
Betrayal/Unexpected Encounter

Three years have passed and I had lived a life of worry free. Though I'm still 3 feet tall, I noticed that most of the gods and goddesses here looked the same as the actors from the Gods of Egypt movie.

Against my better self, I had kind of gotten used to the other gods, specifically the goddesses, always wanting to hold and coddle me. Though I am now three feet tall, to them, I am still an infant compared to their eight feet.

Then, to my surprise, my aunt Nephthys started bringing her 1-year-old daughter named Hathor to play with me. She looked like the baby version of Élodie Young but even more… adorable?

Can't say beautiful, I ain't no damn pervert.

On the fourth month, my father had invited all of the other gods and goddesses of Egypt and all mortals to an event to declare my kingship.

This scene looked the same as the one at the beginning of the Gods of Egypt. That is one thing I noticed even more now. The only difference is that I and Hathor are babies.

Then, Big Daddy Uncle Set shows up…


(General POV)

Soon, all the people of Egypt assembled and the ceremony began with everyone present saying aloud, "Praise Osiris, King of all Egypt!

Hail, Ra, Lord of Light.

Hail, Ra, Lord of Light"

Giving everyone a minute to quiet down, Osiris began his speech.

"My father has seen fit to bless this day. As you bless us with their generosity. A gift from someone with great assets. And someone with very few but when both dies and are at the Final Gate… what is its value?

Is your value determined by how much land you owned before your death? How much money did you possess? I say we are equal!

Today we crown a new king. One day, he too will leave his legacy."

Beckoning a child behind him forward, the man continues.

"Horus, my son. Lord of the Air. Are you ready? Ready to be king?" Osiris asks the child addressed as Horus.

"Yes." the child replies. Osiris then takes the Crown of Pharaohs from his head and was about to set it on the child's head until a shout rang out from the crowd.

"Wait one moment. Sorry, I'm late. Took me three days to cross the desert with my people. And almost one more day just to overcome your fans, brother" a burly man standing at 10 feet says, smiling at Osiris.

"Set! Brother, it's nice to see you finally make it. I thought you for sure wouldn't make it for the crowing. I know it's hard at the borders nowadays."

"Equally, brother" Set replies in kind.

"There is always a place for you here" Osiris is all smiles now that his brother is finally there.

"It is a great day for the family. You must be proud." Set is now standing in front of Horus, looking down at him.

"I am."

"Look at you, nephew. Magnificent. At least someone will be a good king." This statement from Set got a round of laughter from everyone present.

Who said King Osiris isn't a great king? He's joking, right?

Turning to Osiris, Set hands him something.

"For you. A hunting horn. Skull of a ram that crushed ten gods slower than me."

Looking gratefully at the horn gifted to him by Set, Osiris remarks "It's beautiful."

"Try it, brother. It's made for you." Set encourages him.

Not seeing no problem, Osiris blows the horn a bit.

"Come on! Let our father Ra hear you!"

A loud, beautiful noise sounds from the horn and rings throughout the amphitheater.

Then another sound, similar to marching, approaches from outside the amphitheater.

Thousands of soldiers in red armor holding shields and spears are marching towards the stage surrounding it.

Hearing this, Set smirks at Osiris knowing who approaches.

"I think someone heard you."

"Set, what is this?" Osiris questions, suspicious and confused.

In response, Set takes out a spear from behind him and tosses it to Osiris.

"Recognize it?"

"Our father gave it to you," Osiris replies in puzzlement.

"It kept alive for many nights in the desert," Set says distancing himself from Osiris.

"Fight me"

"Osiris, no," Isis says, worriedly for her husband while simultaneously taking Horus to safety.

"Do not interfere, wife." Turning to Set he says, "Why?"

Knowing Osiris would ask him this, Set turns and faces the other gods.

"In a thousand years of peace, what have you accomplished? A land of people without ambition. Now it's my turn."

Set finally declares his goal of coming here was not to congratulate Osiris but to take the throne.

"I will not fight! I love you, brother, with all my heart."

After saying this, Osiris activates the spear and burrows it a foot into the ground. He then walks toward Set with his arms open.

Seeing this, Isis knows Set will do something she yells at Osiris "No! Stop!" because she's too far to hold Osiris back.

"And I love you, brother," Set says while pulling a glowing, golden dagger hidden in his belt and then stabbing Osiris in the chest. He pulls out the dagger and backs away and lets Isis go to her husband.

"No!! Osiris" Isis frantically yells at Osiris. She's completely in shock because she gave that dagger to Set for when he faces other gods. It has anti-healing magic properties to it.

Meanwhile, Horus is just standing by watching the show.

"Wow, really it is... a great day for the family.

I, Set, will be your true king. King of all Egypt!" Now standing before the throne, Set raises his arms, and shouts, "Gods... bow down before me or they die." Pointing at Isis and Horus.

All the gods bow before Set. They don't put up even an ounce of resistance. Mainly because these gods aren't fighters.

All of the gods specializing in war and fighting are on Set's side. Turning towards the billions of humans, Set issues another command.

"Mortals...Praise me or be enslaved!" Seeing that the gods they worshipped did not resist, who are they, mortals, to resist? Satisfied with the outcome, Set starts speaking again.

"My brother I thought the Afterlife was a gift. I think the king should have more standards. From now on, they must pay admission face in the Hereafter."

Hearing this declaration, all of the mortals and gods gasped in shock. Now that Set is king, he even rules the underworld. That being said, the gods and mortals really will have to pay to enter the Afterlife.

This did not sit well with the gods who still side with Osiris.

With the last strength he has left, Osiris mutters something under his breath and a portal opens up under Horus's feet. Isis is horrified because Osiris just used his energy to save their child. She is happy but also sad about this act.

All she could do is just be helpless. If only she had been trained in combat maybe she would not have frozen up when the time called for action.

Feeling himself lose consciousness, Osiris says in his mind, 'Your journey... just begun' before exhaling his last breath.


(Horus POV)

Who the f*ck would've thought seeing that scene from the movie in real life would be so blood-boiling and sad.

Damn. I just watched my godfather get murdered by his brother. Gods are no different from humans. The only thing different is their lengthy lifespan.

Before dying, my father teleports me onto the sun boat. He thinks my grandfather may help me.

"I am in sorrow and anguish at seeing my son die and my other son killing his brother. We are supposed to be better than the mortals who worship us.

This event has opened my old eyes and I will now make every new king of Egypt go on a journey. Starting with you, grandson. Do not resist. I will send down to the Earth.

You will not return until you have developed yourself into a true king of Egypt."

Then, to my utter surprise, Ra throws me off the sun boat. I scream and scream because I cannot sense my air divinity.

"Damn you, old man. Do you dare to kill me? I'll come back for you when I've finished healing." However, that was a test of courage because a portal opens up in front of me and I pass right through.

That damned old man felt insulted because he dropped me 20 feet in the air while still maintaining the same speed at which I was falling earlier.

Pulling myself into a ball, I fall back first into the ground. I pass out upon impact.

After an unknown amount of time has passed, I come to feel something soft under my back. And something is weird. Why do I feel taller?

My eyes shoot open as I look at my surroundings. I'm in an unknown building, resting in an unknown room, surrounded by unknown people. Strange thing is, they're all women and a man is in the lead.

Not knowing what else to do, for the first time since reincarnating, I will the Blades of Ma'at (Chaos) out of my soul-dimension.

Feeling the power coming from them, the chains wrap around my forearms and these connect me to the blades. They allow me to control and throw the blades like an extension of my arms. They also provide a 3x multiplier.

Not expecting a kid to pull out a weapon upon his waking, the man in the lead assumes a non-threatening posture and speaks slowly, but calmly.

"I am King Bashenga, King of Wakanda. And who might you be, child?"

Shocked! That's what I am. I didn't think the old man would teleport me here of all places.

I guess it would make sense seeing as the other lands are ruled by pantheons themselves. And, Wakanda is in Africa; albeit very far away from Egypt. The old man gave me enough time and space to train and become stronger.

'Thank you, grandfather. I won't mess up this chance you've given me.'

Affirming this to be the case and himself not being in danger, Horus decides to introduce himself.

"Thank you, King Bashenga for taking care of me while I was unconscious. As for my name? I am…
