
Loving You Was A Mistake

Those were the initial days of her university when she saw him for the first time. She fell for him without talking to him even once. He was her 2 years senior. She clearly knows that he likes her too. She waits for him and 2 years passed. He graduates. She felt like she have to make a first move. But then she saw him with another girl. Her world was ripped apart and she made a decision. Loving him is a mistake and she closes her heart clearly knowing that there is no path in which they will again intervene each others' life. But she was wrong.

Angel18k · 若者
13 Chs

Past Revival - Her

The acceptance call from the company which came in the morning was enough for her happy to the moon and back mood. She will join on the day after tomorrow.

She called Nisha and set her plans for the day. First, they will do shopping then Ansha would treat her in her favorite restaurant.

After that she message another person.

"Got selected! I'll be joining the day after tomorrow so I'll be super busy. Meet me at our usual place tomorrow for dinner?"

"As your wish sweetheart!" He replied.

She smiled at his expected message.

Later that day in Shopping mall….

They were leisurely walking with their hands full of their shopping.

Ansha was humming a song.

"Well, well, well your excitement for this job is already over the moon and you haven't started it yet. I think you will not even consider to exit the building on your first day until security guards wouldn't throw you out."

"I don't think so, it'll happen". She laughed.

"Oh my God! You are not even minding that." Nisha looked at her with fake surprise.

"Yes! I forgive you already." She also said with faked haughtiness.

"Oh really?!"

"Yeah!" Something caught her attention.

"Let's go there."

She holds Nisha's hand and they entered in the Men's Clothing shop. She just grabbed the tie which she saw through the glass.

She gives it to the shop attendant and get it packed.

After leaving the shop Nisha asked her.

"Let me guess. It's for Rayan.

And you don't have to confirmed it. Because I know I'm right". She said as a matter of fact.

"Yes, you're right. If it is not for him then who could be?"

"Yes, yes! Now please let's go somewhere to eat. I'm starving." Nisha tries to said this with puppy eyes.

"No need of those puppy eyes, it's not going to work on me." Ansha said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I know! Now hurry up!"

Next day…..

She was getting ready for her meet up with Rayan and also, she was preparing her things for the next day at her job.

She was trying to wear her earing with one hand and with the other hand she was placing things in her bag.

Both the bags, one for the current occasion and the other one for work were placed side by side on bed.

She finishes up wearing her earrings and opens one of the yesterday's shopping bag and take out her gift for Rayan.

At the same time, her mobile rings signaling an incoming call which was on her dressing table with the shopping bag. The name Rayan was shining on the screen. She attends the call and walk back to her bed. Rayan has come to pick her up.

"I'm coming outside just wait for 2 minutes." She removes the mobile phone from her ear.

She ends the call and at the same time she drops his gift in the bag for the evening but that accidentally falls in the second one without her knowledge.

She hurriedly zipped up both bags and takes her intended bag and go outside where Rayan was waiting.

At the Restaurant…..

They both were having their dinner and also was catching up with each other's life.

"So, you are happy with this job?" Rayan asked her.

"Why wouldn't I? This is my dream workplace and now I'm only seeing myself improving."

"Well, I'm happy for you."

"I know you're." She replied.

"And I know you would also feel happy for me when you'll see this." He gave a pause.

"What?!" She said excitedly.

He takes out two different letters from the inner pocket of his coat.

She opens one and there was a ticket for him to Canada. She looked at him happily.

"So, you're finally going to Canada. I know you were missing…" Before she can further say anything, he cuts her.

"Before you jump to any conclusion of my reason for going there, just open that other letter."

She looks at him for any hint but he was expressionless. So, she had to open the second letter.

She saw the contents of letter and gaped in complete surprise.

She looked at Rayan with her both hands on her mouth who was immersed in his laughter at her expected response.

"Just stop laughing." She says to him and herself starts laughing.

They both laugh for good two minutes.

"Why wouldn't you tell me before that you're applying for the job position in your desired company there in Canada. And you're telling me now when you are already appointed for this job. I hate you." She said huffing her cheeks.

"I just wanted to see your reaction." He said with a laugh.

"From where I'm seeing things, it's like you have hit two birds with one shot."

"Not only two birds. I am confident that I have hit 5 to 6 birds. But it seems like you're not happy for me." He teased her.

"You fool! Of course, I'm happy for you." She hits him on his shoulder.

She looks at the ticket once more for his departure date.

"What?! Your flight is tomorrow. You're just leaving like this. When you have planned to tell me? When you have already reached to Canada?" She was now fuming with anger.

"Hey stop being angry my little munchkin. Let me explain."

He tells her that he only received his letter from the Canada a week before and he was busy with things here to pack up. But he really wanted to surprise her and already decided this evening to tell her everything and to treat her, but her call came first. In the end she was satisfied with his explanation.

The waiter comes and Rayan pays the bill. In the meanwhile, she looks in her bag for his gift but don't find anything. She just thinks that she forgets it at home.

"Now listen carefully to me and think about it." He said seriously.

"I don't like the idea of you being single anymore. You have to forget your past and live in the present. You just have to give someone a chance and open your heart to him."

"Last time I opened my heart for someone, I got extremely heart. You know it well."

"I just said let go of your past. I think you have to give Basel a chance." He said avoiding her eyes.

"Are you out of your mind? Basel! No way!" She said resolutely.

"Why not him? He loves you since your university and he is a sincere guy.".

"I already said no."

"OK just meet him once, then decide. You are always like a little sister to me. I don't want to see you hurt anymore. And, now I'll be not here." He slowly said to her.

"It's all up to you. Please meet him. For my sake? Please." He was requesting her.

She nodded her.

They leave the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant she says to him that she will miss him and he says same to her. Later, he hugger her.

Unknown to them, someone was clicking their pictures.

Next day…..

Her full report was in front of him with some pictures of her last two days. He picked up a picture in which Rayan was hugging her. He picked another one in which they were seating in the restaurant and both were laughing uncontrollably.

There were other pictures too of them. Her alone also and with Nisha too.

He was expressionless.

"Why there is no much clear information about this man and her relationship?" He asked.

"Sir we only came to know that they are close but in what way, it is not specific when we just researched Ansha. We are researching Rayan thoroughly. I'll will shortly receive the news about it." Rushd explain.

"OK! Did she reach here and on time?"

"Yes Sir! 10 minutes earlier."

He nods his head.


She was happily doing her work. Her department head and co-workers, all were of good nature and some of them were also coming for her help from time to time. The morning passed just like that.

Soon the lunchtime starts.

Her co-worker Maira asks Ansha to join her.

"Oh sure! Just wait for me for two minutes. I just had to submit this report to Sir."

"Sure. Make it fast."

After getting the permission, when she enters into Head's office, he was already talking on the office phone.

"Yes Sir! I'll make sure of it." Mr. Shah says looking towards her. There was a strange expression in his eyes which left her uncomfortable because last time when she meets him, all was fine.

"So, Ansha how is your first day going? Everything is fine?" He was back to usual.

"Yes Sir. I just came to submit this." She considers that look, her mere imagination.

Mr. Shah takes file from her and after flipping 2 to 4 pages he said that her report is not good enough so, she has to do it again. He explains her to how to do it. He also gives her 3 more reports to work and orders her to submit all of them before going to home.

She comes out of his office dejectedly. Maira was waiting for her.

"Shall we?" She asks her.

"Nah! You go first." Ansha explains her to that she now has load of work to do which she has to submit at the end of the day. She doesn't have time to have lunch anymore.

"You're going to skip your lunch on your very first day here. Don't worry. I'll help you. I'm not hungry."

"You just go and have your lunch and you can help me after you are done with your work."

Maira resisted but after Ansha persuasion she leaves.

Ansha continues her work.


Her other half day was super busy but she still has 1 and a half report more to do.

Everyone else started to leave. Maira comes for her help.

Mr. Shah also came out to leave. He sees Maira and Ansha working together.

"Didn't your reports are completed yet?" He asked Ansha.

"And why are you here?" He also asked Maira.

"No Sir. It's not done yet. But I'll submit it soon. Please wait. And Maira is helping me out." Ansha clarified.

"Just email me when it is done but before 12.00 PM." He said to her.

"And you Maira! In her resume, it is clearly stated that she can work well under pressure. So, you just leave already."

"But Sir it's her first day". Maira was stupefied with her head's strange behavior.

"That's why she has to learn fast. In future, she has to manage more pressurized projects. You're coming with me." He orders Maira.

Maira mouthed sorry to her and leaves. Ansha was left alone. She placed her both hands on table and held her head with both hands. Her day was started on a good note, but from afternoon it is only getting worse. Suddenly she remembers the scene of afternoon when she goes to submit her one and only report.

How Mr. Shah has looked at her when speaking into phone and her today's misery was started form there. But she again discarded it.

"OK Ansha! You can do it. Just one more left. And after that you can go home, just one more." She motivates herself and resumes her work.


He was watching her every moment on his laptop which security camera was recording.

"It's nothing Ansha. You have to suffer more." He said to her.

He wrapped up his things and was out of his cabin when Rushd came to him. They get into the lift.

"Sir she is still working." Rushd tries to inform him.

"I know." This all was his answer.

"She is alone."

"You're questioning our security system?"

"No Sir! But she already does not have her lunch and now it's time for dinner. And don't know how much time she had to stay here." Rushd tries to reason him out.

"Dammit!" He presses the floor number of her department.


The sound of lift and foot stepping were louder in the all silent department of her which distracts her from her work.

She was in confusion, who may be here at this time. As this place is new to her, she does not have any idea. She also feels a wave of fear in her heart but only thinks to remain strong, no matter what situation is ahead.

When she was confirmed that the person who enters is in front of her, she lifts her head only to be left in complete shock.

The person whom she can recognize in a crowd of thousand people was right there. The person whom she wants to forget was once again in her life. The person whom she loves so much at a time was standing close to her. The person whom she now only hates is staring right back at her.

The thought of hate brings her back to reality and she blinks her eyes and stand up from her seat.

"Ahmer?!" A sound which was barely a whisper left her mouth but that was audible to him.

A strange smiled appear at his face.

Following him Rushd came in.

"I think you're the new employee here." Rushd asked her.

She was still in shocked state so she just nods her head.

"I'm sure this is our first meeting. Let me have the opportunity of introduction."

"This man in front of you is Mr. Ahmed the present CEO of S.D Group & Companies and I'm his personal assistant Rushd."

This was another shock to her.

She takes her time to control her emotions and greets him with indifference.

"Hello Sir! This is Ansha, new employee in this department."

He just stared at her which was making her utterly uncomfortable.

"May I know the reason why are you here, this late, and only on your first day." Rushd asked her despite being the main person of her today's misery.

She explains him.

"You may go. Send him email from your home."

Then, Ahmer just turned around and leave following Rushd.

She stares at him, first at his back then at the door.

"Every time! Every time he just leaves like that." She said with tears in her eyes.

Hello Readers! Sorry for this too much late. I was not feeling OK lately. Also there are some problems which I had to take care of. 

Sorry again.

A much longer chapter for you all as a sorry.


Angel18kcreators' thoughts