When the Avengers found Maryama on a mission they knew they had to take her in. After joining their forces she fights alongside them until a terrible accident kills off many of the team. She is stressed and accidentally tears down the whole mansion. Will she stay on the team or will the pressure be too much? This is a fanfiction taking place in a different Marvel universe where the hero's identities are kept secret (Thor being an exception). There is no Thanos in this universe but a different villain did kill Loki prior to the events of this story. Being a Marvel fanfic some people do die but nothing gory.
I woke in a strange room in a bed that wasn't mine. Everything was either white or silver. I was in my pajamas tucked under the blankets. Nobody else was in the room but the camera in the corner was disguised poorly and I knew someone had to be watching me. Static started coming from the speaker on the wall and I jumped at the sound.
"Sorry to startle you." a voice said
"Who are you?" I asked
"Tony Stark."
"You can't be Tony Stark. He's a multimillionaire."
"Billionaire actually" He murmured "Who else would I be?"
"You mean you tell me that I'm sitting in Tony Starks bedroom?"
"Well, it's actually the Avengers Mansion but yes basically."
"The Avengers Mansion! The other Avengers are just ok with this?"
"We all agreed you needed help when we saw you getting beat up by that beast. We soon discovered how powerful you were and thought you might be useful to have around."
"My sister, Ella, was with me."
"I'm afraid she didn't make it out. You barely did after all."
I stared at my scar-covered hands and noticed my hair wasn't in my eyes as it usually was. I reached up to touch it and found it ended roughly at my chin.
"Another sacrifice for your life." He said sarcastically "The monster bit most of it off and the rest we chopped into shape. By we I mean our self-proclaimed hairstylist Peter. He really has no idea what he's doing."
Even though it shouldn't be a big deal for some reason it was. I saw my reflection in the mirror and could hardly recognize myself. My sky-blue hair was cut asymmetrically with one side at my chin and the other shaved. My green eyes were no longer full of life and had a layer of tears over them. I began to cry and the tears streamed down my face. I suddenly heard a knock and wiped my eyes before answering. There was a man standing there with short brown hair and brown eyes.
"Sorry if I interrupted anything." He said "I'm Peter Parker. You are?"
"Maryama Martin but you can call me Mary."
"Well, then Mary I'll see you around."
He stuck out his hand and we shook before he left me alone once again.