
Marvel’S Ability Integrate

Traveling through the Marvel universe, unexpectedly Awakening’s strongest super Ability absorbs and integrates the power of various Ability to stand on top of the world. Absorb Xingjue’s energy and control the power of the gods. Absorb the energy of Dark Phoenix and possess powerful Psychokinesis. Absorb the energy of the Hulk and possess the explosive power of infinite anger. … This is the story of a traverser who blasted Marvel and became a god!

oni_Wolf · 映画
5 Chs

New Abilities

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Huang Feihua took the things needed for the trip and set off directly. There is no need to worry about money. It is now possible to write checks. Although the handwriting is not the same, Huang Feihua went to the bank to verify his identity and it was no problem.

Huang Feihua needs to find more Mutant to strengthen himself!

Charles Xavier completed high school at the age of 16, studied at Oxford University and has a doctorate in genetics, biology and psychology. When he was young, he met his friend Eric Magnus (Magneto). Both of them are Mutants with powerful Ability, but they are different from Magnus. Charles firmly believes that humans and Mutant are equal. He is committed to the harmonious coexistence of humans and Mutant, while also fighting against the evil Mutant to maintain world peace. In order to achieve this goal, he founded the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youth (Xavier Institute), referred to as Xavier's School, in the Westchester mansion owned by his family. Teach young Mutant knowledge and how to face the Ability that controls them. His first students later became the first X-Men. Xavier is also affectionately called Roar Professor X (ProfessorX) by his students.

When the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in the 1960s, Magneto rebounded from a bullet and hit the spine, causing Professor X to be paralyzed from the waist down, and he could only travel on a wheelchair.

They are the first two young people in Mutant to find themselves super Ability. They were not rivals at the time, but very close friends. The two and several other Mutants worked together to try to prevent the "doomsday" from coming. But in the process, a crack appeared between the two, and finally, between Magneto's Brotherhood and X-Men led by Professor X, an eternal battle began... a Charles before he became Professor X.

Huang Feihua's entry point was the decadent period of Professor X who was paralyzed. Huang Feihua stared at Professor X. He didn't find himself, so go find him!

Huang Feihua feels that he can even disguise himself as a teenager...looked at his thick arms, and then imagine Beast Hank and those tall Mutants, eh! teenager!

The difficulty now is that Professor X's ability to read minds, Charles often said that mind reading is impolite. I don't know if he has the principle of not easily reading minds. In case it is discovered that Huang Feihua is a traverser, this is very In trouble.

Chingray's Ability seems to be able to resist Professor X's mind-reading.

Acquiring the Ability of Jingeray has become a very important part.

Although Qin Gray can read minds, he is an offensive spirit. Unlike Professor X, who is intelligent, Huang Feihua only needs to follow her and steal slowly.


The only difficulty is that Jin Gray's Ability is not very stable, and I don't know if it will affect it.

Now Professor x Charles has not started the academy, nor has he become stronger or bald. Magneto Erik has already started the Mutant team to fight against humans. He is no longer a good friend with Charles. It might be difficult for Huang Feihua to get in touch with Jin Gray.

Qin Gray had been Awakening a long time ago, but later Charles picked her up very early. The young Qin Gray didn't have much scheming. This is the main reason why Huang Feihua chose Qin Gray.

Huang Feihua is a person who can feel the special energy. Knowing his Ability, it is not difficult to find the exact location of Qin Gray!

It didn't take long for Huang Feihua to find the place where the red energy was spilled. Next to the red energy was light yellow. The two most obvious energies were probably Professor X. The other colors of energy Huang Feihua ignored it. The villa in front of him is probably the future. Genius Academy.

Huang Feihua was secretly pleased. Based on his own estimation, he only picked up one percent of the amount per hour, which was too slow!

Huang Feihua was not very satisfied with the speed of absorption.

I haven't seen any response from the ability of integrate for the time being, and we can only know what the energy is when we have to collect 100% in this way.

Huang Feihua stayed for a few days. After a few days of understanding, it seemed that the closer he got, the faster he picked up energy. The same is true for the energy absorbed on the TV.

As the rich second generation, Huang Feihua lived around for the first time, and the absorption effect was better and faster.

Quietly living around the future genius academy, Huang Tianhua can receive new energy every day. Although the amount is small, it is safe and effective.

When Huang Feihua moved to the vicinity of Qin Gere, he was not idle. He went around for people to track down the traces of various superhero, and occasionally 'pointed' the cheap father's way of making money and made a lot of money.

Huang Feihua has found out that Mystique has executed and successfully assassinated the scientist, and he has been arrested for research.

Once the research is successful, the Sentry robot will be an extremely terrifying existence!


It has Flight Ability, detection Mutant, powerful speed, can copy Mutant Ability at will, and then share it with all Sentry, high level intelligence, super resistance to attack, and Ability attack.

Such Sentry has already surpassed Mutant's existence. Because Mystique's genes are mastered by scientists, the new Sentry robot can imitate Mutant's Ability to fight against Mutant. For example, when playing against Sunspot, it can turn itself into an Iceman, and it can break Ice all over its body on fire. He copied the fire Ability and shared it with Sentry attacked by Iceman, which shows its power.

Furthermore, they can not only copy Mutant's Ability, but also preserve it.

The second-generation Sentry are not as dumb as the first-generation Sentry! They have high level intelligence, know how to cooperate, and know how to find the weaknesses of Mutant to attack. They know how to exchange abilities to fight against Mutants of different abilities. Sentry is also very smart, knowing how to use Mutant's strengths to fight against Mutant.

The second-generation Sentry attack Ability is basically divided into two types.

Physical attacks and laser attacks on the head.

When physically attacking, the right hand can turn into a long cone for assassination; it can also become a ground burrowing tool. It inherits Mystique's Ability, and can shapeshifting various sharp weapons at will to attack. It can divide Colossus into corpses, which shows that the power is quite terrible.

Sentry also has the ability to repair itself, and there is no metal content in the body, so Magneto has nothing to do with him.

Mystique can arbitrarily change her own cells and tissue structure, so that she can change into anyone's appearance, including iris, fingerprints, skin texture, voice and even gender; the clothes on her body can also imitate the texture of any clothing, even glasses. Therefore, she rarely wears clothes.

According to what Huang Feihua knows, from the post-apocalyptic situation, the Sentry project will eventually be in the hands of a few people, and these people are not used to seek the welfare of mankind, but use Sentry as a War Machine.

Huang Feihua will not let his own destiny be in the hands of people who are not divided between enemies and friends.

The powerful Sentry has made Huang Feihua feel that even Avengers is not an opponent, and Mystique's Ability is comparable to the evil god Loki. Whether it comes from himself or other, Mystique wants to save.

Moreover, the Sentry Ability developed based on Mystique's Ability is not as strong as usual. It is conceivable that the upper limit of Mystique's Ability is very high!

Huang Feihua has already planned the next goal here!


Huang Feihua's cheap dad got the guidance of Huang Feihua's foresight, and his financial resources were rolling in. At the same time, he gave him more money. Huang Feihua stretched his hands longer, and the intelligence network spread more widely.

A man wearing ink glasses and a black coat appeared in Huang Feihua's villa.

"Sir, this is the information you want."

The man in black opened the flat, thin box, and a piece of information was well preserved in it. He spent a lot of money behind the information.

Even more expensive is the person in front of him, an extremely professional intelligence officer, Huang Feihua's connector.

The money he constantly invested was not used in the business his cheap dad said.

Huang Feihua bought through the gang and various channels to realize that there was a group of people who helped people gather intelligence.

Huang Feihua's first mission, they helped him find Wolverine, Wolverine's trail!

"very good!"

Huang Feihua took it excitedly and pushed the money out.

The transaction is completed happily, but if people know the amount of money in it, many people will be unhappy, especially Huang Feihua's father.

Huang Feihua understands that grasping information means grasping the first opportunity!

For this, Huang Feihua invested a lot of money to obtain intelligence at any cost.