
Majin Naruto

This is a dimention hopping Naruto DBZ crossover series. Buu was absorbed into the seal and then fused with Naruto. After eating all the other jinchuuriki, Naruto decides to jump dimentions. Now in One Piece. ------------------- This synopsis pretty much sums it I figured what would happen if I mix my two favorite characters majin buu and Naruto and mix with a bit of justice league and pow you got this come and join the fun

Rebel_Royal5 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

chapter 9

Good Cheshire. Your training is complete." Buu looked down on her unconscious form and grinned maliciously.

"You have given me what I wanted," Naruto said to himself as he walked towards her. 'Now I guess it's time I give you what you want,' He turned over to her unconscious form and removed her mask. Paying no attention to her face; he etched a stylized M onto the forehead part of her cat mask before putting it back on her.

'Heh, it's like having my own ANBU division. She'll be a good opponent for the Teen Titans. I wonder how long it will take her to figure out how to walk on water? Heh, oh well what it is that teachers say about their apprentices; something about having faith…I feel like some chocolate. Mmmm.'

Naruto was thinking about such, ahem… important issues as he flew off back towards Titans Tower before deciding to take a detour to the Mall.

At the Mall with Starfire an Terra…

Both Starfire and Terra were getting their hair dried in an electric hair-dryer. The ever talkative Temeranian was talking about, well everything.

Terra didn't mind the lively atmosphere Starfire brought along with her, she wasn't Raven after all. But by talking to Starfire for about ten minutes she was able to deduce that Starfire had a crush on Robin and was a naturally curious and lively person. Once their hair was finished drying the teasing of Starfire began. "So Starfire, have you kissed Robin?" Terra asked slyly whilst ribbing her.

"Eep! (Turns out that this is not an actual word. Would have thought of this as an easy example of onomatopoeia. Thank you English language!) Friend Terra, where did you hear of this? Does friend Robin want the kissing from me?" Starfire started floating up and down, reminding Terra of a five year old on a sugar rush. "Why yes Starfire, he said he would love to kiss you."

Terra was having endless fun teasing the oblivious Starfire about Robin; only to have it rebuffed when Starfire mentioned Naruto to her. "So, friend Terra, you are with enemy Buu?" and that about summed up Starfire's view of their world. Completely black and white.

Terra's entire face turned red and steaming. "Well I guess so. We haven't actually done it yet."

"Done what friend Terra?" Starfire looked at her with those big innocent eyes.

Terra took one look at her and mentally wanted to run for the hills. 'Oh hell no! I am not having that conversation with Starfire at the age of 16!' "Never mind Starfire. Yes we are together, although he is trying to also be with Raven." Terra controlled her blush at this statement. She had actually being leaning more towards lesbian preferences before Buu found her. After all, what boy would desire her? With her too skinny body and non-existent curves?

And then Buu showed up, Mr Perfect Body. He had taught her, fed her and kissed her. But her now bisexual attraction had never completely faded away either and Raven was gorgeous! Unknowingly, Terra began to giggle in a slightly creepy way. The ever oblivious Starfire simply ignored the signs of a pervert and kept right on chatting.

That was until Buu smashed straight through the wall behind her. Both of them spun around and saw the hole in the wall coming from the Cakes R Us store. Buu had already plowed in the next store, a simple dairy. "Hey Master! Get me some energy drinks whilst you are there!" Terra shouted out as she turned back around and kept on walking; leaving behind a very confused Starfire.

"Friend Terra, why is enemy Naruto robbing the stores of sweet foods? Why not rob the bank for money?" 'Besides the fact that we have $20mil that is a pretty good question.' "I'll ask him Starfire." Terra then shouted out her question. "Hey Master, why not simply buy the cakes and sweets?" Her reply came back.


Terra nodded to herself as if it was a perfectly reasonable explanation. "Well there you have it Starfire, my Master got impatient. Can we go now?" Not waiting for an answer, Terra dragged a gob smacked Starfire out of the mall, which now had Buu's evil laugh coming from the speakers.

Meanwhile back at Titans Tower…

Raven was torn. Beast Boy had being really mean (in his clueless sort of way) and had hurt her feelings. Most would expect a teenage girl to simply toughen up but hurting Raven's feelings has a much bigger consequence then other girls. Rage was having a field day inside her head, explaining in gory details what she was going to do to Beast Boy. Timid was crying, which sounded like the whining from a kicked puppy.

In her moment of vulnerability, she turned to her books; especially the book of the sorcerer Malchior and how he defeated the evil dragon Rorek.

She was fascinated with the story and with Terra shopping with Starfire and Buu gone she felt lonely. Imagine that, her team's worst enemy (according to Robin) regarded her as a friend. She'd kept the photo and the…dildo; although both were hidden and she wasn't too sure if the dildo was just a joke. She certainly hadn't used it yet.

"I'm not creepy, just misunderstood. I wish someone understood that. Someone I could talk to besides Buu and Terra." Raven said out loud, not expecting a response.

"There is," The book responded.

Raven dropped the book onto the floor in surprise.

"Ouch," the book responded.

"Ahh did you just…"


"Ahh ha."

"I did, and then you dropped me on my spine."

"Oh, sorry books aren't supposed to talk." Raven kneeled down by the book.

"True fair maiden, but I am no book," before turning the pages of the book until a pair of eyes that were part of a face appeared on a page. The page was also torn in half with the bottom half missing.

"I am Malchior, at your service."

"The wizard who face the dread dragon Rorek?"

"The wizard who defeated Rorek. And is trapped within these pages by the dragon's final curse."

"Trapped, but that battle was almost…"

"One thousand years ago."

Raven said as she scanned the book with her magic, which caused the book to let out a small column of white magic. "The curse is strong, I'm sorry but I don't think my power can break it."

"I know, but perhaps we could just talk?"

Meanwhile, outside Raven's window…

Buu grinned as he listened in on Raven's conversation. This was it; the entity in that book had great knowledge of dark magic. 'By absorbing it I may be able to recreate the Majin spell. It is already manipulating Raven into freeing itself and Beast Boy seems to be trying hard to separate the team; moron. A perfect set of circumstances. I was right, good things do come to those who wait…or was it candy?'

The next day at noon…

When Beast Boy went outside Raven's room to apologize to her he was completely shocked to find Majin Naruto Buu himself standing outside her door. Before Beast Boy said anything Naruto spoke first. "Shut up. Raven called Terra and Terra called me. You're not getting in."

Inside her room, Raven built a ritual circle of salt and candles and incense. "I've never even heard of this spell, where did you learn it?" Raven asked as she was doing the final preparations.

"It's in the Galleon Scrolls." Malchior responded.

"You've read the Galleon Scrolls?" Raven was in awe. Those ancient artifacts were lost due to the simple fact that they were written on scrolls by a hermit wizard almost 700 years ago. It they scrolls, named after the wizard himself; were full of magical rituals.

"And the Mornal Archives, and the Stones of Syr. (HAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG I AM ROFL! I TRANSLATED THE WORD SYR. IT MEANS CHEESE! HAHAHAHAHA!) I've been trapped in a book. Not much to do but read."

Raven nodded; "I think it's almost ready."

After a lock of her hair was given as the final ingredient; she blew the powder onto the book. Pages came flying around before forming into the crude form of a bandaged male.

"Thank you," Malchior said.

"You're welcome," Raven responded as she watched the wizard walk towards her. As he was about to touch her with his right hand it fell apart. "Silly me, of course. I remain bound to the book."

"Because the curse is still in effect." Raven responded.

"Indeed. If I am ever to be truly free, well, it would require magic's of much greater power."

Raven walked closer to the wizard. "Then teach me the spells. I want to help you. I want to learn."

Malchior put his hand around her shoulder but Raven shrugged it off. "To break this curse, I must teach you more than just a few simple spells. I must teach you everything I know."

Meanwhile with Buu…

'Well this is going to take a while. Whatever should I do in meantime…?' Buu used Instant Transmition.

"Oh Superman…oh Superman! Come out and play! OR I'LL BLAST THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF NEW YORK CITY!" Naruto shouted and creates a Planet Burst to show that he meant business. The giant pink ball of energy turned the sky pink due to the aura coming off of it; plunging the city into a premature dusk.

Of course this attack would destroy a lot more then New York City, but which idiot tells their opponents the limits of their abilities?

A few seconds later the Man of Steel arrived, floating in front of the fiend with his arms crossed.

"I will not allow you –"

"Ka –"

"to heart the innocent –"

"me –"

"people of New York."


"Hey are you listening to me?"


One week later…

Raven emerged from her room and was greeted by an ever shirtless Naruto. He gave her one of his wicked smiles. "I feel your magic beneath your skin. It's intoxicating." Naruto whispered the last two words into her covered ear. Raven shivered with…something. "Here, let me show you mine."

Raven shivered. 'His? Surly he doesn't mean…' Suddenly Raven was caressed by a massive power. She felt like she was a speck, a drop in a vast ocean. 'By Azeroth, how much power does he have?' Before Raven realized what was happening she was picked up, on arm holding her up by cupping her ass and another bringing head in for a steamy kiss. In her first show of submissiveness she moaned softly when Buu stopped the kiss.

Naruto dropped his hands and wrapped her long grey-skinned legs around his waist before burying his face into her neck, kissing and sucking it hard, obviously leaving a love mark. Naruto then began channeling his demon chakra through the mark he had just left on Raven's neck. His power reacted with Raven's demonic heritage, causing her to wail as she experienced her first orgasm.

Raven was panting hard, gasping as she clutched onto Naruto's shoulders. "You're mine Raven, my sexy sorceress," Naruto spoke these words only an inch away from Raven's panting mouth. Somehow she knew she would lose her virginity to this man soon.

In the second Kardiak fight…

Raven appears in a black portal and looks at Kardiak. "This time when I break you, stay broken!" Her cloak billows up as she prepares to cast a new spell. "Necronom Hezberek Mortix!"

Robin tries to warn Raven about the hostage situation. "Raven! Careful! The girl!"

But it was too late; the black aura began covering Kardiak. "I can't," Raven said, straining to control it. Suddenly the love mark on her neck pulses and she feels Naruto's energy inside her. Unknown to Raven, the skin on her neck, which was slightly reddened from the intense necking Naruto gave her; developed a mark.

It was a very familiar stylized M. Raven's eye's developed a pink glow as she pulled back the spell, tearing Kardiak to pieces whilst leaving the girl unharmed. Thankfully no one saw the pink lightshow. "Raven you ok?" Robin asked her after he got the girl out of Kardiak's wreckage.

"Yah, new spell. Sorry," Raven looked decidedly uncomfortable as she teleported through the floor and back towards Titans Tower.

At Titans Tower…

Where were Naruto and Terra at this time? Inside Terra's room, eating caramel coated popcorn whilst watching a recording of Naruto's fight with Superman. The film was taken by a clone of Naruto himself with a camera.

"Master, you never told me that you could fly!" Terra kept on eating her popcorn. Honestly, was their anything her Master couldn't do?

"Keep it a secret Terra. Although I doubt it will be much of a secret for long." Naruto reached for some popcorn and ate it whilst they both tuned into the television.

"Hey are you listening to me?"


A giant blue blast almost caught Superman before he used his speed to dodge. Naruto was undeterred and decided it was time to pull of one of the old moves he copied. Putting both hands in front of him; palms out, Naruto used Vegeta's Continuous Energy Bullets attack, one that he had copied as Fat Buu.

His grin grew as he watched Superman dodge every single attack. It looked like yellow fireworks were lighting up the sky. (Think Final Form Frieza vs Vegeta)

Superman wasn't comfortable hurting a teenager, even one as powerful as this one. So he quickly appeared in front of the blonde haired teen and flicked his forehead for a quick knockout. The boys head snapped back, hiding his facial expression from Superman. There for Superman didn't see the grin on Naruto's face. 'What speed!' Naruto grinned. 'He's perfect!'

Naruto swung his right shin straight into Superman's chest, putting his full power into the strike. Superman was caught completely by surprise at his opponent's durability and strength and was sent flying straight through a skyscraper.

Whilst waiting for Superman to recover from the surprise assault Naruto activated his Sharingan.

Back in Terra's bedroom, the close-up view the camera had of Naruto's Sharingan happened to be the first time Terra had seen it. "What are those eyes Master? They look different to your normal red eyes."

Naruto nodded and simply said, "They were incomplete. I fought Superman not only to ease my boredom but to complete my eyes." Both turned back to the television and continued watching.

Superman suddenly appeared in front of Naruto with his right fist cocked back. Naruto crossed both arms in front of his chest and lowered his head. Superman's fist impacted Naruto's guard and sent him flying very, very far away. The camera stayed on Superman and showed his reaction to the kid's block.

"Nothing cracked at all; I didn't even feel bone. It's as if this kid has no bones at all, only muscle." Superman mused out loud, unaware that this was all being recorded. Once he finished his musings he noticed the kid was right back in front of him. 'This kid is incredible.'

"Tell me kid, what is your name?"

Naruto just gave a deranged smile before creating a Planet Burst above him. He then simply pointed down. Superman's eyes widened in horror as he saw the colossal blast heading down, straight towards New York City. In a split second he is above Naruto and gave him a double axe handle straight into his own blast. Naruto's Sharingan could see him, slightly, but he couldn't keep up and was 'helpless' as he was sent into his own blast. Superman then appeared bellow the Planet Burst and used his heat vision on the attack.

The ball slowed down and turned from a pink to an angry red. Superman kept up the heat vision as the ball resembled more and more like the sun. Naruto impacted the attack and was incinerated before Superman's heat vision sent the ball flying out into space. Unknown to Superman Naruto fired off one of his fingers just in time. Although Naruto was completely incinerated by the attack his finger rapidly divided up and became him again.

Terra was shocked at the limits of Naruto's regeneration. 'Even a piece of him can regenerate in seconds. And from the looks of it, Superman missed the whole regeneration.'

Superman looked shocked when he looked in front of him at the street; only to see Buu standing right in front of him. Naruto could immediately tell the difference in his vision, it had evolved again. 'A complete Sharingan. Perfect.'

"My Name is Majin Naruto Buu, Superman. Thank you for the battle," Naruto put two fingers on his forehead and disappeared.

They turned off the television. "Master can you show me you eyes?" Terra turned and looked at Naruto expectantly. Naruto sighed and closed his eyes. When they opened a perfect three tomoe Sharingan was displayed in both eyes.

Terra had stars for eyes. "Cool! What's it do?" Terra hit him with her puppy look.

'Must resist look…'

Naruto leaned in close; "It's a secret."

Terra pouted before the entire Tower shook. It was a testament of Naruto's faith in her that he didn't even glance in her direction when it happened. "Let's go up to the roof."

Naruto distended his mouth like a snake and swallowed all the caramel popcorn, packet and all. Terra whined at Naruto taking all the candy for himself before he picked her up bridal style and flew out of Terra's window, with her shrieking in surprise and delight.

On the roof of Titan's Tower, the Teen Titans were fighting ineffectively against the Dread Dragon Malchior. Raven unleashed her newly learnt spells against Malchior it little affect. The M on her neck suddenly glowed and Raven's eyes became completely red along with a smaller pair appearing above them. Raven spat out a thick black mist that was supercharged with pink lightning bolts inside it. Crackling like lightning and hissing like acid, the mist descended onto the Malchior.

Malchior breathed fire against the tide and for a moment it looked as if it would be held back. Then the tide arced out into five streams, forming a black hand with demonic claws. The hand continued to grow before crushing the flames. Reverting into is cloud like state again, a massive bolt of pink lightning arced out and struck Malchior. Even with his wing pulled up in defense, a hole was still punched straight through and struck his ribs, causing the dragon to roar in pain.

Suddenly a purple beam was fired from a different direction and struck the dragon. Malchior roared in pain, a roar that quickly died away as with a puff of smoke the dragon became a… jelly dragon. One that was quickly levitated and eaten by Buu.

Raven's red eyes quickly reverted back to normal and she dropped from the sky in exhaustion. Only to be caught bridal style by Terra, who was flying on a piece of the broken ceiling, and brought to Buu.

Although there was no significant change in Buu's power from absorbing the Malchior, there was a massive amount of new knowledge available to him. Buu hadn't felt like this since he had absorbed Piccolo. He walked up to Raven and grinned at her. "7 'o' Clock tomorrow. Your training begins." Before kissing her forehead and disappearing. It was at this point in time that Terra discovered that she may be bi. Seeing Raven in her arms and the fact that the Titans weren't looking in their direction for now; she bent down and gave Raven a full kiss on the lips.