
Marvel: Immunity

A seemingly useless ability. That was all he seemed to get after receiving memories of another life. But not everything is as it seems. Join him in re-discovering himself as threats all over the multiverse come after him. A/N: Feel free to comment and review the work. The author will try to respond and react to them. A/N: All rights belong to Marvel except for Original Characters.

Hidden_Throne · Movies
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Chapter 11: Hint

Since the day Hugo first saw a number floating in his consciousness.


Dreams accompanied it every single time, of him living another life.

The only exception was the end of the seventh day. A single difference of possessing an immunity he did not have before.

[Telepathic Immunity - Seven of Ten]

It's level existing at the beginning of Alpha. Capable of withstanding even Charles Xavier and Jean Grey without their full might.

Aside from direct telepathy, psych invasion is included in its use, which forceful and direct memory transfer is an example of.

This transfer usually happens overnight at a span of six hours or more.

However, on the day the X-Men visited him, his ability created an ability to protect him, specifically his mind.

That night he slept, no dreams came to him. Waiting for a chance to do so.

And the moment he lowered the immunity below Alpha, it took place.

Causing what should have spanned several hours, to try and seep as fast as possible. He did not completely lose the immunity. It only lowered in strength. Which by itself probably wouldn't have caused such a drastic reaction other than a very bad headache.

Yet, it was not the only case.


A few hours after Hugo was sent away and the X-Men finished their meeting.

Charles received a call from Moira MacTaggert.

A mutant with the ability of reincarnation. It is currently unknown to anybody how many lives she has already lived, even her closest friends and allies do not know. But the time she spent in these past lives is enough to radically change her. Many of Charles' past questionable actions in this life was directly influenced by Moira and her suggestions.

"All for the good and survival of mutantkind." He heard her say many times.

From their conversation, she found out about Hugo.

A mutant not existing in her past lives.

In all of her lives.

It could be that he wasn't known at all or didn't manifest his ability, but it is quite impossible. She does not know him considering she lived many lives and went to hundreds and even a thousand of years into the future.

The interest towards Hugo grew, particularly when Charles mentioned his ability akin to Darwin.

Moira suggested that he continually test the boy, for experimental purposes. She voiced that it shouldn't pose much of a problem, if done little by little.

Thinking that it was harmless and he himself tried it earlier with no results, he agreed.

Thus for the duration of that night and whenever the Professor had free time, he sent a pulse of exploratory physic energy. It was no hard effort, he could sense the whole mansion without using the Cerebro and Hugo had a unique way for mental defense that made him easy to find.


The psychic energy accumulated along with memories waiting for chance to come in.

A combination of both causing whoever or whatever is causing the transfer to Hugo, to send even more information- in the way of memories as a form of self-defense.

A hint.

Unknown to Hugo and anyone else, that the process of his dreams and memories is a way for self-preservation.

A sort of empowerment and strengthening.

Perhaps a preparation for something. Or the advent of a past coming.

And so his ability did not act out against it nor form a new immunity to counter act it.

Forcing him to bear with the pain by himself.


Back to his current state after Anna accidently touched him, having no control of her powers.

No purple veins showed on Hugo's body.

Still, blood flowed from his nose but no indication of Anna's ability being visible.


The reason for this is that Hugo is inherently exempt from the weakness her ability causes.

A perk that they now discover without realizing. But this does not make him avoid the effects of her ability, only the weakness. It's effects taking barely a single second, not giving any time for Hugo to form new immunities to counter act it.

She still received memories from him in addition to a little of his personality. It will all fade with time because the duration of their contact is once again minimal.

Except they touched just as Hugo is receiving memories from elsewhere.

Anna's ability could absorb memories of a person protected by their mind, much less memories that is not protected by anything else.

Causing her to see and even feel what exactly was meant only for Hugo. Others things she received will fade but not these. Copies of them will forever exist in her mind unless she intentionally tries to remove and forget them.

Since these articles were meant solely for Hugo, she only saw parts that included her, or someone very similar to her.

Lastly, she also took a bit of Hugo's mutant ability that will similarly fade over time.

This Immunity is a total composite. It will adapt to whatever Anna feels necessary to defend against.


Nonetheless, it worsened his situation.

Hustle of footsteps came from outside the room, the walls not enough to dampen Hugo's scream.

Many people came. Anna saw Angel, Scott and Banshee with other people.

Their faces confused and worried looking at her on the floor for an explanation.

"What happened?" Pressed Scott, afraid to take even another step closer to Hugo.

"I- I just-" Anna stuttered, her voice and mind overwhelmed by everything happening.

Tears even start to form on her eyes.

But none of them came to comfort her, knowing exactly what she can do. They've been warned not to get close.

Storm came through the open door, the scream even louder because of it. She sees all the people crowding and Anna on the floor, tears on her face.

Without hesitation, she gives her a hug. All of her skin except her face covered in cloth, careful not to have skin contact.

"It's alright, we'll figure it out okay?" Gently comforting her, wiping her tears with a soft handkerchief she grabbed from one of the people around.

With her taking control they manage to bring Hugo into the infirmary area of the mansion.

Right next to the lab of Henry McCoy, who doubles as their doctor and nurse.

"Rogue." He called to Anna, "I'll need to know what happened."

He tried not to sound forceful but hinted that to help Hugo, she needed to speak up.