
Marvel: The Exception

This is the rewritten version of my first marvel fanfic and I hope all of you like it and it will be an Alternate universe from Comics and movies without X- men because I don't want to increase my workload very much but Dc will be also present.

9 Chs

Chapter 2


???," huff huff, today's training is complete and from tomorrow I will have to go to school so I will have to make changes in my schedule."

You can see a teenager drenched in sweat on the rooftop of an old apartment building. 1 month has passed since he transmigrated into this world and many events happened during this one month like a man who wears a blue costume saving a plane from crashing and becoming famous with the name Superman.

Some villains are anonymously delivered to the police station at Gotham with a Bat mark on them. these are the start of Dc comics while Tony stark is still working on his missile and our Mc whose name is Orion D Dracary knows that if he wants to earn some money there is only one place where he can earn a lot of money in a short time 'The Underworld'

1 Month recap

During this one month, Jack pushed his body to its limits by training the whole time other than eating sleeping and doing other necessary chores. he started by doing 1000 push-ups and then trained hand-to-hand combat for 3 hours then again do 1000 push-ups and start weapon training than does 1000 sit-ups before training his footwork and then again 1000 sit-ups and after that, a 10 km run while tieing a black cloth on his eyes as the only advantage God gave him other than his wishes was unlocking his observation haki.

He pushed his body to limits during this 1 month and I can say that now he has a lean but muscle-packed body.

Recap End

Jack packed his things and started going in a certain direction and he have to search for some time on the web to find this specific place as no normal human will dare to book a room in this hotel if they know its real purpose to exist. Yes, the hotel he was walking towards is none other than the Continental Hotel.

Jack exhaled in nervousness while walking toward the hotel because he knew if he entered this path, there is no turning back but right now this is the best way for him as he doesn't want to keep wandering in the black market or Hell's Kitchen to find a contractor and he also doesn't want to hear anyone nagging him every day.

Jack was thinking. about the peaceful and lovely kind of life he wanted but it was not possible, not anymore.

He entered the hotel and started to walk toward a middle-aged black, bald old man and said," Hey I want to book a room."

Charon looked at him and nodded and said," How many nights will you be staying mister.."

Jack introduced himself," Jack, Jack D Dracary."

Charon nodded but suddenly Jack said," Sir this is my first time entering this hotel and I just don't want to stay here like a normal guest but for work."

Charon looked at him with surprise as it was his first time seeing someone this interesting coming to the Continental hotel. He smiled and asked," Oh so you want to become part of the services we offer right sir?"

Jack nodded and Charon said," But this service is not under my jurisdiction."

Jack becomes disappointed and Charon again said with a smile," But the manager might have a solution for your problems."

Jack asked with surprise," Is the manager in."

Charon smiled and said," The manager is always in."

Charon called Winston to come to the lobby and tell him everything, Winston first tells him to kick out the brat before he gets killed but when Charon said to come a second time Winston exhaled and comes to the desk.

He looked at Jack and asked," Are you the one who wants to join the Hotel?"

Jack nodded and Winston asked," Do you know that when you entered the world of assassins, going back to normal life alive is just a Myth."

Jack nodded slightly and said," I know sir but this is the only option I have to eat after one week."

Winston smirked and asked," so you are broke and want to kill people for money?"

Jack shook his head and said," Maybe I have come here because of my urgent need for money but I don't need a reason to kill some cannon fodder."

Winston looked into his eyes and smirked, he asked," what will I get if I help you right now."

Jack was surprised by this question and fell into deep thoughts as to what can he give to a manager of a continental hotel.

Winston said," Go back boy nothing in the underworld is free, you have to have value in yourself to survive here."

Jack looked up and said," Maybe I don't have anything on me right now but I will owe you one favour in the future whenever you need me I will help you."

Winston said," Do you think a teenager's words hold any value here."

Jack shook his head and said," Not teenager's words but a man's do."

Winston looked at him for a sec and said," Follow me."

Jack nodded and followed Winston through dark corridors while checking his surroundings with observation Haki found that there is nothing around them. it's like walking through tunnels. soon they reached the front of a door and Winston gestured for the man to open the door and he did as he was told.

They entered the bar and Winston come to the table and said," Addy give this boy a drink from me."

Addy looked at Jack for a sec but did as Winston said and asked while serving the drink," Isn't this guy too young to come here?"

Jack looked at him and said," Age is just a number for those who strive for greatness."

Winston smirked and said," Greatness you say, we will see that but you only have 24 hrs to earn money to book a room."

Jack asked," Do you have any bounties today."

Winston raised his eyebrows but showed him some, Jack looked at all of them and said for one picture," I choose the one with 5 million on his head."

Winston said," I just didn't want you to die without paying for the drink but looks like there is no use."

Jack said," I want to see the look on your face when I bring his head." he said and went to search for his target within 24 hrs.


Thanks for reading I don't know how someone can book a room in Continental Hotel as an assassin, so I just made this up because to book a room as an assassin he will need gold coins and I don't know how someone gets them. so don't say that everything makes no sense here.😊