
Maryama (dropped)

When the Avengers found Maryama on a mission they knew they had to take her in. After joining their forces she fights alongside them until a terrible accident kills off many of the team. She is stressed and accidentally tears down the whole mansion. Will she stay on the team or will the pressure be too much? This is a fanfiction taking place in a different Marvel universe where the hero's identities are kept secret (Thor being an exception). There is no Thanos in this universe but a different villain did kill Loki prior to the events of this story. Being a Marvel fanfic some people do die but nothing gory.

Genderfluidcat37 · 映画
11 Chs

Chapter 11

I walked around for a while until the sunset. Once it was dark I headed back to base. Our old abandoned shed stood far outside town and when I arrived it was the next day. I checked making sure no one was following me before entering the code and stepping inside.

"Welcome back from your mission." The boss said, "I hope you were successful."

"8 out of 13 gone and no one suspected a thing."

"Good work Ama." Ella said as she turned around to face me "I'll let you have a day of rest before you head back."

"What should I tell them?"

"You're clever. You'll figure it out. Now that girl MJ might pose an issue. If she asks you anything about Peter tell her a villain showed up and killed him."

I nodded "Of course sister. Whatever you ask of me."

Ella coughed loudly. She tried to cover it but I knew what it was.

"Is it getting worse?"

"Yes Ama but if you get rid of the Avengers you could steal the medicine for me. You could help me get better."

"Well, then I will do my best and not stop until I succeed. Peter was an easy target. The others will be harder. I think I can get it done within the next week."

"Don't think Ama. Know. You are dismissed. Go get some rest. I hope to see that you have succeeded soon."

I nodded and headed off to bed.