
MCU: Druid’s Adventures

Oaks Woods, blessed by the power of nature, was reborn in the Marvel world. But this world is on the brink of danger... Facing the three paths of destiny— Technology, mutation, and magic. So, shall I become a scientist who appears to be a mutant but actually uses magic? … "Dread It. Run From It." Confronting the army led by the Avengers, Thanos raised his tyrant's blade: " Destiny Arrives All The Same. And Now It's Here. Or Should I Say, I Am!" "Submit before the Destiny!" –Flutter-flutter— “Stop, Roar!" "...Redirect the fire!" Thanos turned around and slashed through Captain America's shield with a single strike: "You said you can fight all day?" … This is a story of a druid posing as a scientist, and his survival in the Marvel world. (Background: Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU) ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · 映画
334 Chs

Chapter 220: Sending a Beauty

As an "outsider," Oaks didn't participate in the interrogation.

However, Coulson specifically asked him to wait, saying that he had something to discuss with him later, so he stayed for a while.

The interrogation wouldn't start all at once, so Coulson, Garrett, and the victim Skye entered the interrogation room, while May stayed outside to receive Oaks.

"I heard from Coulson that your mental state isn't so good, Melinda?"

After answering some academic questions Simmons had asked, the two young researchers happily returned to continue their studies.

Oaks glanced at May's bloodshot eyes and tilted his head.

"Should you go back to the Benevolence Society?"

"I am a SHIELD agent, after all."

Melinda looked at Oaks with surprise, and even her usually indifferent expression softened a bit.

"I was expelled by you back then."

"It was because of Nick Fury's problem.

Both you and Coulson are talented individuals, and your team is too...

I really wish SHIELD would disappear, so that you can be free."


May smiled.

"It seems like you have quite a grudge against SHIELD. Although I also dislike many of the orders and bureaucracy from above, SHIELD won't disappear so easily.

And didn't you also kick out my teacher and make her live elsewhere?"

"Haha! Agent Carter's retirement life is quite comfortable, isn't it?"

Oaks quickly waved his hand.

"That was to give her and Steve enough personal space."


May looked in the direction of the interrogation room and shook her head.

"It seems like they're done. Whatever Coulson wants to talk to you about is important to us, so..."

May stood up, patted Oaks on the shoulder.

"Hope you think it through."

"That depends on what it is."

Oaks watched May leave and curiously rubbed his chin.

"Could it be that they're sending me a 'beauty'?"


"It's an honor to meet you, Dr. Oaks."

Agent John Garrett, a Level 8 agent, had come to meet the rarely seen Avenger since he was here. He expressed undisguised envy at Coulson's connections and resources.

"Hello, Agent."

Oaks shook hands with Garrett and raised an eyebrow when he saw the bloodstains on his hands.

"It seems like you had a pleasant conversation there."

"If it weren't for the young girl, I think it would have been over even quicker."

Garrett chuckled and noticed Coulson comforting the still startled Skye. Then, seemingly casually, he asked:

"Dr. Oaks, I heard that you used your amazing magic to heal that little girl... and you've prepared a life-saving device for SHIELD?"

"You're well-informed, Agent Garrett."

Oaks narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

"You must have heard about me. So, I'm more than happy to make some extra money from SHIELD."

"Haha... SHIELD's budget is quite abundant, and life is precious, isn't it?"

Garrett touched his somewhat aged face.

"I heard that your restorative elixirs are priceless. I wonder if—"

"If you want to use it for skincare, that would be such a waste—

But if your authorization can obtain it, I don't care about that. I only sell it; how you use it is up to you."

Oaks spread his hands.

"But it's not as simple as being priceless."

"Hehehe... Of course..."

Garrett saw Coulson walking towards them and nodded to Oaks.

"Well then, I have a task to escort that unruly guy back to headquarters."

"Have a safe journey."

Coulson watched Garrett's departing figure and shrugged.

"This old partner still acts so ruthlessly. Maybe I shouldn't have brought Skye with me."

"Alright, Coulson, let's talk about the value of a life.

I'm planning to expand the Benevolence Society's scale, and I need a substantial amount of funds...

If there's an opportunity to fleece SHIELD, even though we're old acquaintances, I won't give you a free pass."

Oaks interrupted him mercilessly.

"Or are you offering something in exchange? I heard you have a nice plane..."

"Wow, that's not possible, Oaks!"

Coulson's face was filled with shock. He couldn't believe he would make such a request!

"Well, I can make an exchange, but as for the subject of the exchange... Let's discuss it on the plane."


The SHIELD Airbus C-17, a variant used as the airborne base for Coulson's team.

The plane took off from Zurich and was en route to the Nature Guardian.

"So, you're really going to send me a beauty?"

Oaks listened to Coulson's lengthy explanation and understood how he came to know Skye and his decision.

"You're not just throwing her to me because she's too much to handle, right?

Have you heard of patients paying their medical fees with their bodies?!"

"Of course not."

Coulson's expression remained serious.

"Oaks, I know you've always had grievances against SHIELD, and I've increasingly come to realize that many things aren't just about following orders.

Skye's appearance has greatly helped me understand these truths, and it's because of her that I haven't lost two outstanding agents."

"Are you giving that little girl a Level 1 agent assessment?"

Oaks stood up and took a bottle of drink from the wine cabinet, drinking it on his own.

"I can tell that your team really likes her, and she seems to be trying hard to earn your approval and become a true SHIELD agent."

"Agent Ward is her handler, but I can't continue to put her in danger...

From the information I could find, her background... is very unfortunate."

Twenty-four years ago, Skye was just a baby when two SHIELD agents delivered her to an orphanage.

Agent Avery, a woman, and Agent Richard Lumley, a man.

Skye came from a small village in the Hunan Province of China and was the target of SHIELD's codename 084 mission!

However, just like the other agents sent to protect her, Agent Avery and Richard Lumley were killed—

The organization responsible had previously massacred the village where Skye lived.

Recently, Coulson and Melinda had finally obtained information on Richard Lumley, who had been on the run all this time.

From him, they learned that Skye had been secretly placed in a foster system created by Agent Avery, and she changed locations every few months...

It was easy to imagine that such days were far from pleasant.

What was even more bizarre was that no matter where Skye went, death followed.

When Coulson told Skye about her background, she didn't let herself sink into despair.

"Her story has just begun, is that what she said?"

Oaks clapped his hands lightly.

"What a remarkable attitude."

"But she realized that SHIELD agents had been protecting her for so many years. Do you think she would leave with me?

And this incident tells me that you've already leaked some highly important secrets. Aren't you aware of that?"

"You're different, Dr. Oaks."

Coulson looked steadily at Oaks and finally revealed his usual smile.

"Your secretary, Mr. Antonio, comes from the Hunan Province in China. I know you won't give up developing your Benevolence Society in the East, so you probably have the best chance of obtaining information about Skye's background.

We won't stop investigating. It's a conspiracy lurking in the shadows. But I hope she can live a better life, and you will need her abilities."


Oaks fell silent for a few minutes, then reached out and shook Coulson's hand.

"I accept this deal."


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Early access to the following translations:-

⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - 133 advance chapters

⭐Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +165 advance chapters

⭐Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

⭐Harry Potter: Card System - 2 Chapters

