
Marvel: Immunity

A seemingly useless ability. That was all he seemed to get after receiving memories of another life. But not everything is as it seems. Join him in re-discovering himself as threats all over the multiverse come after him. A/N: Feel free to comment and review the work. The author will try to respond and react to them. A/N: All rights belong to Marvel except for Original Characters.

Hidden_Throne · 映画
13 Chs

Chapter 12: Changes

Even after Rogue explained what happened at the training room. No one could understand why Hugo suddenly acted the way he did. Anna did not have any reason to lie and she wasn't one likely to. It would have been understandable if the event was caused by Anna's ability, but it wasn't. It was before she acted, even if her ability caused anything, his state certainly did not get better.

This only left a couple of theories why. One of them is purely Hugo's ability and prematurely experimenting with it. In X-Men's information he only awakened to the ability days before, at most a week. It would explain that he doesn't have much practice or knowledge of it himself.

Second is that something they don't know anything about, maybe Hugo knows and did not share with anyone. Perhaps even he himself does not know.

In the end they can only wait for him to explain.

After sometime the group dispersed with Henry, Ororo and Rogue left in the infirmary room. Charles and others that wasn't present on the scene also inquired and visited, nothing more than curiosity.

None of the mind readers tried anything, afraid to worsen his condition.

Ororo is there to comfort Rogue. She has also accidentally hurt others before with her ability. Rogue's is much more volatile and prone to accidents. Evident in the current situation.

Henry, to constantly check on Hugo's state. Who stopped screaming shortly after they arrived.

His current state hard to understand, not asleep but neither awake. The memories he saw was much more detailed and complete than Anna's.

It continued from the time of his aged version's death. The man finally closed his eyes.

When he woke up, it was in a body much younger with the same name as himself.

Immunity took no time to awaken, almost as if it came with him. Numbers clearly seen every time the person in the memory closed their eyes. Unlike his, text was clearly seen underneath explaining the uses of it and levels of power achievable through it.


[Every Twenty - Four hours, Immunity Points (IP) will be given to the user. These can be used to allocate and form new immunities, changeable between them at any time. Higher allocation of points will in return form higher levels of power, concept, item, animal, person and any without exception.]

[The ability to be completely immune to anything and anyone. If another power is acting against it there is a chance to automatically form immunities.]

(A/N: IE. Galactus, Marquis of Death, Celestials, Molecule Man, The Beyonders, Infinity Stones, Black Winter and many others that he will meet in the future currently way above his power level.)

[Zero to One - Human Limit]

[Two to Three - Epsilon Level]

[Four to Six - Beta Level]

[Seven to Nine - Alpha Level]

[Ten - Omega Level]

[Immunities can be enhanced and made to work in tandem to each other, multiplying their effects.]

(A/N: Against Thor Odinson - Immunities such as: Thor and all damage caused by him as a person, lighting, thunder, hammer - as a weapon, impact damage, blast, Odin-Force and Thor-Force and many more. One or more of these would exponentially make Thor and anything caused by him to be null, regardless if he exceeds the Omega level or not.)

[The level and precision of control will depend on the user.]

All this information now available for the present Hugo to use. However the man in the memory awakened the ability much earlier than he did, giving him ample of points of immunity. The man laid low, patiently observing the world, accumulating immunities, experimenting with it. He found interest in the mystic arts. Eventually he came under the tutelage of the Ancient One along side Doctor Strange. Along his way he met many people including the Fantastic Four, Avengers and X-Men. Helping them in occasion and when called upon.

Falling in and captivated by some women including Susan Storm, Emma Frost, Clea and most importantly Rogue. Never did he act upon these feelings rather he pursued power fervently.

He aided the world many times, a case in the rise of Jean. More specifically the cosmic entity, Phoenix Force inside of her. Angered by the fact that Charles Xavier and others hindered the progression of her inheritance, she possessed her host and battled the X Men.

Hugo in the memory, who went by the name of Thrash, was called by them to request aid against the Dark Phoenix.

During the conflict, all of the X Men died. Including Rogue, which enraged and maddened Thrash.

He made it his life long pursuit to end the cosmic entity and all of its incarnations, variations etc. all over the multiverse.

The battle was the end of the memory, not the end of the life of Thrash. Perhaps in future memories, he will discover more about him.

Hugo sat on the bed in the infirmary. By the time he awoke, he was yet again alone with a sleeping Anna, who stayed behind to watch him.

Seeing her chest rise and fall to breathing, he was surprisingly calm. An image of her body burned, clearly imprinted in his mind.

Unsure if these were his past. Thinking if he was simply repeating the events, leading to an unavoidable future.

Never ending questions formed, none of them giving a way to be answered. He asked, was he Thrash or is he going to be him in the future? Regardless of their glaring differences, several likeness exist.

"Thrash." Hugo spoke.

If anyone perceptive were to see and feel his aura now they would notice several differences.

A firm voice and straight posture. Decisiveness and conviction hidden in his eyes.

The effects of these events changing him more than he knows.