
Luminous Will: Fall of the Celeste

There was a long time, the Celestians ruled the land by their Sky, the Celeste. They were known as "Kings", quite like divine term, and every " King" chosen by a species became their protector. Until now, everything were to be fine. But, when Énée, bastard born from a Celestian and a Caelist, manages to ascend as royal consultant for the Aerist king, the ruler of Cel'hestyn, the Celestians broke down in a rage against one of their kind. The Celestian War broke out. There's no hope of salvation, except for Polaris, a very powerful Celestian, pretty confident in his ablities, persuaded he can put an end to the war despite being seen as the Leader of the Skyrise, the kind of Celestians Énée is from. One's dream became the way to a very long tragedy... a long tragedy of uncertain future and non-existant fate.

Demie_Boy · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter One: A light, far away - Part One

The darkness had set itself along the night when the two Celestians landed on Adama. When Polaris looked around, he couldn't process what exactly was going on. All that he was seeing was darkness, but more than that, he felt extremely... small. While looking for his companion, the Ruler of the Skyrise Space could barely notice the silhouette of what seems to be a woman, followed by coughings.

"My Lord ? Please keep calm, I'm right here !„

Polaris had difficulties processing what was happening, again. He could finally see Lactane, but he noticed that the giantess had a face, and very pretty hair going down her head. In fact, the only fact that she had a head made him confused. He had never seen Celestians in that way.

"My Lord, calm down. It is really me, Lactane. Adama can't sustain the Celestians' powers right like the Celeste can, that's why we look like that.„

"... How do I look, then ?„

"My Lord, you're handsome.„

"... That's not what I had exactly asked for but thank you.„

Polaris took a small moment to inspect himself. He could notice that he had long while hair, and he was wearing the same outfit that he wore before leaving the Skyrise Space. The giantess hid a small laugh, observing her superior discovering his own body again.

"My Lord, let's wait for the day to come. You'll have plenty of time to compare your current body with your Celestian form.„

The Primal Celestian looked ar her with a curious stare. Polaris had never descended on Adama. At least, he knew what days and nights meant, but surely, he wasn't aware of this kind of effects.


"Yes, my Lord ?„

"How does my face look ? I mean—„

"You have fair skin and blue eyes. Except that, I wouldn't be able to describe your face. I'm not very much knowing about Adamian's anatomy. Worse, all of them are so different than it would be too long. It would be easier if they didn't have a face, only floating elements, just like we have.„

"... You surely have your ways to appreciate them, my dearest.„

"None of them could be better than you are, my Lord.„

Polaris thought, "she should focus elsewhere". He was definitively embarassed. Yet, it wasn't time for jokes and idle chats. The Skyrise Space's Ruler had a reason to descend. He closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them to analyse his surroundings. The couple of Celestians had landed in the plains, next to the mountains, with the forest in sight. In other words, they were at the crossing between the Sylvestria forest, Rhinneria plains and Krimeria mountains, meaning they were far from the usual zones that the Skyrise Clan were usually watching over. This was between the Ignria Clan's zones and the Animalis Clan's zones. They had to be extremely careful already.

"Lactane. You know, I have descended for a very specific reason.„

"My Lord, may I know what this reason may be ?„

Polaris took a deep breath. He closed his eyes again, remembering a series of reports the lower Celestians made for him, organizing every little part of his speech before exhaling and opening his eyes.

"Lactane. Crimes have been committed against us. I had listened to multiple reports about the Animalis getting in our zones, harming our people. I also heard of many crimes they have done in the name of "power" and "strength" against their own people.„

The Primal Celestian marked a pause in his speech.

"If we don't stop them now, it will be a war on Adama that will happen. I can't let anything happen now. For the Celestians' and Adamian's sake, we have to stop the Animalis Clan before they go too far in their madness. I know that it will be difficult, but I won't ever be able to do it alone. Lactane Galacta Phores Skyrise, my darest, please... Join me toward my quest.„

She was speechless. She had heard of what happened, and it didn't seem right to her either, but she wouldn't have thought of Polaris descending to put a term to the Animalis Clan's scheme by himself. She calmed down, taking minutes to be able to say a few words to her superior.

"My Lord. Count me me. I swear I will help you, no matter what.„


Dawn started to rise when the duo from the Enchantment finally managed to get out of the secret organisation's surveillance. Running through the huge forest while losing the fellow magicians that were after them had exhausted the young woman and her companion. The Galameo Witch was staring at the Grand Alchemist's, Meteorite's, face. She could feel their exhaustion through their blindfold.

"Grand Alchemist. Shouldn't we take a break here ? It seems we have escaped them.„

"... We have to go further if we want to solve the case we're supposed to take care of.„

Meteorite was nervous and disappointed that the Leader of the Tower didn't trust them enough to let them go alone. Their annoyance could be felt through their tone, they clearly didn't want to chat yet. The alchemist grabbed the young woman's arm before keeping walking. They were further and further, before finally taking a break. The young woman thought she would explode just from this run.

"... I should have let you inside the tower.„

"Now I can't go back.„

"Shut up ane listen to me, for once.„

She had read a lot about them. She knew that Meteorite was born from an Haestix. Yet, they weren't looking like one. They had long but falling ears and had to keep a blindfold constantly. Her senior had dark skin, and she had weak eyes. Her brown stare had a lot of difficulties following them.

"So, we haven't arrived yet. It will take days, so you'll have to do whatever I tell you. Okay, newbie ?„

"... I have a name. I am—„

"As I've said, your name doesn't matter.

She sat on a log, keeping ranting to herself while ignoring the oldest's sayings. She thought she had tasted freedom again.

"So, eat now. I won't feed you by myself so you'd better eat.„

Meteorite had lit a fire, circled by stones, marked with alchemic symbols so this one doesn't spread around. The young woman bit into the cooked vegetables, feeling the mix between sweetness and bitterness. The food she was enjoying, made from a few savage vegetables, were far tastier than what she had usually for meal at the Tower.