
Majin Naruto

This is a dimention hopping Naruto DBZ crossover series. Buu was absorbed into the seal and then fused with Naruto. After eating all the other jinchuuriki, Naruto decides to jump dimentions. Now in One Piece. ------------------- This synopsis pretty much sums it I figured what would happen if I mix my two favorite characters majin buu and Naruto and mix with a bit of justice league and pow you got this come and join the fun

Rebel_Royal5 · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

chapter 10

The next day Naruto took Raven out to the canyon where the Titans had first met him and Terra. Only this time they were being accompanied by the rest of the Titans. After that last disaster with someone trying to teach Raven they would have been idiots not to accompany her; for her protection. 'At least this guy is legit, according to Terra she would not have acquired even a fraction of the strength she has now if it weren't for Buu,' Robin thought as they walked.

But Terra did ask the Titans to respect Raven's privacy, according to her the first bit of training was as much psychological as is was physical. So she kept them on a ridge overlooking the cracked clay bed that Naruto was about to teach Raven on. Any attempts to sneak closer and listen in 'cough' Beast Boy 'cough' was met with a giant stone fist.

At the clay bed Naruto's lesson had begun. "Ok Raven, why can't you fully control your powers?"

Raven was a little startled at the question and more than a little confused. "What do you mean?" 'I meditate all the time to keep control.'

Seeing genuine confusion on Raven's face caused Naruto to reword his question. "Ok, let's try this from a different angle. Raven, what causes your powers to go out of control?"

Raven blinked. 'How does he know this? I mean, should I tell him?' She turned her eyes to look at Terra and remembered the ease at which she used her powers. That made up her decision.

"Emotions. Large spikes of emotions, especially rage." Buu nodded as if he expected it. 'What is he playing at?'

"Have you told your teammates that you are a hanyou?" Raven gave him a blank look.

"A half-demon." Raven's eyes widened in fear. 'How did he figure it out? Am I no longer safe here?' Seeing the panic in her eyes, Naruto decided to quash those fears… by adding more fear.

"Calm down Raven. Huh, I stand by my previous statement; ALL YOU PEOPLE DO IS TALK!" Naruto unleashed a massive wave off killing intent along with a sonic attack at his last words. Raven reacted by instinct. With no chant at all she blasted a hole straight through Naruto's chest.

Some of the Titans saw Raven's attack but they didn't hear Naruto's attack due to the Sound Barrier Seals he had placed around their training area. They were astonished at the brutal attack launched by Raven, yet even more astonished at the fact that Naruto didn't seem to be uncomfortable at all. In fact, judging the psychotic grin he had; Naruto seemed ecstatic.

"Fear; Raven. Fear is both the lock and key and that fear turns to rage. It causes your powers to lash out at the threat without conscious control by you. Of course if you just moved straight into rage that too would work; like how you transformed and lashed out at me when you thought I caused permanent damage to your friends." Naruto took a deep breath and seemed to gather his thoughts.

"Of the two, rage is easiest to experience constantly. But rage poisons you and will undoubtedly change you." Naruto looked thoughtful, which was actually quite amusing considering that he had a giant hole in his chest. As Raven watched, the hole closed with no visible signs of pain or discomfort by Naruto. Once she had gotten over her surprise, Raven also became thoughtful and tried to follow Naruto's thought processes. 'If rage and fear are what's required for full, no incantation control then how will I accomplish it?'

Meanwhile Naruto had joined the dots. 'What causes her the most rage and fear? What is the…source…? Of course!'

"Raven, who was your demonic parent?" 'Please let it be a demon lord as the father.'

Raven looked shocked and troubled. "My father, his name is Trigon." 'Bingo!'

"And do you feel fear and anger at your father?" Raven's eyes widened as she figured out where this was going. 'The prophesy.' Apparently Naruto didn't need a verbal answer.

"Here's what needs to happen Raven. First you must accept fully that you are your father's daughter. Do not try and deny your demonic heritage or it will just lash out when you are at your weakest."

'Similar to being a jinchuuriki.'

"Second, acknowledge that you are your own person, and nothing; not fate nor prophecy can tell you to do anything. Your father cannot control your actions; period." At the widening of her eyes, Naruto knew he had struck gold.

'A prophecy too? Shit, some people have all the luck.'

"Finally, you must face your father and either kill him or defeat him. Your demonic heritage demands that you prove your own independence. That's all you have to do to gain full control."

Now Raven looked faint. 'That's all? It's impossible!'

'No its not.'

'Who said that? Rage, is that you?'

But Raven was given no response. Only silence. 'That's the first time I have heard them without using the mirror. I need to meditate about this.' When she asked Naruto whether she could meditate on this; he nodded, saying that they were done for today.

Naruto silently chuckled as Raven teleported away. He released the Sound Barrier Seals and thought, 'Like Terra, most of the damaged control is psychological. Once the psychological damage has been repaired it is simply a matter of practice. Damn; absorbing that dragon has changed my thought processes too! I feel smart now…I don't like it.'

Naruto looked up and saw Terra standing on top of a ledge, looking positively delicious. 'Well now, since my training is done for today…' Naruto used Instant Transmition to appear in front of the Titans. He then lifted Terra by encircling his right arm around her waist before using another Instant Transmition to disappear. It was time to resolve the sexual tension between Master and Student.

Underground, in a Lava Pit…

"Slade, the gem must be brought to me. Bring me the gem and I will give you back what you value most."

The ever emotionless Slade nodded. "Then we have a deal."

Slade was empowered with Trigon's magic and got a stylized S marked onto his head. He then walked off before a new player took the stage. An unmasked Cheshire walked up to the lava pit the Trigon had created. "I want to make a deal…"

Titan's Tower, Terra's room…

Naruto and Terra appeared on top of her bed. Terra was dropped onto it whilst Naruto remained floating just above it. He then began flying around her room rapidly, attaching little pieces of paper to the walls. Terra was blushing at what her Master wanted to do to her in her room but was somewhat stumped on what he was doing now. "Ahh, Master what are those?"

Naruto froze. 'Fuck! Four years together and I haven't ever shown her seals. Even basic storage seals were unnecessary due to my ability to store things internally.' "Privacy seals: stops all recording devices from broadcasting inside this room. And I'm adding some Sound Barrier seals to the mix. Now let me finish." To be fair, Naruto finished in another five seconds; after all, all he had to do was place the seal. He then frowned, before shrugging and waved his hand. A blue aura covered the wall, followed by some sort of black barrier.

"What was that…M-a-s-t-e-r?" Terra asked with all the sexuality of a hormonal teenager. She even began walking on her bed like a cat. Unfortunately for Naruto, he was missing out on this sexy pose as he simply was facing the other way. "The first pulse was my chakra activating the seals. The second barrier was a spell that I learnt from the dragon… what's-his-name? Anyway, the spell pretty much guaranteed our privacy. Ironically enough, my seals do absolutely nothing to stop someone from walking in through your door. That spell would take care of it."

"Oh r-e-a-l-l-y Master?" Terra had managed to wriggle herself out of her shorts and was wearing a pair of golden panties on her lower half. Naruto finally noticed her tone if voice and rotated around in mid air. Only for his powers of flight to fail him; causing him to fall flat on his face. Terra was on the edge of her bed, on all fours ass up with a pure bedroom look about her. Hey what can she say, she learned her patience from the best. Which is to say she had none.


Naruto jumped up in order to get more of an eyeful of the lovely Miss Terra. 'Ha, Miss Terra, sounds like a Playboy title.' She knelt on the bed and took off her shirt, showing a matching pair of gold underwear that went with her hair. Naruto appeared in front of her, grinning cockily; her face now only inches away from his clothed crotch. (I swear chicks are weird. It's awkward because you want to respect them, but I promise you guys nine times out of ten if you get into this position and sell yourself with confidence the chick will give you a blowjob. Confidence is a REALLY big turn on for them)

She nibbled on her lower lip before reach out with both her hands, resting on the top of Naruto's pants. The tips of her fingers dipped into his pants before she slowly lowered them. Lover and lower they went, one surprising thing she saw was the complete lack of pubic hair as the pants were lowered. And then she reached her prize, with a flip his dick was revealed to her. It slowly arced up as if filled with…blood? Terra had never seen her Master bleed, so the fact that he might have no blood hadn't occurred to her until now.

Apparently Naruto's erection was taking too long for him to fill up. He put his thumb in his mouth and blew. His penis, already large inflated like a balloon to a foot long sausage as thick as her wrist. Terra's eyes widened comically. "M-master! It's way too big!" Terra may be keen but she wasn't suicidal. Naruto ginned maliciously. "Don't worry Terra, I'll shrink myself down when we have sex… at least until you are fully grown. But for now, use your hands and mouth."

Terra moaned, half in terror and half in arousal. 'Such a big cock.' Terra began inspecting Naruto's dick. It was odd in several ways aside from the size. It was completely hairless, in fact Terra didn't see any hair on Naruto's entire body except for his head. His massive balls were so full and completely free of any wrinkles. Although they sagged, their massive size almost completely filled the sack. His dick was also unusually smooth.

She hadn't actually seen an actual penis before but it wasn't hard to see that that type of smoothness wasn't natural. 'I hope he's not super slippery, the entrance would be great but the actual thing would suck.' She reached out with both hands and simply held his dick. 'Thank god. It's so fucking hot and it still feels like normal skin.' What Terra didn't realize was the fact that Naruto's dick was almost ten degrees Celsius hotter than a normal dick. The reason was how it was erect. Instead of being full of blood, Naruto had filled it with superheated steam. Of course his skin blocked out most of the heat or else he would actually burn Terra.

'Good girl,' Naruto grinned as he saw Terra give in to her curiosity and arousal, giving the massive head of his dick a lick. Naruto groaned as her wet tongue touched the head of his dick. He unconsciously thrust his hips forwards, so that the very tip of his dick was inside of her mouth. Even the very tip caused her lips to bulge obscenely around its thickness. Terra moaned, she had heard of porn stars sucking dick like a lollipop but she was pretty sure she had the only dick that tasted like a lollipop too.

'Come to think of it, I haven't seen my master go to the bathroom either.' Unconsciously whilst she was thinking she had taken Naruto's entire head into her mouth and was giving it a tongue bath whilst her hands were stroking his length. He let Terra continue to explore her sex tool; after all she wouldn't see any dick this big in her life simply because the human dick can't grow to be this size. (In terms of medical terms, a woman can only take nine inches safely inside of them. Look at porn stars with big dicks, yes they are big but they don't go all the way in either. Women who like horse dicks (bestiality) have actually died from it)

Terra was now really losing control of her hormones and began moaning uncontrollably, sending vibrations on all of his head and her hands began jacking him off uncontrollably. Buu roared in pleasure, the vibrations were felt all through the Tower, shaking it to its foundations despite no sound getting past the seals.

Naruto's cum blasted straight into Terra's throat, since the head of his dick was nearly the same size as her entire mouth. Terra actually came in her panties, wetness dripping down her legs. His cum tasted like syrup, yet it wasn't the terrible sweetness of maple syrup. It tasted It was more like the syrup of the energy drinks she loved. It leaked up from her throat and into her mouth.

She was so turned on at this point she felt like she was melting; a mixture of anticipation and lust. She had heard that it would hurt the first time but she was pretty sure Naruto could make his dick pencil thin and then thicken it as she got used to it. Add in his healing powers and Terra was looking to have a very pleasant time. If she could avoid choking on the actually pleasant tasting drink.

Naruto groaned in satisfaction before laying her down on her back; allowing her to sink into the soft bed. Terra gave his dick one last squeeze before collapsing with a big smile on her face. Naruto leaned over her, supporting himself on his elbows above her and positioned himself at her virgin opening before thinking hard. To be fair, his sexual education came from watching in flight movies. However there was one thing he was always curious about.

Why did virgins bleed? Was there truly a wall of skin that's sole purpose was to be destroyed? If that was true it sounded like a very stupid evolutionary trait; let's cause woman pain and men pleasure in their first time. His other theory was simple fact, a woman's virginal wall was not yet stretched out enough for a dick and tearing of the wall happened if the male wasn't careful or if he was well endowed. To him the sounded a lot more sensible and going with this theory Naruto shrunk his dick to nine inches long and made it as thick as his thumb. 'This should be comfortable enough for her, as a will just need to adjust the width as we go on.' What Naruto didn't know was that women did in fact have a hymen, however due to Naruto's active training Terra had lost hers years ago.

Naruto sheathed himself in her wetness and groaned; this felt great despite his dick not being thick enough for her walls to squeeze hard. Terra began moaning uncontrollably at the feeling of penetration and the fact that he wasn't hurting her at all. Naruto began to move and slowly inflated his dick until it was an extra half an inch thicker on all sides. Once that was done he changed his positioning and sat on the bed with her facing him. He grasped her by her narrow hips and began jacking herself off with her body.

Terra clung desperately to his broad shoulder and he jacked her up and down, her walls now used to and loving this fleshy intruder. Terra didn't even have to put in any effort as her body quickly reached orgasm after orgasm, not causing Naruto to even slow down. She was having serious worries about friction when Naruto slammed her pelvis into her and roared, this time cracking the windows. His cum blasted up into her body, blowing right past her cervix and into her womb. She silently screamed as she felt the torrent fill up her womb and passed out from pleasure; her entire body felling like it was on fire.

When she woke she found herself in her own bed, resting on top of Naruto's ripped chest. She felt her belly and fainted. She was four months pregnant!

She woke up later to the sound of Naruto laughing at her. Not chuckling, fully laughing at her. Terra, her face red with embarrassment, smacked his shoulder. "You jerk, you-you made me pregnant!"

Naruto instead began laughing harder. "Hahahahahaha yah; pregnant with chocolate milk!"

"Whaaa?" Now if this wasn't the single weirdest response to this question in history. 'Pregnant with chocolate milk? What the fuck?' Suddenly Terra realized who she was talking to and what his dick tasted like. 'Oh fuck no! H-he wouldn't!' But the excuse ran hollow. She had a litre of chocolate milk in her womb.

Terra began laughing hysterically before passing out again. She would wake up alone the next morning with a massive stain of chocolate milk on her sheets. Beast Boy would later sniff the sheets for a smell of Terra and instead smell chocolate milk. His words would some up what any man would think; "Dude, what the fuck?"

Usual ending here, however this is a special edition since I am at the Australian Open and I am fucking hot and fucking bored.

Terra was feeling lethargic and told the team she felt faint. She said that the 'training' she had with Buu yesterday was so exhausting that she simply had to sleep it all away or she wouldn't be much use to the team at all. They all agreed and Terra went back into her room. Buu didn't show, which was fine with all of them.

Robin especially didn't know how to treat a villain who had a history of properly training apprentices for the hell of it. His threat of blowing up New York City looked terribly legit on the special news report they had seen (which didn't have nearly as good shots as the Naruto clone that filmed the fight for Terra and him to watch) and his ability to simply walk off afterwards was frankly disturbing. But Terra said her master was just battle hungry and treated everything as a game; since nothing could stop him. Robin didn't believe her until he tried to figure out a way to stop the equivalent of Superman without the weaknesses. He was stumped.

That evening Doctor Light stupidly committed a crime right in front of Titans Tower and was owned by Raven. However her 'scare-the-crap-out-of-Light' form developed four red eyes, showing a disturbing resurgence with Rage. Thankfully her teammates thought it was part of the act.

'The gem was born of evil's fire,

the gem shall be his portal.

He comes to claim,

he comes to sire.

The end of all things mortal.'

Raven woke up from her nightmare to find Naruto's presence at the edge of her bed. Although she couldn't tell due to her dark room, Naruto was naked.

"You are going to have to face him soon, birthday girl. Time to stop denying your heritage and running away." And then he was gone, leaving a wide awake Raven whose eyes couldn't get any bigger.

She locked herself away in her room for most of the day until the Titans threw her a surprise birthday party. Needless to say, she wasn't pleased, although Buu gave her what looked like a jewelry box. The facials on the male Titans was priceless, since they thought he was about to propose to Raven. Instead he told her to open it once it was all over. Thankfully he whispered the last part so the other Titans didn't catch the double meaning. She retired to her room to wait for the time to pass; putting the jewelry box inside her chest.

After staring at the clock in her room for an hour, Raven became increasingly frustrated. "Come on, can't this thing go any faster! Relax, it's almost over, it might not even happen. Relax, meditate. Azarath Metrion Zinthos." But as she continued to meditate she choked and swallowed some ash. Her eyes opened and she saw fires covering everything.

"What you have concealed you shall become. You have no other choice. Your destiny will be fulfilled. The portal must be open."

"NO!"Raven collapsed on top of her bed. When she looked up, she found herself being watched by both Naruto and Terra. She finally noticed his eyes and the different pattern they had in them. His eyes seemed to hypnotize her as the tomoes swirled around. "He's back. It's time, for all of us." And with that he grabbed Terra's shoulder and disappeared. The alarm went off right afterwards, with Robin running in to comfort her.

Terra and Buu appeared in what seemed like a massive factory. Terra and Buu both shared the same psychotic grin, he had told her about a new opponent, one of his apprentices. But he hadn't told her about Slade being back.


Cheshire appeared with a flash of new speed in front of the pair. Naruto and Terra observed the aura of fire outlining her although her look was unchanged; as the stylized S from Trigon was hidden underneath her mask.

Naruto's smile grew until it looked truly shark-like. "Someone got an upgrade from a demon lord. I love it. Better make this interesting Terra or I may just steal your fight."

Terra pouted playfully, "Alright Master. If you fought her there would be nothing left. You just enjoy your candy and book."

Naruto nodded and teleported high onto some railings. He then took out a paper bag of jellybeans and his Icha Icha Angels. Periodically perverted giggles came out of his mouth, causing a massive sweat drop from Slade who was silently observing them.

Not one for small talk, Cheshire threw multiple Hiraishin kunai with flaming auras at Terra. Terra performed numerous Matrix dodges to avoid first handful of kunai before jumping away from the next group. Cheshire used Hiraishin to appear at the first group of kunai, grab them before throwing them at Terra who was still in mid air. Terra reactions had being trained to perfection with her master, who always had superior speed. Terra pulled out a slab of concrete to block the kunai. But Cheshire's superheated kunai passed through it like a knife through butter. Only to hit air.

Unknowingly to Cheshire, Terra had pulled up a second slab of concrete and hidden it in the first one's shadow. Whilst she was hidden from view she caught a ride on the second slab.

Suddenly the ground below Cheshire reached out and grabbed her like four muddy hands. Cheshire scoffed and melted through it. But it proved to be a necessary distraction; when Cheshire was no longer bound she stupidly turned off her heat aura. That second piece of concrete smashed into her head. Just imagine, a piece of concrete weighing about fifty kilograms, moving just under the speed of sound, smashing straight into your skull. Naruto taught Terra to fight ruthlessly, and she crushed Cheshire's skull completely. Cheshire smashed face-first into the hard factory floor concrete before Terra landed right on top of Cheshire's back. She hopped off just as the rest of the Titans arrived.

"That's your cue," Slade spun around and saw that Buu was now behind him, still looking like he wasn't even paying attention. Glued to his book and eating what looked like a second bag of jellybeans; Slade honestly began to feel a bit of anger. Buu seemed to neither care nor worry about the fact that he had being brought back to life again; as if he was no more a threat to him then a bug.

"She's not dead you know. Nothing can kill us." Naruto's eyes widened at this. He suddenly had a thought of a certain jutsu from the memories of Minato. 'Edo Tensei?'

Naruto hoped he was wrong. In fact, he was pretty sure he was wrong since there were no other chakra users on this planet. 'So it is something similar that Trigon performed. He is more powerful then I give him credit for. If their bodies aren't there, then where are they? Trigon can't come to this world yet, he is still in hell…that's it! Their bodies are still in hell! Which means…'

The Titans were about to chew out their newest member when Naruto suddenly appeared next to Terra. "Please keep back; unfortunately she can't die." As if on cue, Cheshire pushed herself up and rolled over the concrete slab that her crushed her head. There was a flare of hellfire and her head and cracked mask were as good as new.

"That isn't her body, or at least most of it isn't her body. Most of it is magic, like one of Raven's force fields. The only way to kill her is to find destroy the rest of her body or sever the connection."

Naruto began to walk forwards. "Terra, you have won your battle. Even with her powers, you beat her. Now I shall finish her."

Naruto suddenly appeared in front of Cheshire and grabbed her by her neck, crushing it in his grip. He lifted her up until she was eye level with her, her legs dangling uselessly. She looked into his fully mature Sharingan eyes, which flashed before it all went black.

Inside Cheshire's Mindscape…

Naruto appeared in front of a giant burning face with four red eyes. Everything was made of fire, the floor, the walls; everything was uniform orange flames except for the face, which was a slightly darker shade along with the red eyes. Cheshire appeared next to him, disorientated. Naruto grinned, his Sharingan flashing in the flames as he appearing in front of the face and grabbed it right between the eyes. Ginning insanely, he crushed it harder and harder until the face exploded with a roar of anger, causing all the fires to go out. Naruto grinned and exited her mindscape.

Back in the real world…

Cheshire suddenly froze and her body turned to stone. "My eyes allowed me to cut the connection. This is the result." Suddenly he squeezed harder, causing the stone neck to crack before it shattered along with the rest of the statue once it hit the ground.

Naruto turned back to Terra. "Come on, let's go home. They will deal with the rest."

Terra nodded, touched that her master cared about her after that battle. It was her first properly attempted killing after all. She forgot to question what 'the rest' was.

Naruto reasoning was a mixture of Terra's and showing Slade that he could reveal himself now; he wouldn't interfere in Raven's education.

Once Naruto used Instant Transmition to go along with Terra, Slade showed up.

Back at the Tower…

"Terra, I am going away for maybe a day or so." Naruto gave her a kiss before creating a black portal; far more elegant then screaming one.

"Where are you going Master?" Terra wasn't worried that much, she was a big girl after all and she was well taken care of here at the Tower.

Naruto grinned. "I am going home to acquire…some…knowledge."

Terra nodded before Naruto stepped through the portal.