
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Changes and the Future

A week has passed since Peter was discharged from the hospital. During this week, he felt like his mind has evolved somehow. His mental performance was greatly enhanced and he can now process information quickly, giving him an accelerated learning aptitude. He also developed an eidetic/photographic memory and perfect recall.

Peter also noticed during this past week that his body seemed to have more energy than normal. It was like he had more stamina as compared to other children of his age. He did not have an increase in strength or durability, he just had less fatigue doing the same things that could tire out other children.

Analyzing all this, he concluded that this was due to his soul evolving due to the merging with a remnant piece. "One's soul is connected with the mind and body. Every living thing is made up of mind, body and soul and hence when my soul evolved both my mind and body got some benefits." contemplated Parker in his room.

During this week he also asked Aunt May and Uncle Ben about various things he came across in the memories. He asked everything without raising any suspicion as in their eyes he was already a "curious and gifted" child.

From their stories of Captain America he could confirm that whatever memories he had were somewhat true. Initially he excited, then he was scared of what the world would become and how without any ability he could lose it all.

What Peter failed to realize was the influence of the memories he just acquired. Those memories told him that to survive in any world, one has to depend on his own abilities. That is just to survive, to grow is to improve.

In general, influential people have atleast one them- money, intelligence, physical power. Tony Stark had both money and intelligence, while Captain America was the perfect human. Peter knew he would also become a hero in the future. But he will still face many problems that include but are not limited to money, resources, and threat to the life of those he loved.

He lamented the fact that he could not do anything now and could not tell them what will happen in the future without revealing his secrets. That might, in turn, create more problems.

He decided to change his future, atleast the beginning of his story could be better than being a reclusive, bullied nerd. He will still be a nerd but not the who would be bullied. He will also improve all other aspects from his mind to body and completely transform himself by the time he will be bit by the spider.

Peter contemplated about his future and thought, "I need to improve and for that I need to change. I have a lot of knowledge and I have to put it to use. Having this knowledge and not doing anything does not make my situation any better than what it is."

He wrote down all the changes that he will make in the upcoming years. Peter already knew the answer to the question of how he was going to make these changes. " What I want to do requires a lot of time, resources and training. But I can start slow. I am 5 years old and have to work the part. I want to also enjoy my life as a child. Just having those memories should not make me work maniac. I don't want to be like a crazy tentacled doctor....."

Now everything was decided, he formulated a training schedule which will change every 3 months according to the needs and environment-

6 A.M. : Waking up and going for a run in the neighborhood. Although he was frail, weak and not all athletic, Peter knew that as side effect of the soul merge his body produced less fatigue and recovered slightly faster than that of average kids of his age.

7 A.M. : Taking a shower and getting ready for school.

8 A.M. - 3 P.M. : School, spending time in library, participating in extra-curricular activities.

3.30 A.M. : Returning home, eating lunch and resting for half an hour.

4 P.M. : Reading books. Peter was determined to fully exploit his photographic memory, perfect recall and the 'evolved' mental processing, so he decided to read any book he could get his hands on.

5 P.M. - 7 P.M. : Doing absolutely anything or nothing. From the memories Peter knew the importance of a good social life and ofcourse he wanted to enjoy his childhood. During these 2 hours he would do anything/everything a child his age would do like playing with friends from the neighborhood or school. He may focus on playing outdoor games and games that he will help him develop his physical abilities.

7 P.M. : Exercising and learning basic combat arts from the recently acquired memories. This, he would do in his room.

8 P.M. -10 P.M. : Eating dinner, bickering with his aunt and uncle, watching TV. This was his family time.

10 P.M.- 6 A.M. : A good night's sleep was as important as everything else. Despite his body producing less fatigue, Peter decided that as he had nothing else to do that would look normal so he might very well try to sleep early. If he could not, he would try to read books (if he has any) or watch some shows or just do some jumping jacks before finally going to sleep.

He even changed his diet and due to his body producing more energy he also started eating more. He planned for a balanced diet with a slight focus on protein and calcium.

This was his schedule. The 3 months schedule of a 5 year old with the memories of an adult.