
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Robbing & the First Mission

Peter and Izo reached their destination in the original ninja style. They jumped from building to building at a very high speed. Their agility, stamina, endurance, strength and speed were already enhanced to peak human and superhuman levels. With the help of stealth and hyper-senses, they were able to avoid the public eye.

Peter first observed the dark and dingy alleys of Hell's Kitchen. He planned to first beat a few small time drug peddlers and robbers. Izo did not say anything just hid himself to keep a watch on Peter.

With his hyper-senses, the Dark Knight was quickly able to track the distinctive smell of alcohol and drugs permeating in the air. When he reached the end, he saw 4 people smoking and drinking there. They had steel pipes, knifes and bricks as if they were waiting for someone or some other group. He overheard them planning something about forcefully borrowing money only to never return it by way of threats and assault. In simple terms, they were planning a robbery.

"Junkie when's that car coming?", shouted one of them.

The junkie sneered while smoking crack, "Shut your fat ass! How would I know what that number shitting accountant is doing!"

Another joked," I told you all, he is bullshit. All of our previous 'moneylenders' were punctual rich bastards. How could an accountant compare?"

As they continued their rambling, Peter, noiselessly approached the nearest delinquent and knocked him unconscious. He did not know how high the others were as they ignored the absence of one of their 'business partner'. The 3 probably thought that he went to pee or something.

In just 2 minutes, all the others were unconscious too. Peter literally felt as he was playing a Mole Arcade game. He just had to smack people at the back of their heads with enough power to knock them out. After all the people were unconscious he would also win an award.

Yes, an award. Peter was going to play an 'Uno reverse card' on all the robbers and drug dealers. Izo convinced him to use their dirty money to finance his adventures and donate some amount for public good later. According to his master, fighting crime also required money. Peter can't use the money that could be traced back to him, so for the greater good he has to rob them.

The embarrassed dark night then robbed the delinquents. He now understood that calling this act borrowing was better. He also kept the drugs in a separate bag which he will dispose in the ocean. He felt pity on these small time robbers that cannot even file a police complaint for their drugs and money.

Peter felt like an evil scammer cleaning his traces but Izo was right. The dark knight had just popped out of the society, so he will need some money. Even his own master would rip off half of his underground earnings. For these night raids, the old man even quoted a fees. In the end, Peter forced to 'borrow' some money from his 'fellow' robbers to fill the old man's coffers.

With this over, he decided his first mission- he will deal with a bunch of 'professional' drug dealers. He selected a small group of drug dealers whose base of operations was in a dark, dilapidated building behind a bar.

Entering the alley behind the bar, he could already smell alcohol and drugs from the building. After sneaking inside, he was welcomed by dirty walls and a broken staircase with flickering lights.

While going upstairs, he could hear many voices. Some sighing, some mumbling, some singing etc. Reaching the 3rd floor, he could see a single door in the hallway. This was probably the only entrance to their hideout. With his hyper-senses and radar sense, he was able discern just how many people were there.

6 men with the distinct smell of gunpowder and 2 women who were probably high on cocaine. Out of the 6 men, 3 were on the left side of the room, one was in the bathroom, and the other two? They were busy with the 2 women in their bedrooms.

With all this, the Dark Knight was ready for his first major clean up. He really felt like he was a self appointed trashman who would thrash drug dealers, take their garbage, dump it somewhere inaccessible, and earn some money.

Throwing all these counter narratives to the back of his head, the Dark Knight politely kicked the door.


The three men in the left side of the room were surprised while Peter mumbled, "Wtf, how do you survive in all this dust and noise...."

As the Dark Knight continued his nonsense, one of them pointed his gun at Peter and asked, " Hey piece of shit, I am going to kick all the ninja crap out of you for disturbing my sesh." They were probably overconfident after seeing that Peter was alone. They were sure that this was not an ambush, just a psycho dressed as ninja. They decided to beat him to death for disturbing their session.

They were only right about one thing, this was not an ambush. It was going to be 'a robbery with the intention to hurt the victims'.

When Peter noticed a man with a gun pointing at him, he declared proudly with his chest out as if there was camera in the background focusing on him, " I am the amazing Dark Knight. I will purge this city of all the criminals and your names are on the list."

Nah, he knew this was not that good of an opening. Not wanting to drag this anymore (because of the cringe moment), his figure immediately blurred as he knocked the three out before they could even respond.

Sighing Peter thought, "Man, I need to seriously work on my dialogue delivery."