitantly said as Scott broke down into tears while Jean Grey comforted him.


Suddenly, the sounds of the whirring blades of a helicopter rumbled across the field as Doflamingo looked up at the helicopter and already knew what was about to happen.

However, he's contemplating whether he should prevent it or not. If he prevented the thing from happening, then there's a chance that Wolverine would be stuck inside a container forever unless someone let's him out.

"Meh, who cares about him? He's a protagonist, I'm sure he'll let himself out someday." Doflamingo only contemplated for a few seconds before making a decision as the helicopter finally landed on the ground as a man wearing glasses walked out followed by his men holding a weird weapon in their hands.

Just when the men with weapons were about to launch the shockwaves, Doflamingo's conqueror's Haki flared up, turning the entire field, silent.

*Thud* x69

Suddenly, the soldiers including some mutants started falling on the ground, except for Jean Grey, Beast, Raven and Quicksilver.

"What the fuck?" Quicksilver can't help but curse while trying to find the source of that weird phenomenon.

It wasn't until he laid his eyes upon Doflamingo and Hela that made him point his finger at them.

"Hey, I don't remember you guys, who are you?" Quicksilver yelled, catching the attention of the mutants who are still awake.

Raven, Beast and Jean Grey immediately perked up and they cautiously looked at Doflamingo and Hela.

"No need to be afraid, we're not gonna harm you guys. In fact I just helped out guys." Doflamingo said while pointing at the weapons on the soldier's hands.

When Beast looked at them, his face was full of dread as he knew those weapons were used to knock down almost all creatures, even an elephant can be knocked down by that weapon.

"Who...are you?" Beast hesitantly said.

"My name is Donquixote Doflamingo. You can call me Doffy. And this is my fi- betrothed, Donquixote Hela." Doflamingo introduced themselves while getting a playful punch from Hela when he introduced her.

"Why are you here? Do you know what's going on?" Having been confused by everything that is happening, Beast is losing his mind and decided to take a gamble by trusting these strange and mysterious individuals. After all, only a mystery could solve a mystery, ríght?

"It's Apocalypse. He has awakened and he wanted to shape the entire world into anything that he desires. But before that, he wanted Charles's mind abilities. That's why we need to hurry up and save him before it's too late." Doflamingo explained earning him the shocked and worried faces of the mutants in front of him.

"Do you know where he is?" Raven was the most worried one as out of everyone here, she's the closest person to Charles, due to her being his childhood friend.

'Fuck, where was he taken again? Was it Cairo? Or Mexico?' Doflamingo cursed inside him mind while also cursing his past life memories. He felt like he was slowly forgetting about them even though he has mastered so many mind arts but he still can't prevent himself from forgetting his past life.

'It must be something about souls or something. After all, I could clearly remember all my memories the moment I got born into this world.' Doflamingo said to himself while answering Raven's question.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea where they took him." Doflamingo said, making Raven and Beast despair while Jean Grey kept looking at Hela's and Doflamingo's face.

'I can't read their minds. How?' Jean Grey said to herself. Aside from Charles Xavier, no one in this world could prevent her from reading their minds, well except now.

'First time?' Suddenly, she heard Doflamingo's voice inside her head.

'What? How did yo-?' Jean Grey was startled.

'Don't be afraid, I'm not here to hurt you. I just sensed that someone was reading my mind.' Doflamingo said making Jean Grey look down in guilt.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.' Jean Grey said, she heard from Charles that most people don't want their minds to be read by someone as to them, it feels like they're buck naked in front of them.

'It's fine. Just be careful sometimes on which mind you would read, you never know when someone won't take it lightly.' Doflamingo said while advising her.

'That'll be a problem. You see, I can't control my powers.' Jean Grey said sadly, however Doflamingo's next words shocked her.

'Want me to teach you how?'


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.