
Marvel The Genetic Overlord

In a stunning twist of fate, Christopher's arrival in the Marvel universe wasn't just a mere coincidence—it was a game-changer. Armed with the ability to extract genes, he became an unstoppable force, leaving a trail of broken heroes and shattered villains in his wake. ======= Disclaimer It's important to note that I do not assert any ownership over the material, as they fall under the category of fanfiction, creatively derived from existing works.

Midnight_Wonder · 映画
75 Chs

Lizard Legion

"I did it to protect others," Spider-Man defended himself, attempting to justify his actions.

"Hmph, your reasons matter not. All I know is that for taking my father's life, you must pay with your own," declared the Green Goblin before hurling a pumpkin bomb towards Spider-Man.

Reacting swiftly, Spider-Man deployed his webbing, swinging to safety and narrowly evading the explosion.

With the Green Goblin retreating to replenish his arsenal, Spider-Man assumed the danger had passed, returning to find Christopher leisurely enjoying a drink in the department store.

"Christopher, you went too far," Spider-Man chided, frustrated by Christopher's apparent indifference to his plight.

Setting down his bottle, Christopher responded calmly, "If I've gone too far, then I'll leave. You can save Mary yourself."

Alarmed by Christopher's departure, Spider-Man grasped his hand, pleading, "No, you promised to help save Mary. Can't you honor that promise?"

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Spider-Man acknowledged his own limitations and the peril Mary faced in the hands of both the Green Goblin and Dr Lizard.

Turning back, Christopher questioned, "Was I too harsh?"

Spider-Man shook his head, conceding, "No, it was necessary."

Assuring Spider-Man of his commitment to confront Dr Lizard, Christopher proposed they relocate to the square for their showdown.

Agreeing, Spider-Man followed Christopher to the designated location, mindful of the impending threat posed by Dr Lizard.

As they arrived, the wail of police sirens pierced the air, signaling the arrival of law enforcement to tend to the aftermath of their battle—a stark contrast to the superhuman conflict that had unfolded moments prior.

Reflecting on the irony of their situation, Christopher understood the futile nature of police intervention in such clashes of extraordinary beings.


As they regrouped, Spider-Man inquired about Christopher's remarkable combat prowess and agility.

"Christopher, how did you suddenly become so fast and strong in the battle with Harry? Harry can't do anything to you?" Spider-Man incessantly questioned Christopher.

"You've already been told to call me Spider Tyrant, but if Harry knows my true identity, I won't spare you," Christopher retorted angrily.

Spider-Man, unfazed, questioned, "Spider Tyrant, why are you so afraid that Harry knows your identity?"

"Because he is still useful to me, and I don't want him as an enemy for now," Christopher explained.

Curious, Spider-Man probed, "Useful for what?"

"Shut up," Christopher snapped, finding Spider-Man increasingly annoying.

Embarrassed, Spider-Man fell silent as they waited in the square for over an hour. Suddenly, a tremendous roaring sound emanated from the ground.

Spider-Man, alarmed, leaped onto a tree and urged, "Spider Tyrant, come up quickly! There's danger underground."

Christopher remained in place, recognizing that the disturbance was likely caused by Dr Lizard.

"... Spider-Man, I'm back!" the Green Goblin announced with a proud smile.

Spider-Man looked up and demanded, "Harry, where's Mary?"

"She..... I don't know. Just ask Dr Lizard..." the Green Goblin responded with an evil grin.

Christopher discerned from the Green Goblin's laughter that Dr Lizard had instilled great confidence in him.

Observing this, Christopher pondered. Despite Dr Lizard's formidable regenerative ability, he wasn't known for physical strength. So why did the Green Goblin exude so much confidence in him?

A series of earth-shattering sounds followed—a cacophony of breaking earth. Huge lizards emerged from the ground, spreading across the square in overwhelming numbers.

Christopher was taken aback by the sight before him.

The square was teeming with giant lizards, each one towering at half a meter tall, stretching three meters in length, and weighing over three hundred kilograms.

The sheer size and number of these creatures explained the Green Goblin's unwavering confidence.

From above, the Green Goblin taunted, "Impressed? Scared?"

However, neither Christopher nor Spider-Man spared the Green Goblin a second glance.

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed through the square as a colossal humanoid lizard burst from the ground, its massive frame dwarfing everything around it.

It was Dr Lizard, a monstrous hybrid standing two meters tall and weighing over 500 kilograms.

"Dr Lizard, where is Mary?" Spider-Man demanded impatiently.

"If you wish to learn Mary's fate, you must first vanquish my Lizard Legion," Dr Lizard retorted arrogantly.

Driven by his vendetta against Spider-Man, Dr Lizard had allied with the Green Goblin to create an army of giant lizards.

With this formidable force at his disposal, he sought to eradicate Spider-Man once and for all, kidnapping Mary to lure his nemesis into a trap.

Concerned, Spider-Man turned to Christopher. "Spider Tyrant, can you handle such a massive horde of giant lizards?"

Christopher hesitated, grappling with the daunting prospect before him.

He had initially anticipated facing only Dr Lizard, unaware of the vast Lizard Legion amassed against them.

While he possessed the power to transform into a Titan, revealing his true identity was not an option. Uncertain of his ability to defeat the enemy with Spider-Man's genetic enhancements alone, he weighed his options.

Nevertheless, he was confident in his ability to evade the lizards if need be.

Meanwhile, Dr Lizard commanded his army to attack, prompting a tidal wave of giant lizards to charge toward Christopher and Spider-Man.

As the ground shook beneath the stampede, Spider-Man suggested a retreat. "Spider Tyrant, let's make a run for it!"

Recognizing the limitations of their current location, with no tall structures to swing from, Spider-Man proposed fleeing to an area with skyscrapers, where they could regroup and confront the Lizard Legion on more favorable terms.


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