
Loving You Was A Mistake

Those were the initial days of her university when she saw him for the first time. She fell for him without talking to him even once. He was her 2 years senior. She clearly knows that he likes her too. She waits for him and 2 years passed. He graduates. She felt like she have to make a first move. But then she saw him with another girl. Her world was ripped apart and she made a decision. Loving him is a mistake and she closes her heart clearly knowing that there is no path in which they will again intervene each others' life. But she was wrong.

Angel18k · Teen
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13 Chs

Consequences of Incomplete Love

Again, the night was restless today too for her. She was tossing and turning on her bed. Tears were just uncontrollably flowing out of her eyes, despite of all her attempts to not to cry.

After sending the files through e-mail on time she was just like this. She thinks of sleeping but that seems impossible to herself.

In the end she just sits up and holding her knees, she gave in to all her sorrows.

She cries harder, holding herself tighter.

He just appears again. When she was finally ready to move on.

Despite of her hate for him, her love is always more. And from her love for him, the broken pieces of her heart are even more.

With her cries getting intense, she was shaking badly.

As always, there was no one to hold her.

She thinks of calling Nisha.

She picks up her mobile.

Just before pressing the call button, she stops, thinking that she would be sleeping and she would only disturb her.

She thinks of calling Rayan but drop that idea too, as he has just reached there and she would only make him worried for her.

She switches off her mobile and placed it at its original place.

She will do it again. She will pick up the broken pieces of heart again, all by herself. She has done it in past and she can also do it now.

This all is happening because her love is left incomplete, she never had a full chance to complete it and now nothing an happen to amend the losses of past. She has to bear the consequences of her incomplete love all by herself.

She calms down. She lay down again but this time sleep was ready to bless her. She goes in the valley of sleep with her eyes and heart aching. This time her hate for him won.

In the morning…

She wakes up late and is preparing to go to her office in haste but her heart was rather calmed as compare to previous night.

After getting ready she places ice cubes on her puffy eyes.

With her eyes burning, she was thinking of her next decision. She has already admitted that she can neither change the past nor she wants to live there. She wants to move on with her life and with people who can giver her love and more importantly peace.

She put the ice cube down and picks up her mobile and type a message.

"Arrange a meet-up for me with Basel.

Tell him I want to give his heart and love a sincere chance."

She pressed the send button and closes her eyes.

At the same time that feeling again get intensified, that sharp pain again came, she again feels her heart is broking bit by bit. But as she is experienced now in handling her heart related to this matter, she just ignores it.

The day has just started and she has to make it to the last.

As expected, her today's problem was already waiting for her.

At S.D Group & Companies Headquarters...

When she approached her desk, she was somehow startled for some seconds. Her desk was in a mess. She just set it yesterday and leave it in a good state at night and now she can only imagine it as a desk placed in a store room.

When she asks about it from janitor, he only said that Mr. Shah asks them to find some files which were probably here before her joining but after looking through all the items they can't find these files. Later, Mr. Shah orders to look through some old lockers and all the things form those lockers are placed here now.

She does not even have a chair to sit as they say that Mr. Shah orders to take chair away as he thinks that chair is not in proper state to use and need maintenance.

She was thinking of what to do next when Mr. Shah himself comes out.

"Ansha! The reports you send me yesterday night needs some corrections. I give instructions in the reply. Just check it and resubmit it before the day."

"I'll do it Sir, but Sir this mess?" She hinted towards her desk.

"Oh this. We were just finding some files. You can continue your work after sorting it out."

"Sir please instruct someone to help me in this. I don't know a thing about these things."

"Ansha you can see yourself that all the employees here are busy. Now just stop slacking and continue your work."

She was just stunned.

Mr. Shah goes back to his cabin.

A minute was enough for her to realize why all this is happening to her. She smiles and start working.

She sorted many things by herself. Maira came for her help but she persuaded her to go back to her own desk as this will only causes trouble for her and she does not want anyone to feel troubled by her.

An hour later after Maira goes back to her desk, a warden came to her help. Now they only had to put these things again in the lockers in store room.

She also helped him in putting these things back again.

By lunchtime, her desk was cleaned again. All the time she was standing. She only gets to sit when she goes with Maira for lunch.

When she came back, there was a new chair waiting for her. After that she focuses on her report as she had to submit them again by the end of the day.

She manages to submit them again on time and thankfully Mr. Shah does not find any faults within it.

Then, she leaves on her time with Maira.

When she was leaving, she again feels someone's gaze on her but again does not find anyone. She just leaves. She never thought to see on top floor where he was standing.

Rushd was watching his back contemplating his behavior. At first, he caused her trouble by messing up her desk and removing her chair, so she had to stand all day.

But can't even wait for the lunchtime and send a warden to help her and in her absence also send her a brand-new chair.

"Why man, why?! Why are you trying to hate her when you only love her?"

But he can only say it in his heart.