
Luminous Will: Fall of the Celeste

There was a long time, the Celestians ruled the land by their Sky, the Celeste. They were known as "Kings", quite like divine term, and every " King" chosen by a species became their protector. Until now, everything were to be fine. But, when Énée, bastard born from a Celestian and a Caelist, manages to ascend as royal consultant for the Aerist king, the ruler of Cel'hestyn, the Celestians broke down in a rage against one of their kind. The Celestian War broke out. There's no hope of salvation, except for Polaris, a very powerful Celestian, pretty confident in his ablities, persuaded he can put an end to the war despite being seen as the Leader of the Skyrise, the kind of Celestians Énée is from. One's dream became the way to a very long tragedy... a long tragedy of uncertain future and non-existant fate.

Demie_Boy · Fantasy
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Chapter One: A light, far away - Part Two

The sound of the wind was ringing in the young woman's ears. Her outfit had been done a few minutes earlier by the servants as she was enjoying a cup of warm milk. In her mind, her future speech was in repeat, as it was her role to communicate minor announcements or simply announcements when the his Majesty didn't feel like doing it. Enée could feel the sun warming up the cool breeze of the morning, a feeling she had never experienced back then at the lowest parts of Cel'Hestyn. She closed her eyes, drinking her breakfast as she could feel the wind ruffling her ashen hair. As the wind blows, she felt her memories taking her away.

'So... You're planning to do as the king wishes ?‚

'It's not like I had any choices, father. I can't let the king take away our small Enée.‚

'What a responsible older brother ! Theodoric... oh. Enée. You're already here.‚

'Father, Theo, what's happening ? What doez the King wants ?‚

"... La...?„

A sound blew in her ears. She was kicked out of her memories, slowly waking up frop this daydream.

"You're finally awake, Lady Enée. The Highness is looking for you. He said he had something to tell you.„

'Great. If it is another task this slacker doesn't want to do, I'm gonna smack his ass.‚

These days, Enée had forced herself to do half of the paperwork that the future king had to do, as he called it, "as his assistant". She was indeed pretty much annoyed, but she had her mind set. If the future king, Cyr, was keeping this up, she'll make him understand her annoyance.

As she was walking down the stairs, the woman showing wings instead of arms listened to her environment. Despite lacking of arms, her senses were sharp, sharper than any regular Aerist's, allowing her to be aware of troubles.

"Where does his Highness expect me to meet him ?„

"Lady, his Highness called you over the Throne Room. His Highness also insisted on you and him beinf alone, my Lady.„

'By the Stellar Empress, what does this mean ?‚

"The... Throne Room, you said ?„

"Yes, my Lady. Oh. And he tasked me to deliver another message.„

The servant opened a bag decorated with golden threads and embroideries to give the young Caelist a letter. Enée had noticed how some servants seemed to have such luxuous accessories. The three servants in charge of her were all of this kind— especially the one responsible for her global well-being, Claire, the maid next to her.

The young maid was a gorgeous woman who had no luck. Her pale face was displaying two pretty purple eyes, underlined by freckles. Her thin lips were a pinkish orange, while her dirty red hair were supposely tied in a bun, but having loosen hair. Just like Enée, she wasn't from the Upper Cel'Hestyn. It is obvious, an Elpha alone couldn't be from that Higher Cel'Hestyn.

"Claire. Did his Highness tell you anything more ?„

"No, my Lady. He just told me to give you the letter and this message.„

"... Thank you, Claire. This is sufficient.„

The young woman accepted the letter as she fastened to enter the Throne Room. Obviously, she would read that message later, but for now, all she had to do was to wait until the new king would allow her to say something.

As the maid opened the great dark doors of the luxuous room, Enée had an eerie feeling. Something wasn't right. Her hesitation was shown on her face. She would have to learn yet how to hide what she was feeling.

"... Her Lady, the Royal Adviser. Please, enter, I was waiting for you.„

'Who... Who is this ?‚

The man standing in front of her seemed indeed to be the young King, Cyr. But something wasn't right. It was a feeling she couldn't mistake, she had already felt it somehow, despite it being as something she couldn't decipher neither describe. Fear took over.

"Oh. Can't you enter yet ? I have things to discuss, Lady Royal Adviser Enée.„

"Excuse me, your Highness.„

Despite the feeling, she entered the room by small steps. Her wings' feathers raised themselves as she clearly heard the door closing behind her. Claire wasn't here, neither was any servants in the room. There were no guard, no attendants, no butlers. No one, except this man, and herself.

"... You're more sensitive that I thought you would be.„

The King said, while staring at the young Caelist's golden eyes.

"I'll be honest. I have no ill intentions. Royal Adviser Enée, I have a lot of questions to ask you. But I need you to be frank.„

"What do you mean, your Highness ?„

"Royal Adviser, Lady Enée. Our situation is currently the worst. Listen... there is recorded informations about thr Celestians fighting against each otherd. More than that, the King has disappeared with the former Royal Adviser, Sir Theodoric, and the Second Princess, Her Highness Heliodora. Fortunately, the knights found out that, a bit before their disappearance, the Royal Adviser had come to his birth home.„

The uncrowned King took a small break. He couldn't tell more than it already was.

"Tell me. What did the Royal Adviser tell you this morning ?„

Her face was paller. Her lips and throats became dried and didn't let her say a word. She was truly unable to hide the impact of thoses facts.

"... I... I'll be honest your Highness. All I heard...„

She remembered the last day she saw her older brother. She remembered every words he told her.

'Her, small sunflower. You look radiant today.‚

'Theo ?! Aren't you supposed to work ?‚

'Calm down, sheesh. The King, the Young Princess and I are going on a trip ! More seriously, I am going to tell you something. If I ever go missing, remember theses words.‚


'Enée. My little Sunflower. You're wielding the powers of a Celestian. Many people are aware of it despite not even knowing how you look and not having ever met you. Many people are envious of such a power. But don't worry. Your brother will always protect you from them.‚

'... Can you stop the bullcrap ? There's something else you want to tell me, don't you ?‚

'Enée... If I ever go missing... Tell yourself that the King made me disappear on purpose. I am an obstacle. He realised I took the position just for you to be free from his shackles.‚

While she was zoning out, the King called her name... once. twice. three times. In the end, he called her name twenty times in order to wake her up from her memories. It was terrifying in his eyes.

"Royal Advisor Enée ?„

"He said he knew that he would disappear. He didn't tell me why, neither how, but he knew that there was a high chance that he would go missing. He didn't tell me that the king nor the young princess would disappear, however.„

'The King was responsible for it.‚

Enée zoned our again. Her eyes met Cyr's dark eyes as she could feel her heart beating rapidly. A black halo formed around her head during her thinking moment, before she opened her mouth again.

"Your Highness, Cyr El Lexius. If a Celestian War ever breaks out, I will task myself to protect you.„

Enée had made her mind. She couldn't let Cel'Hestyn being destroyed because of outside forces.