
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Memories of Future/Past

A week after his birthday, Peter was back to normal. He has somehow accepted the death of his parents and efforts of Aunt May and Uncle Ben played a big role in that. These days Aunt May sat beside his bed at night so he could sleep peacefully knowing some is there for him. He was also reading a lot and made some new friends in the neighborbood.

"Aunt May I am going to play in the neighborhood, please call me when the snacks are ready", shouted Peter while running out of the house. Ofcourse May knew where he went to play and all, so she did not stop him.

However, an hour later when she went to call Peter for snacks she saw a speeding car coming in their direction. She pushed small Peter out of the car's way and jumped in the other direction herself. Seconds later, she saw the car speeding out of the area. She thanked the stars that she could respond early enough to save her nephew.

"Peter, are you alright?" she ran shouting towards where Peter now laid.

What she did not remember while trying to save both Peter and herself was the fact that Peter was frail. Due to the impact of the push Peter fell on rock and injured his head. His head was bleeding.

Seeing Peter she shouted once again gaining the attention of some people in the neighborhood. They came out of their houses to see an anxious lady carry her injured child and begging everyone around her for help. Some of the sensible neighbors immediately called for an ambulance.

Seeing an unconscious Peter made Aunt May shiver anxiously. She was almost on the verge of breaking down. She refused to drink water and just held Peter's hand while he was laid on a bed. In minutes, an ambulance arrived.

"Don't worry May, Peter is being carried to the hospital. Everything will be fine. We will watch over your house and inform Ben. You go with him." said Mia, her friend and neighbor who called the ambulance.

May looked at her with gratitude, whispered, "Okay". She then sat in the ambulance beside Peter. The nurse provided first aid and while the ambulance reached the hospital in minutes.


-3 days later-

Peter was in a hospital room. During the last 3 days, what he went through something magical, something otherworldly. He acquired the memories of one Luke Coulson, a 33 year old retired U.S. Marine Forces Special Ops. It was like, when Peter fell unconscious, he dreamt a whole lifetime of memories and then woke up, keeping those memories.

It was not like the soul of Luke Coulson took over Peter's body, it was like a part of Luke's remnant soul with some memories merged with the soul of Peter. There was no takeover of his body or a drastic change in Peter, it was just that he acquired the memories and woke up. He was still the same Peter everyone knew but was now influenced by the new memories. He was a child with memories of an adult.

Due to him being a human child without any practice in the mental discipline, he could not remember all the memories he acquired. He remembered that Luke was from the future as he died in 2022, after being betrayed as a mercenary. He remembers all of Luke's skills as a Marine Forces Special Ops, his life as a mercenary, the betrayal and his ideology. He also learned something more important from those memories.

According to those memories that Luke's world was not as similar to his world as it appeared to be. From Luke's memories, he shockingly learned about himself, his world and his own future. He does not remember how Luke knew all this but if it was true then, he just gained knowledge of the future. With his knowledge he can change everything that he knew happened with him in the future.


Peter woke up in the hospital with these memories and the decision to check and change everything about the future. He also decided to keep everything a secret after watching the memories and understanding that in his world keeping such an event a secret was the safest method for survival.

When he woke up, he was hugged by a crying Aunt May, and Ben looked at him gently asking how he felt.

"I am fine Uncle Ben, but I think Aunt might just suffocate me with her hug", smiled Peter. Uncle Ben smiled and said, "Don't worry Peter, we will not let you eat anything burnt today, so your aunt's not cooking." Both the nephew and uncle smiled while Aunt May continued to hug him tightly and replied, " Don't worry Peter, I will always be there for you with my burnt pancakes. Hehe."

Peter was relieved to see that his uncle and aunt was not anxious anymore. They had a short conversation mainly Uncle Ben trying to joke and lighten the mood. Aunt may told him what the doctor said, "He just unconscious due to the impact and frail body he will wake up soon. But due to medications and stitches for the injury on his forehead, he is required to rest and will be discharged in the next 4 days."

Ben commented, " You lazy log slept everytime we visited you." May glared at him and said, "Oh shut up please, he just woke up. Do not scare him."

Peter heard them and realized he slept only for 3 days and got a lifetime worth of memories. Probably whatever happened to him transcended time and space. Peter was discharged a day later and went back home with his aunt and uncle.