
Marvel’S Ability Integrate

Traveling through the Marvel universe, unexpectedly Awakening’s strongest super Ability absorbs and integrates the power of various Ability to stand on top of the world. Absorb Xingjue’s energy and control the power of the gods. Absorb the energy of Dark Phoenix and possess powerful Psychokinesis. Absorb the energy of the Hulk and possess the explosive power of infinite anger. … This is the story of a traverser who blasted Marvel and became a god!

oni_Wolf · Movies
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What Huang Feihua got from the intelligence personnel was a Wolverine serum!

Wolverine's original name was James Hollet. He was born into a wealthy family in Canada at the end of the 19th century. He was born weak but with unusual bones, and his family was not harmonious, so James was introverted and withdrawn.

He lived in such a calm and boring manner until one night, when the gardener Logan killed his father. The pain of bereavement made little James arouse the peculiar Ability in his body. He grew out of his body a "bone" formed by bones. "Claw", James used "bone claw" to kill Logan.

However, what I didn't expect was that Logan was actually the biological father of young James, who told Wolverine of his life before he died.

So James and his brother Victor both fled. After that, the two participated in many wars, from World War I to the Battle of Vietnam. Later, the two brothers were recruited by General Stryker to do special work. Tired of killing, Wolverine later left the organization and went to a forest farm in Canada to work as lumberjacks and changed his name to Logan.

On the run, Logan has always felt both fear and disgust with his natural abilities, so he abandons himself. Until one time, he came across in the forest and fell in love with a woman of Indian descent, "Silverfox" Kaiya.

Kaiya was later killed by Wolverine's brother Victor Sabretooth. The angry Wolverine decided to accept General Stryker's conditions and agreed to carry out Mutant's transformation experiment.

Logan named himself "Wolverine", and originally the bones were transformed into indestructible, and the natural bone claws became vajra claws. The transformed Wolverine also *** weapon" organized brainwashing. Wolverine awakened and killed the people of the "X weapon" organization and fled. Who knew Sabretooth At the moment came to chase and kill, so Wolverine fought against Sabretooth, and Wolverine narrowly won. Leave afterwards.

Later, I met Professor X, was taken in, and started his X-Men career.

And now Huang Feihua got Wolverine serum without Adamantium implant.

Under the Ability of his own absorption ability, it is naturally impossible to be a fake, but the energy on it is so low that Huang Feihua can't absorb it.

Wolverine's Self-healing Ability is very strong! Strong pervert! Under the toxicity of Adamantium, the Healing Ability is still extremely powerful, which is comparable to the self-healing Ability of Deadpool. The difference is that one is forced out by oneself, and the other is self-generated Ability.

It took Huang Feihua more than two months to collect Qin Gere's Ability, and now he is about to integrate. Huang Feihua was excited for a long time.


When I was ready, I couldn't wait to integrate it that night. The internal integration ability was naturally successfully launched. Huang Feihua slept all night. The whole person seemed to have not changed, but there was something on Ability.

Wake up again, Huang Feihua has a more practical Ability.

A powerful ability that strengthens one's own spirit and moves objects!

After Huang Feihua's spirit is strong, his mental defense is not afraid that someone can read the mind or mind control.

However, there is still a bit of danger to the mind scepter.

The idea of ​​moving objects can barely move a car. It is far less powerful than Jingeray's, and it is a bit far from the original owner's Ability. After all, the synthesis is not a 100% copy.

The mind-moving object is affected by gravity and density resistance, and its moving speed is average, not excellent.

Definitely also has a black unknown Ability.

Unknown Ability is something that Huang Feihua tried to use, but failed. Maybe it is Phoenix force?

Huang Feihua didn't dare to think too much, nor was he sure, so he called it Unknown Ability for the time being.

Huang Feihua also wanted to learn to use his mind to increase his speed and travel the sky. After trying for a few days, he finally failed to fly. Maybe his spirit was still too weak and his speed could not be improved.

It was mainly using mind and Mind Control body. When the head was almost unable to support, the unknown Ability in the body seemed to be unblocked. After seeing the terrible consequences of Awakening Dark Phoenix, Huang Feihua didn't dare to try again.

A few days of training is not without effect. Firstly, his spirit is not easy to get tired, and secondly, he can be full of energy without sleeping!


With this Ability, Huang Feihua can find some harmful metal elements in the body, as well as many impurities entered into the wound, tiny congestion deposited in the wound, and cells that cannot be discharged by old age.

Huang Feihua carefully threw something out of his body.

Because of the huge amount of work and the mental power and ideas that can't achieve systemic detoxification, it took Huang Feihua nearly half a month to get out the larger harmful substances in his head and body, and the rest can only be in the future Slowly resolve after growth.

With a more brisk body, more mental defense, and not being peeped at the secrets of his heart, Huang Feihua has the mind to contact Professor X Charles.

Huang Feihua attaches great importance to Professor X's Ability, and he can kill many people at will with his mind alone, but he doesn't want to kill people in that way.

At the moment Charles, who did not set up an academy, stayed in his genius academy because of his disability and depression. It was not difficult for Huang Feihua to get in.


"Da da da"

The door of the Academy of Geniuses was knocked, and soon the door opened.

"What's the matter?"

Hank who opens the door is also the blue monster. He is a researcher of the CIA. At first, he only had unusually big feet and strengthening physical stamina. He tried to cure his own mutation, but when he was injected with serum extracted from Mystique DNA, it caused him to change his appearance with blue fur. I look at the same age as when Wolverine reversed the future in the movie.


"Yes, I'm Hank, who are you?"


"I have something important to ask Charles, can you let me in?"

Hank looked at Huang Feihua vigilantly, feeling that there should be no danger. Huang Feihua looked several times more friendly than Wolverine. Hank felt that Huang Feihua could suppress him by himself, nodded and opened the door.

"Please come in."

Hank saw that Huang Feihua was reluctant to tell him, so he poured a glass of water and went to find the professor.

The professor who walked out is already bald. In the TV news, he saved a lot of the US Navy in the hands of Magneto. Now the decadent professor looks more exaggerated with a beard, and his eyes do not look good. Mutant who attacked and Flight with voice Siren, it is estimated that he could not understand such a professor, so he chose to leave.

"Charles, I need your help. Raven is suffering."

With a familiar routine, Huang Feihua is using Wolverine's tricks to persuade Charles. Although Charles has been severely mentally shocked, he should almost be able to jump out.

While stealing the abilities of Charles and Hank, he used his power to rescue Mystique. By the way, he could also destroy the Sentry plan. Maybe he could steal some technology from the Sentry plan. In the future, I can find Iron Man to cooperate. Perfect plan!

Sure enough, Charles focused his eyes when he heard Raven's name. Looking at Huang Feihua, he obviously didn't believe him very much.

"I got news that Mystique assassinated a scientist, and Raven was probably caught."

"Listen, I know you don't believe me, but I can tell you the whole story."

So Huang Feihua was arrested after successfully assassinating Mystique, a scientist. The president considered the danger of Mutant and started the Sentry project. Huang Feihua accidentally got news from a high-level executive. The whole thing was based on facts, and it was naturally well-founded. Hank on the side also provided a lot of information, and things became very credible.