
Marvel: Infinite Possession

"Under the red moonlight, at the crossroads of the world, I will deliver a wonderful performance..." .... When Ryan wakes up in the unfamiliar yet familiar world of Marvel, he finds himself with a System which gives him character cards which gives him the ability to transform or gain ability of the said character. In short, this is a story of constantly changing bodies in the superhero world.

BingeFics · アニメ·コミックス
332 Chs

Chapter 43. Face to Face

With Mighty Steel Leg's strong footwork, Ryan soon arrived at the location of Jin Lin and Connie's Chinese Restaurant.

A group of gangsters with fierce expressions were clamoring outside the restaurant, surrounding the owners, Jin Lin and Mrs Connie.

"Tell me, where is the guy who appeared in your shop earlier?" Reaching out to silence the noisy underlings around him, 'Diamondback' Willis approached the couple in front of them and, in his own distinctive accent, asked with an icy expression, "As a long-time resident, you should be well aware of our rules."

"You trash, Harlem is the way it is because of people like you." Facing the menacing crowd, the Chinese restaurant owner Jin Lin gulped, but his words were unexpectedly brave.

With a disdainful grin, Willis raised his finger and poked Jin Lin's face, saying, "You seem to have forgotten, this is Harlem, Old man. This is our kingdom. You, yellow-skinned people, could survive here only because our brothers allowed you to, not because of how well you were doing. Don't test me."

"You're being racist. It's not like that!"

When confronted with Willis's obvious distortion of the truth, the man, Jin Lin, couldn't help but shake with anger as he said, "This Chinese restaurant is something that my father has worked hard for all his life. We've always worked hard to make a living in Harlem. We've never committed any crimes, not like you! "


Hearing the accusation that was apparently on the verge of becoming a politically correct slogan for black people coming from Jin Lin, Willis collected himself and turned his head to sweep through the crowd around him, "Who here would say my words were racist?"

As a famous figure in Harlem, everyone was afraid of the name' Diamondback'.

Even the few slightly more righteous passers-by who tried to say something were stopped by their friends.

Sweeping his eyes from the crowd around him, Willis looked back at the two people in front of him, "It seems that no one thinks that I ..."

"I'll say it!"

However, before Willis could finish his speech, the sound of a punch came from behind him.

Willis's expression instantly grimaced as he looked in the direction where the sound came from. He saw a man in a red sweatshirt standing there.

"That's him, the guy I saw in the barbershop."

At the sight of Ryan's sudden appearance, Shameek touched the vague wound on his face and rushed to Willis's side to whisper. Noticing Ryan's gaze, he subconsciously bowed his head and avoided the sight.

Looking back from Shameek, Ryan had basically figured out what was going on.

However, he had no intention of hiding it anyway. On the contrary, from the standpoint of gaining reputation points, the more people knew about Ah Xing as a character, the better it would be for Ryan. Therefore, Shameek's disclosure didn't cause him much harm but indirectly helped him.

Although, Ryan won't thank you for it.

Hearing Shameek identify the guy from his side, Willis subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

He remembered what Cornell had explained to him.

Leaving the couple in front of the Chinese restaurant, Willis approached Ryan, shaking his head from side to side and looking at him. The group of black people behind him, who had originally surrounded the entrance of the restaurant, also approached Ryan, "So, you're the one who took a shot at our people?"

"If, you mean that group of people last night," Ryan turned his head and glanced at the crowd behind Willis, ignoring the provocative appearance of these people rubbing their hands and grinning; he said, "Yes, I did it."

"They were doing something illegal and trying to rob innocent people, so naturally, they needed a little lesson."


Ryan's words fell in the ears of the people around him. As if it was a big joke, they all looked at each other and started to laugh.

It was only after he finished laughing that Willis looked Ryan straight in the eye and said, word for word, "In Harlem, we are the law, and unfortunately, you've broken our law."

"So, there's nothing to talk about."

"What? You wanna beg for mercy now? Unfortunately, I promised Cottonmouth I'd bring your head as a gift."

"Who's Cottonmouth again?" Another name popped up out of nowhere for no apparent reason, causing Ryan to blurt out a question.

"You haven't even heard of Cornell, and you have the balls to cause trouble in Harlem." Willis looked at Ryan as if he were looking at a dead man.

'So, the name Cottonmouth from the system yesterday was Cornell Stokes's name.'

Willis's answer was a good way to help Ryan solve the problem that had been bothering him since last night.

'I think the one called Cornell Stokes is their boss.'

Looking at the dazed look on Ryan's face, Willis subconsciously frowned. He hadn't forgotten what had happened to his men earlier. Thinking of what Martin and the others had said, he subconsciously glanced at the tattered sneakers on the guy's feet. He slightly took a few steps back and pulled away from Ryan to a safe distance, leaning his back against the dense crowd behind him, before continuing, "Perhaps, you think you're great and could easily beat a few of my men, but can you beat, ten, twenty, thirty, a hundred? The entire Harlem is ours; you can't run from us."

"Quit the bullshit."

He replied threateningly towards Willis.

Ryan moved his arms and legs with an expressionless face. He shook his neck from side to side, shook his hands, and finally opened his arms in a trademark Kung Fu pose, "Come on, all of you."

Seeing Ryan, who was clearly alone, boldly making challenging gestures at their group, some hot-tempered men couldn't help themselves. In the midst of the commotion, a burly black man, over 2 meters tall, ignored Willis's orders and walked up to Ryan, looking down at the small man in front of him. The runt didn't even reach his chest. He grinned and raised his huge fist.

"Wow, a casserole-sized fists. How did you cultivate that?"

In response, Ryan's expression didn't change too noticeably, even sparing a glance at the burly man's fist with interest.

Unfortunately, because of cultural differences, the burly man didn't understand Ryan's words.

Ignoring Ryan's teasing, his opponent raised his fist high and slammed it down without hesitation.



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