
Marvel’S Ability Integrate

Traveling through the Marvel universe, unexpectedly Awakening’s strongest super Ability absorbs and integrates the power of various Ability to stand on top of the world. Absorb Xingjue’s energy and control the power of the gods. Absorb the energy of Dark Phoenix and possess powerful Psychokinesis. Absorb the energy of the Hulk and possess the explosive power of infinite anger. … This is the story of a traverser who blasted Marvel and became a god!

oni_Wolf · 映画
5 Chs


In Charles' heart, he still couldn't let go of Mystique, and perhaps he was a little lucky. If Mystique was rescued, maybe Mystique could return to him. People who are out of love often think so.

Charles now has feelings for Mutant, and he can't let go of Mystique logically. With the moral bottom line against Sentry's plan, he has to act.

Soon, Charles followed Hank to the cerebral wave room, using his special Ability to find out the location of Mystique.

Professor X's secret weapon is his Xavier's School, which is also the "brain wave strengthening machine" in the deepest chamber of X-Men's base. This was built by his friend Magneto (Magneto) to help him. He can connect to all people in the world through this machine, no matter ordinary people or Mutant. At the same time, his powerful mind Ability can also kill everyone in the world with this equipment.

Huang Feihua also stayed cheeky, anyway, Charles has a lot of empty rooms in this yard.

Although it is very difficult to rescue Mystique, it has not yet reached the level that Wolverine reverses the future and saves Magneto.

Huang Feihua also provided Quicksilver information. What made Huang Feihua puzzled was that the Quicksilver in the X-Men appeared. Huang Feihua inquired about the relationship between the two siblings, but there was no news about Wanda and the other Quicksilver. I wonder if there are two Quicksilver?

Thinking of Quicksilver's ultra-high-speed Ability, Huang Feihua was very happy and crazy.

And this Quicksilver is not the same as the Quicksilver that Avengers' Quicksilver was shot to death. Avengers's seems to be not as strong as the one found now.

Charles's personality charm is really strong, and he may have been doing ideological work for a long time, and he quickly brought Quicksilver back to the academy!

After a simple plan and deployment, several people started to rescue Mystique. Huang Feihua definitely wouldn't be dispatched. He didn't dare to take risks with these people with the protagonist's aura. Anyway, the professor thinks he has no Ability, so he will be honest. Stayed at the college.


That night, Quicksilver and Hank came back with people. Quicksilver was fine. Hank looked as if he had been shot in the arm, but Beast's healing ability made him classify this kind of injury as a 'small injury'.

Charles asked about Mystique. Mystique killed the dwarf scientist. Without the dwarf scientist, they were relatively humane to Mystique. After drawing blood and brain fluid, they were imprisoned. After the definitely used up, they would draw another tube.

The degree of guarding is not very strict, and it is reasonable to think about it, otherwise Huang Feihua can't think of how Mystique escaped with his own Ability.

Quicksilver played an important role in it. Not only did it destroy the most important information of the Sentry project, it also rescued Mystique.

Charles proposed to let him stay, and Quicksilver happily agreed. As for Huang Feihua as a savior to Mystique, Mystique and Charles would not take the initiative to drive Huang Feihua away.

After Mystique was rescued, Charles saw more Mutant being persecuted, which greatly added to his idea of ​​building Mutant Academy.

After this seven-year detention, Mystique seems to have understood a lot. He has no opinion on Charles' construction of Mutant Paradise. Huang Feihua can see that Mystique is still committed to good.

Magneto and her are both to save Mutant, and Magneto's unscrupulous efforts to achieve her goal seem to have a lot of influence on her when she was detained.

Huang Feihua absorbed Ability with peace of mind, but on the other side he got information, Xing Ma was dead, and Xing Jue was taken away by Yongdu.

A few continents away, Huang Feihua found his father who was studying Chlorella Banner!

At the same time, Huang Feihua's father also successfully invested in the future Iron Man company. The interests derived from the arms sales business made Huang Feihua's father a lot of money, and Huang Feihua's money was misunderstood by his cheap father for buying and selling news.


Huang Feihua attaches great importance to the superhero outside the X-Men. Charles is definitely not running around here. Guarding here is equivalent to a chicken laying eggs. The time for the catastrophe is getting closer and closer, but the growth of Huang Feihua is not very obvious. .

Huang Feihua also thought about making friendships with Quicksilver, so that he could easily collect the Ability of Quicksilver. As a result, no one can play games fast and does not require speed. The brain power is similar to Quicksilver. In the end, he only got a familiar face, and there was no irony.

Blue Beast Hank is a schoolmaster. He is still a little bit introverted and not good at communication. Charles is busy communicating with Mystique and building the academy. Mystique has no other topics besides his gratitude to Huang Feihua.

Jin caught a glance, Cyclops Kurt, who was humorous and wearing cool glasses not long after coming.

Cyclops, whose real name is Kurt·Summers (ScottSummers), is a powerful Mutant. He was born with the ability to emit red Shockwave in his eyes. Later, the professor recruited to join X-Men.

Cyclops is interested in mysterious Orientals, but Huang Feihua's predecessor was born in the United States. In order not to expose himself, he can only understand the East.

There are no acquaintances, and there seems to be a little difference in age. Huang Feihua originally had a mental age older than these people, and Huang Feihua's situation is even more embarrassing.

Fortunately, the number of students who came one after another gradually increased. Not all of these students were Mutant, but some were ordinary people.

The new Mutant has a lot of chicken ribs. Huang Feihua doesn't really want to learn from it. The principle of being greedy and not chewing is always universal. The variant Ability that shines in the movie is his goal, and it didn't appear. Huang Feihua only slightly Pay attention to see if it can be used.

Another month later, after Huang Feihua succeeded in obtaining Cyclops' Ability, Huang Feihua found an excuse to go out in order to prevent the ability of integrate from being discovered.

After finding a motel and sending away the women who made money, Huang Feihua started to integrate.


Integration went smoothly. After integrating laser Ability, Huang Feihua obviously felt that his current mental strength has improved a lot, which is quite strong compared to Mutant.

Huang Feihua now has the Ability of Will, and can borrow sight from anyone around, including the sight of enemies and animals.

Even without relying on the enemy's vision, he can use mind Ability instead of vision.

Now Huang Feihua has done it, a real 360-degree field of vision without blind spots!

Huang Feihua felt full of confidence, and finally he could be regarded as a qualified superpower.

The hand is a bit short, it is perfect with two guns, retreat can be defended and can be attacked!

On the way back, he ran into a couple who was arguing. Huang Feihua could feel the electric waves of the girl's head dull, and the boy's brain waves beat violently with anger!

The intensity of brain waves is obviously different for thoughts with emotions, which can be fully analyzed with Huang Feihua's mental power.

This is equivalent to being hostile to an unknown enemy. Huang Feihua's will can quickly know whether the opponent is reporting hostility. As long as his thoughts are not faster than Huang Feihua's, it will be impossible to make a temporary surprise in an instant. Next, hit Huang Feihua by surprise.

Huang Feihua got another self-protection Ability, and he was even more happy.