
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

MR. Morris

Aria should have been crying by now but not this time. She fisted her hands and yelled at him again confidently.

"Then kill me because you can only separate me from Luca by killing me. I'm not afraid of your stupid sick threats. I love Luca and I don't give a damn to what you think. I love him and he loves me back. And you can't separate us ever".

Seeing her confidence Ryker smiled and spoke in a proud tone.

"Now I understand what my brother has actually seen in you. You can be the only one for him. You're actually perfect for him".

Aria was now confused and shockedat the same time. She spoke again in a few moments.

"What do you mean"

"I can see it in your eyes, he told you his secret, didn't he?" Ryker replied

Aria didn't hesitate for a single second and spoke back confidently.

"What secret?"

Ryker chuckled at her protectiveness towards his brother. He was now sure

that Aria was the perfect person for his brother. He lightly patted her head and spoke again.

"You really are the perfect person for Luca, he is very special to us and we all look after him. I know he told you everything, I can see it in your eyes. But I'm so sure that you will protect him and his secret. Now I know why my brother is crazy for you. You're not like the other girls. You're different, you don't just have a beautiful face but a pure and innocent heart. That now belongs to my brother and I'm happy for both of you. You both are born to be together".

Aria was now shocked with the sudden change in his tone and his actions. Just a few minutes ago, he felt like he would kill her here and now. But now he's acting like a sweet brother. She didn't know what to do or how to respond to him. She couldn't recover from all the sudden shocks he gave her.

Huh??" Was the only response that came out from her mouth."Do you problems with our relationship? Aria asked

Ryker chuckled lightly and spoke.

"No, I don't. If you have any problem, never hesitate, just give me a call if you kinda face any difficulties".

Aria smiled and said.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself".

"Take care of him. He's so precious". Ryker said

"I know". she replied

Ryker turned around to leave but he stopped mid way. He turned around to look at Aria. She understood the reason, she knew he was worried ifshe would tell Luca about this little conversation. She gave him a reassuring smile and spoke.

"I am not going to tell him, I know and I can understand. You love him and can do anything for him. Luca is lucky to have a brother like you".

By the end, her voice cracked and Ryker saw tears in her eyes. He walked to her and patted her head like a brother. He spoke.

"You know, I am brother for you too. So you don't have to be sad. Just give me a call if you need my help with anything. I promise, I will try my best to be there for my baby sister".

Aria gave him a wide smile and Ryker left She was glad to know that Ryker will be by their side.

Back to present.

Luca happily went back inside and told everything to his mother. Marie was shocked, listening to Luca about Ryker's reaction. But she didn't push it more, she was happy to see her son was happy. 7 years ago when Luca saw her the very first time and lost her the very next day, Luca wasn't the same person since then.

He stopped enjoying his life, he used to lock himself in his room. So many nights Marie spent sitting besides Luca. But as she came back to his life, things changed. Now he's happy and lively. Marie set up a lunch at weekend. Luca didn't tell Aria bout the lunch together, he decided to tell her at the lakeside.

Aria reached to theshe was enjoying the cold breeze when Luca wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and placed a wet kiss on her sweet spot. She moaned and Luca smiled. He turned her around and picked her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist and Luca sat on the ground.

Aria put her head on his chest and they stayed like this for a while. Then Luca cleared his throat and she looked at him as he said

"You're invited for lunch on Saturday".

"What if they won't like me?" she asked feeling tensed

Luca cupped her face and pecked her Iips, he gave her a sweet smile and spoke again.

"Of course they will not like you, they will love you".

Aria smiled and nodded her head. She headed home and told Catherine about her lunch with the Morris. Catherine was happy for her, She even gave her some ideas for her appearance and advises her to impress Mr and Mrs Morris. After that she went back to her room, she took a quick shower and changed into something comfortable. She came out of the closet laid down on the bed and drifted off.

Next day Jason Morris, Luca's father, came back from his 3 months business trip. He entered the Villa and saw Luca, who was humming a song and watering plants. He quickly ran to his wife, he didn't kiss Marie, not even greeted her. He grabbed her hand andhe took her to the garden where Luca was he was really in a good mood. He pointed his finger towards Luca and gave Marie a look that said,

"what had happened to him?"

Marie giggled and spoke.

"Your son is in love. And get habitual to this new Luca now, that's all youare going to get from now on".

Jason got tears in his eyes, he prayed so much for his son to be like this, like he used to be. But everything changed since he saw that girl. He knew it wasn't her fault, she never actually knew that Luca loved her. Jason walked to his son, patted his shoulder

and as Luca turned around, he pulled him in a bone cracking hug. Luca got worried but seeing his mother giggling, he sighed.