
Luminous Will: Fall of the Celeste

There was a long time, the Celestians ruled the land by their Sky, the Celeste. They were known as "Kings", quite like divine term, and every " King" chosen by a species became their protector. Until now, everything were to be fine. But, when Énée, bastard born from a Celestian and a Caelist, manages to ascend as royal consultant for the Aerist king, the ruler of Cel'hestyn, the Celestians broke down in a rage against one of their kind. The Celestian War broke out. There's no hope of salvation, except for Polaris, a very powerful Celestian, pretty confident in his ablities, persuaded he can put an end to the war despite being seen as the Leader of the Skyrise, the kind of Celestians Énée is from. One's dream became the way to a very long tragedy... a long tragedy of uncertain future and non-existant fate.

Demie_Boy · Fantasy
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Prelude: The Celestian War - Part Three

The night had fallen on Sylvestria forest. The Enchantment Tower, hidden thanks to the Forest King's magic, seemed to have completely lost its lights. That magnificent building's construction had started a few decades before and had been finally finished five year earlier. It rose above twenty meters above the ground, counting countless rooms, and mostly, the last floor containing the Master of the Tower's room. No one except Enchantment's leader had access to it, but a lots of rumours described it as a luxury place, where ivory paved the ground and gold plated on the walls, where furnitures were covered with red silk and dark velvet. Needless to say, mages of the tower were all envious of this position.

"Here lies the secrets of Magics„ was written on the porch as it is now Enchantment's headquarters. Enchantment is an association of mages from different species who tried to unlock magic's secrets by any ways. It lead to the rise of witchers, alchemists, magicians and all different kind of magically related warriors. The only downside of this organisation is that, once joined, no one can really leave. Its secrets are and will stay well-protected until the end.

The girl was writing in her small diary. She was writing all kind of feelings that were going through her mind. She was one of the newest recruit of Enchantment, she didn't even have a title yet. She was simply "newbie number 10 of the last crew" for now. She had a name, indeed, but she wasn't allowed to use it yet. She was dreaming of adventures and wished she could go outside a little bit instead of studying magic this much. She finally blew out the candle as her brown eyes showed tiredness, finally going to bed.

When the sun rose, she went out of her room, straight to the training ground where she met her senior and mentor. Her senior was called "Meteorite". She didn't know wether it was their real name or if it was a nickname of a sort. But, it was the only way she was allowed to call them.

"Isn't the your final trial soon, Number 10 ?„

"I have a name, Alchemist Meteorite.„

"You didn't answer my question. And, as soon as you don't have a title, you won't be called by your name, Number 10.„

She thought a little, about how she felt ane that "final trial". All she knew is that she'll get soon a title, respect, but most importantly, she'll get to study magic as she wanted. She wanted to be a witch, or at least, to be called a witch. But, if she could skip today's class and sneak out of the Tower, she would.

"I heard there's some serious tensions between the Kings up there recently. I hope it won't end by somekind of war or something like that. Our tower won't be able to support that kind of event.„

"The Kings up there", or more simply, the Celestians. She was terribly scared of thoses creatures. Unlike most of her crew, she had witnessed a fight between thoses magnificient but huge creatures, resulting in her land being destroyed by that simple fight. But it wasn't what was surprising her the most. She had been very wary of Meteorite, especially lately. Her senior seemed under constant stress despite being one of the best alchemists of the Tower. But how could an Haestix like them could know this much about the Celestians ? And mostly, how could the Tower be their only worry as, if a war was to break out, it would be Adama that would be completely wiped out of the globe. She was mortified.

"... I really hope it doesn't turn that bad.„ She replied, sighing, as she couldn't add more.

"Knowing your talents, and by how curious you are, I believe you would manage to survive an event like this one.„, her senior added.

As they were debatting, a highly ranked mage entered the training ground.

"Grand Alchemist Meteorite, we have some terrible news. A disaster is about to happen between Krimeria and Acornia. A huge power have been sensed, and it is above all Kings high above we could have seen.„

Meteorite didn't think twice. They grabbed their newbie's arm, before rushing toward their room, before grabbing some official Enchantment's crew clothings.

"I need to check on this. But I can't leave you alone. You'll get out with me. I don't know what are the Kings high above doing, but I have to check at least on what they're planning. And, since I'll be out for a long time, you can consider yourself officially as a part of the crew. Remember that you're still a newbie. If the truth of a newbie being out, you'll get forcely out, and I'll get problems. So, for now, you'll be with me, and, for the Celestians' sake, don't leave my side.„

She looked at him with her brown stare, before silently putting her outfit on.

"Am I... a witch, then, since it's I am officially a part of the crew ?„

"If you want, then, I guess you can.„

"... Then... I'll be... the Galameo Witch.„

"Why "Galameo" ?„

"It's my last name, Senior.„

"Call me "Grand Alchemist". You'll have troubles if you call me "Senior".

"Sure, Grand Alchemist.„

"Now be smart and don't fuck everything up. Remember, this is serious.„

It was dark when the duo left the Tower. The newly nammed witch didn't know what to think much of it. But she had a bad feeling... a terrible feeling.