
Marvel: Darkclaw Origins

Reincarnated in Marvel as the son of Wolverine, along with some boons, follow Jaxon Wolfe, as he begins to walk on the dark side of Marvel! This is my own unique Marvel universe, so events and some characters will be different, as there are in every Marvel universe. This tale will be somewhat dark, but it will still be a fun adventure. So don't be so serious and nitpicky, and let's enjoy the story together!

Lord_Bell · 映画
22 Chs

Chapter 20

[A/N: I'm back! Sorry for the long wait, but being an adult fucking sucks! I haven't been able to build up my stockpile yet due to dealing with IRL biz, but now that things have somewhat settled down, I can get back to pumping out mediocre content for all of you beautiful people! I hope you enjoy the chapter!]

Jax couldn't believe that now of all times, Storm would be standing there in front of his way. Storm had long, flowing white hair, the figure of a goddess, and wore a skintight black bodysuit with golden accents and a black-gold cape attached to her back. She looked radiant and Jax definitely wanted to take a bite out of her, but he had more pressing matters to attend to.

"You? That's not really a polite way to address someone. My name is Storm, remember? I met you along with Professor Xavier. We-"

"Yeah, yeah, the cripple wants something. Not that it hasn't been a blast catching up, I have something important to-" Jax said as he interrupted Storm, but he was too late.

Down by the stage of the competition, Doom's machine was currently going haywire, causing many of the people attending to run away scared, some being trampled by the others. It was complete chaos.

"Fuck! Why does something always have to go wrong in this fucking world?!" Jax yelled, but due to the loud screaming and the blaring noises from the haywire equipment, not many people heard him.

"There's no time for that, we have to do something!" yelled Storm, barely audible over the chaos.

Jax knew she was right, so calming himself down, he began scrambling his brain to come up with a good idea, but there honestly wasn't much he could do that wouldn't reveal his powers to the world and put a massive target on his back. This was a machine that was meant to project a person's astral form across dimensions after all, so how the hell was Jax supposed to pull this off.

As Jax was contemplating risking everything and revealing his identity here, his danger sense kicked into another gear. Looking towards Doom who was frantically trying to fix his machine, Jax watched as the unthinkable happened. The machine exploded right in Doom's face, shooting out a blinding ethereal purple light that seemed to swallow everything in existence, including Jax.

'Dammit, is this seriously how I'm going to die in this world? After all the shit I went through?!' Jax thought to himself in a rage, as a fit of defiance took over, refusing to die so easily as he activated his nanosuit just as the purple light swallowed him whole and his consciousness faded to black.

~ ~ ~ ~

Somewhere in Greece, Jax woke up to blaring sunlight hitting his eyes, feeling extremely groggy with a heavy weight on his chest. Looking down at his chest, Hyto was shocked to see Storm laying there on top of his chest, sleeping peacefully.

From his position, Jax had a good view down Storm's generous bust and reveled in how soft and warm her body was against his. Were he a lesser man and if she didn't have the ability to turn him into a crisp whenever she wanted, he might risk coping a feel.

Confused at this turn of events, Jax looked around to find himself not only wearing his Darkclaw suit, but in the middle of an unfamiliar forest with an assortment of strange animal sounds coming from around the forest.

In the distance, Jax saw a gigantic mountain that nearly made his blood run cold as soon as he recognized it.

'Is that... Mount Olympus?! No, this can't be right... I know that Asgardians were in Marvel, but I don't remember Olympians ever being mentioned in the movies.' Jax thought to himself in a panic, as Asgardians were bad enough, but if the Olympians were now a factor, then all hell could break loose. Plus, if the Asgardians and Olympians were real, what about the other gods?

As he was busy going through his inner panic, Jax heard a deep guttural growl, followed by the ground thumping and the sound of twigs and trees snapping around them. Jax couldn't see what was heading towards them, but his nuts told him that it was something out to kill them, and every monster in Greek mythology was completely deadly.

"Storm, gorgeous, I think it's about time you woke up from your beauty sleep now," Jax said as he frantically but gently tapped Storm awake.

As her eyes fluttered open, Storm looked up at Jax and was completely stunned and scrambled to her feet, her hands igniting in lightning as she took on a defensive stance and glared at Jax.

"Who are you and where have you taken me? And why...are you erect?" asked Storm as she glanced down with an uncomfortable expression.

"You couldn't just ignore it? Now shit is needlessly awkward. Either way, it's me, Jax, and we are unbelievably fucked at the moment. We're being surrounded." Jax said as he retracted his helmet for her to see his face, the put it back.

"Jaxon?! I see you got a new suit. Wait, you're the monster that fought that Ironman? And what do you mean by we're-" Storm said before Jax tackled her out of the way of being crushed under a spiked club that destroyed the ground she just stood at.

Carrying Storm in a princess carry, Jax and storm looked around to see 5 snarling Minotaur have surrounded them, 3 carrying clubs and 2 carrying greatswords.

The Minotaur looked just like they did in the textbooks Jax studied in school. Standing at an intimidating 8-10 feet tall, with the torso and arms of a muscular man, head and legs of a bull, which though it sounded simple, it was absolutely terrifying when it was towering over you, 5 of them at that. The absolute part of it all, they were completely naked, and getting increasingly excited looking at Storm, one even eyeing him.

"Now I know how that one girl on BLACKED feels," Jax said as he eyed the Minotaurs surrounding them warily.

Triggered by being surrounded like this, Jax flipped and wire he'd never get into another situation like that again. Swelling all of his power and using the darkness from the forest and the shadows of the Minotaurs themselves, the whole area sprouted dark tendrils that rose into the air, towering even over the Minotaur.

Not giving the beasts a chance to register what was happening, Jax thrust one hardened tendril at the minotaur closest to them but was shocked to find that the Dark Spike barely punctured the flesh of the monster, seeing to only enrage it further.

"What the fuck?! Even Sabertooth couldn't resist my powers! Just how many thick muscles do these fuckers have?" Jax yelled, slightly startled that these monsters were able to tank one of his strongest attacks.

"Jaxon, focus! We can do this together!" Storm said in a reassuring tone, and oddly enough, he believed her.

'Is her goddess confidence being used to boost my morale? Wait, has she even evolved into a goddess at this point?' Jax asked himself, then shook his head to refocus himself.

Storm was right, they hadn't lost yet. If one attack was barely enough to work, all he had to do was push past his limits and send a million more. Plus Ultra or something like that, right?

As Storm 2 of the beasts, doing some decent damage, Jax decided to use his brain and round up the remaining 3 minotaurs with one thick tendril, holding them together, and used dozens of thinner, sharper tendrils to stab into the beasts with lightning speed.

The miniature let out earth-shattering roars and became enraged, and began using their massive muscles the try and free themselves from Jax's clutches, and the scary part was, it was working.

Scared that they would break free and go on a rampage, Jax did whatever he could to restrict their ability to move and started attacking their joints, but had to use even more of his power and the joints seemed to be the hardest part of their bodies so far.

But to Jax's relief, his attacks started puncturing through their limbs, and he began pumping even more darkness into those tendrils, expanding them. Jack was literally tearing these beasts apart from the inside out, their blood and flesh flying everywhere.

When he finally stopped seeing the last minotaur breathing, he released his darkness and fell to his knees, more exhausted than he's ever been. Jax wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and drift to sleep, but the sudden scream from Storm brought him back to reality.

Looking sluggish over to his side, Jax went wide-eyed as he saw that Storm was captured by one of the minotaurs, as she desperately tried to shoot lightning at them, but they barely felt the pain in their enraged, horny states.

Drooling and growing erect looking at Storm and her divine figure, the beast started tearing at her clothes, revealing her flawless skin to the world as tears began streaking down her face.

Watching Storm about to be assaulted by these mindless beasts, something broke inside of Jax as his exhausted face grew dark and stormy. Feeling something dark and dangerous brewing behind them, the minotaur stopped just before entering Storm to look back at Jax floating in the air, darkness swirling around him as the once bright and sunny sky changed into dusk and then twilight as darkness quickly blanketed the whole area.

With their animal instincts telling them that their death was coming from Jax, the beasts dropped Storm roughly to the ground and did their best to scramble to safety, but they only sought to enrage Jax even further. As his bright, glowing purple eyes soon turned into the only source of light around him, Jax reached out his left hand and clutched his fists, as if he were grabbing life itself.

As they ran, the minotaurs felt an invisible hand snatch them off of their feet, nearly being brushed under all of the pressure that was being put on them.

"You vile creatures who know nothing but rape and murder, aren't fit to roam into the light any longer. Come, welcome into my darkness, where I will mold you into what you were born to be, my pawns!" Jax said in a dark ethereal voice the shook all who heard it to their core.

The next second, the miniature began letting out blood-rending shrieks as their bones began painfully splintering and cracking as skin and flesh started peeling away painfully layer but layer. This was Jax's judgment, their punishment for their transgressions. their most painful death, their brewing darkness will be used and harnessed to rebirth them into their new forms.

After what felt like an eternity of the beasts having their skin and flesh stripped away, what was left was hulking, dark beings that somewhat resembled the miniature before, only they were now completely formed from darkness, and they looked more monstrous, with wisps of darkness constantly flitting from their bodies and a purple glow in their eyes and surrounding their forms.

These were Jax's first Darklings, being bred from darkness who can use darkness mimicry and have undying loyalty to their master, Jax. They can be summoned and dismissed in any darkness, and depending on the master, can have varying levels of sentience and independence.

As Jax looked at them and subconsciously knew their capabilities, he realized that they were almost like the Shadows from Solo Leveling, only these seemed... stronger.

As the markings were formed and kneeled before Jax, waiting on their command, the darkness around the area quickly became brighter until it was once more the sunny day it was before. Once all of the darkness dissipated, Jax fell to his knees, slumped over from exhaustion as he fought to stay awake and keep his eyes open.

Still very much shaken from nearly being violated, and from watching the horrors that Jax inflicted on those beasts, Storm gathered what was left of her clothes and scurried over to Jax's side, warily eyeing the now dark beasts that once tried to rape her.

"Jaxon, Jaxon! Are you still with me? We're not safe here, we must find shelter until we can figure things out!" Storm said, doing her best to keep the panic from her voice, but she was seriously shaken from the series of events.

As much as he hated to admit it, he was spent. This battle had taken away all of his energy, and he was already fighting hard to keep himself awake. Knowing that the darklings retained their memories for. when they were alive, Jax looked to them for answers.

"Find us...shelter where... we can be safe," Jax commanded through labored breaths.

With a nod of understanding, the darklings stood and started walking into the forest. As Jax was about to use the last of his energy to fly after them, as he could no longer walk, he saw Storm's naked form out of the corner of his eye. And to say she was a true goddess was no understatement. Full busty tits that remain perky even with now bra, skinny waist, child-birthing hips, and thighs so heavenly that any man would fall to his knees and beg to be crushed by them.

Refusing to risk another's eyes gazing at her amazing body, Jax took out a spare nanosuit bracelet and attached it to Storm's dainty wrist.

"Uh, Jaxon? I do appreciate gifts, but I hardly think now is the time-" Storm was saying before the bracelet activated, expanding before the blink of an eye into a form-fitting nanosuit similar to Jax's only hers took on a more feminine look, and her helmet left her perfectly sculpted face open and allowed her long white hair to flow freely down her back. It was truly beautiful and eye-catching.

"Damn, you even make my nanosuit look sexy," said Jax as he fell back losing consciousness. The last thing he heard was Storm's panicked voice calling out his name.

Yes, Olympians are canon in Marvel, just look it up. Jax and Storm have been transported to the realm of the Olympians! How will Jax, who has no idea of his demigod blood make it through these trials he's about to face? Well, you got to read to find out! Also, if you don't like the story, don't be jerks about it, just drop the story please.

Lord_Bellcreators' thoughts