
Chapter 5

It had been a few months since the fight between Stark and Stanes Iron Monger. It was an interesting thing to see, but I made sure I had front row seat, well a few thousand meters away anyways, as I floating in the sky watching. I am sure I was picked up my Furies satellites or whatever but who cares? what can he do to me at this point?

I did take the time to have Kelor to make me a set of Kryptonian battle armor. It comes it energy shielding covering the face and can be made air tight, so there was little to hurt me if I actually wore it. I did have it modified to have a blade like Zods did and I may or may not have had everything coated in permanently borrowed vibranium.

Vibranium that I stole from Klaue, it was amusing really. I literally just tore a hole in his ship and, killed all his minions and walked away with all his vibranium and everything else he owned that was in his ship. Klaue also of course died.

I obviously wore body armor that would change my shape and height a bit as well as a mask to hide my face, as I didn't want a reputation as overly ruthless. I don't really like killing but I couldn't allow an enemy like Klaue to fester.

Also I am not a fan of the whole ultron and vision thing. He never really contributed much in the mcu and only left Wanda with angst and anger in the end.

It's almost time for the Expo where Justin Hammer will lose control of his robots. That will be the time that I will reveal myself to the world. It's just flashy enough to be entertaining(to me) and doing enough good to make a name for myself.

Though I decided not to wear my battle armor for this to appear less aggressive or whatnot, I will just wear the normal suite that was worn in the man of steel movie. It was simple and looked good enough, and I liked the dark blue color.


I had to wait a few minutes for things to start. I had just watched Tony Stark entering the expo in his iron man armor. I didn't really want to appear before the first shot was fired because that would indicate that I might have known what was going to happen. Or at least who knows what furies mind would come up with? Though I did see Natasha in the gallery, she got hotter if that is possible.

The annoying part is going to be destroying the stupid robots without actually hurting people in the process I think.

Ah there it is! Rhodes looks like he is losing control of his armor now.... sigh. Idiots. I suppose I could have dealt with Vanko before all this but this was more useful in the long run I think. It would only take me a few seconds to arrive so I prepare myself mentally since it was about to begin. I decided to start destroying these things as they followed iron man out of the expo. Which would be in about 10 seconds.

I walked out to my balcony and lifted off, flying at super speed to the expo and arrived as a hale of bullets followed Ironman out of the expo. Stark seen me hovering there and I could tell by his body language that he was having a wtf moment.

"You should keep dodging" I tell Stark with a hint of amusement in my voice. And he does so quickly.

As the armorers that chase after Stark exit the top of the building I simply use my heat vision to cut them to ribbons aside from Rhodes, which I leave to Tony to deal with. Though Tony can stop to talk as he still has an out of control Rhodes to deal with.

Once I am done with those I enter the expo grounds to deal with the rest. By now vanko has rerouted the ground based units to shoot at me and sends another group to fly at Tony which I allow to leave this time.


Oh shit, he is back! That is definatly Kal-El! I did not think I would see him again especially not here. I have to call fury now... sigh. Natasha does so.

'Fury the guy who took the spaceship is here destroying the hammer drones, what do you want me to do?' She asked fury with apprehension in her voice, she could be ordered to do many things and she wasn't looking forward to many of the options that were likely.

'Try to get close, use any means Romanoff. If I'm not mistaken you might even actually like him from your report, from what you didn't say and did say... I won't ask for you to betray, only observe and report if he becomes a danger to the world, otherwise have a good life, should it become long term anytime soon, fury out' Natasha just sighed.. how the hell did he get that from my dinky report, it was practically anemic... sigh.


Damnit... I couldn't ask more of her, for all I know the alien has all our communication systems tapped. And shield could use a good relation with this being. The power he has already displayed is vast, add his technology and we need him badly, he would also make a prime candidate for the initiative, depending on Romanoffs reports in the future.


This is fun! 'This is the equivalent of me ripping the arms off of those old G.I Joe action figures I had as a kid' I thought with cheer as I ripped another one apart.

Most people had already fled the area but I was still making quick work of these things. I seen Natasha leaving with Potts, to deal with vanko I would assume, so that should be taken care of I think.

After dealing with all the Hammeroids, I listen for Natashas voice and follow it to Hammers building, she just arrived so I got to watch her be a badass in person and I have to admit, like any male who is strait, it's sexy as all hell. Once she was done with the last guy I sped my way through the building all the way to Natasha "hello again agent Romanoff" I say with a cheery voice. She looks all stoicy and agenty but I can tell she wants to smile! It shows in the eyes.

"Welcome to the party Kal. The fun is through those doors" she said nodding to the doors in front of us.

I look at the door and use my X-ray vision "sorry there is nobody in there Natasha, though there is a computer terminal that may be of use to you" I say as I ram through the door quickly just in case there is a surprise, which I know there isn't.

She looked a bit peeved they missed vanko but quickly followed me through and made herself at home doing her hacker jujutsu while I talked to happy.

I admire Natashas backside for a while(which she notices) as she does her hacker thing.

"Anything else I can do Natasha?" I just ask to see what she would say or if she actually needed me to do anything? Who knows?

She turns around to me quickly after talking to Stark on the coms and gets close to my ear to whisper "you and I, we are going out on a date once this is over with, Clark."

She says it in the way that sends chills up and down my spine, her voice purring in my ear. It actually made me... me of all people. Blush a little. I obviously quickly agreed.

I swallow hard. "The lady shall have what the lady wants!" I tell her in a quick whisper.

After that, everything mostly happened as they were supposed to except there wasn't very many Hammeroids capable of self destructing and Tony and Rhodes squashed vanko even harder than in the movie.


After Natasha finished clean up she sashayed over to me and gives me a hug with a pleased expression because I had waited for her, she then commands me to take her away.

"Let's go to your place tonight Clark, let me express.... my gratitude.. for coming to help today, and backing me up." She purrs in his ear. "If vanko had stayed here any longer with that armored suit of his, he would have killed me. It seems it was good I was slow getting here" she sighs to herself with that last bit, a dodged bullet.

"Well how can I say no to a beautiful lady, though how did you find me out I must ask?" I ask her as I pick her up in a princess carry and begin to fly slowly to my penthouse in NYC. I already know she is world class spy, so I just ask to ask and to make conversation.

"Well" she says contemplating what to say. "You know where I work already, I'm sure you can guess it's a covert agency. I am just among the best. I doubt the rest of Shield know of your identity yet, except maybe my boss, but he will likely keep it close to his vest, though he may ask you for a favor, most likely a reasonable one I would think."

"Oh?" I ask somewhat surprised. "Why didn't you tell anyone if you found out who I was earlier?" I ask actually curious while also listening to her heart beat.

"Well I'm sure you can figure it out after tonight. Though I will admit part of it is because of your offer to help me, but the rest is I simply don't see you as a threat and saw no reason to do so. As I only searched using my private assets, I didn't feel obligated to turn over the information." She tells me without a hint of a lie, which I can easily confirm.

With that said I land on the balcony to my penthouse and before I let her down I give her a kiss square on the lips, soft and gentle at first and then she becomes more aggressive as I let her down and guide us to my bedroom! (Sorry probably no smut written by me)