
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Next Mission

After the 3 men were knocked out, Peter confiscated their weapons. A .22 caliber revolver and a 12 gauge shotgun, nothing much. He also took all the cartridge that was available.

With his new weapons, he could finally practice shooting.

Moving on, he heard the noise of flushing from the bathroom. The 4th guy was coming out of the literal shit hole.

Peter hid in the dark corner of the room. The guy freaked out after seeing his friends unconscious. But before he could do anything, Peter appeared behind him and punched the back of his head. Ofcourse he controlled his strength.


The man was in dreamland now. Jumping over the man's body Peter approached the bedrooms. One of the rooms did not have a door at all. The entrance was just covered by a curtain. Sliding in without creating any noise, he saw a man and woman sleeping. Shit! he was not prepared for this. He wanted to knock them unconscious, learning from his master, he loved to smack people on their head.

Moving on to the next room which was the boss room for this level. The man in the room was probably the leader of the group as the room used up half of the total space. Peter smelled cash, expensive alcohol, perfumes etc from this room.

He, then, used his radar sense to make a three sixty degree model of what was going inside. The room was huge, with a study table, chairs, a couch, a TV, cupboard and a king size bed. It was in better shape and was comparatively cleaner than the other rooms. The only thing he did not like was - a fat man tied to the bed, gagged and getting whipped by a girl.

Deciding to ignore the scene, the Dark Knight quietly opened the door, entered inside and knocked the girl out. The man sensed something was off from the lack of commands from his 'master', and opened his eyes only to see her unconscious.

Peter, then, paralyzed the man, ofcourse not by torture. With his knowledge of pressure points and human biology, he can easily paralyze a fat shit in seconds. The effect of paralysis would remain there for an hour or so. Although the man was awake, he could not move a single muscle in his body.

Playing with a revolver in his hands, Peter asked in an amused tone, "Hey, you won't like the pain from this toy, would you?" But he immediately shuddered thinking about the possibility that this fat, masochistic guy enjoyed pain.

The leader realized that he was compromised. He was embarrassed and his life was in danger. He had to fucking get out of this situation, and would deal with everything else later.

Ignoring the now paralyzed and vulnerable small time drug lord, the Dark Knight searched and took away all the drugs/cash from the room. This was the only time when the fat guy felt like crying- seeing all his 'hard earned' money being stolen by a psycho ninja. Before leaving, Peter also warned the man that he and his group would have to spend months in hospital, if they ever sold drugs again.

Seeing that the ninja was about to leave, the drug leader sighed in relief. He was safe. Ofcourse the money was gone but he was safe. He had already started planning his revenge, and was not afraid of the warning. According to him, if he was not tied to the bed already, he would have killed the intruder within minutes after his arrival. He thought about how he had been warned thousands of times, but he was still alive and kicking.

The fatty had already been arrested multiple times, he had nothing to lose. He wanted enjoy everything in life and the easiest way to do that was selling drugs. A high risk, high profit job. Perfect for failures like him.

Even Peter knew that this warning was not enough. The leader might even sell more drugs to cover all the loses. But he knew he had to give them a chance to change. For small time criminals or small drug dealers, the Dark Knight would give them a chance to change but for mass murderers, terrorists, rapists, large drug dealing gangs, he was not stupid enough to do the same.

He knew he might have to really beat them in the near future, but he did not care. He had already warned them of the consequences. He was done with his job here. After checking that he did not leave any trace, Peter vanished into the dark alleys behind the building.

The night was long, and this was just his first mission. Ofcourse he had to increase the difficulty of his missions. He did not want to deal with such low level crap. He was out there for practical combat experience not to rob small time criminals.

From the lack of action in his first mission, Peter decided it was time to target gangs. He would target the top 5 gangs in every major area of New York City (i.e. Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and The Bronx). According to him, not only did they affect more people, they were also very vicious. If the small drug peddling groups were like chickenpox, these gangs were tumors of the society.

For the next mission he would target the Crazy Gerardo Familia which was one of the top gangs in Queens. They rose to power 10 years ago due to their ruthlessness and connections within the system. The 'family' members were murderers and psychopaths who loved torturing people.

For the Dark Knight, they were the best target. They will be his stepping stones and will announce his arrival to the world.