
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Kill you painfuly

"it was perfect". Aria said

Luca smiled and kissed on top of her head. He pulled her on hirn and they both drifted off.

Morning, Luca woke up before Aria he looked at his angle, sleepirng peacefully on him. He gently put her on the bed and looked at her face. She was sleeping like a baby. He couldn't control hirnself, he kissed her both

cheeks, then her forehead and at last he pecked her lips.

She didn't wake up. He looked at her neck. He leaned in and placed a wet kiss on her neck, a moan slipped her mouth as she opened her eyes to look at Luca. She thought he would leave by the morning

but he stayed, she was beyond happy.

He again kissed her neck and shearched her back to give him better access. He took the cue and nibbled her pulse. She gasped and entangled her fingers with his hair. Before he could lose all of his control, he stopped. She gave him a confused look and he spoke.

'If l don't stop now, then l'll end up doing something that you're not ready for".

She got even more confused, he smirked at her and reality hit her. Her eyes widened and her face blushed even more. He pinched her cheek and got up from bed. He kissed her forehead and carefully climbed down from her window

When Luca reached is home, his brother Ryker saw him walking in and he ran to him. Hestood in front of Luca and engulfed him. Luca was shocked with a sudden powerful hug. Ryker broke the hug and spoke in a deep angry voice.

"Where have you been?"

"Out". Luca said as he totally ignored his brother and went inside the house. Ryker followed him, fuming up in anger as he said

"What do you mean by out?"

"Out means out". He said as he downed a full bottle of water without taking a break.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?" He said geting angrier

"Oh for God's sake, I'm not a baby, stop being annoying. I know what I'm doing and you don't need to get worried every time I'm home late.

Hearing Luca, Ryker's anger rose even more. Luca never talked to him like that, he was about to yell at his brother but he controlled himself and walked away, huffing and puffing in anger.

Luca went upstairs to his room, he hopped in a warm shower. Marie entered his room when he just came out of the bathroom only in his jeans. He saw his mother and covered his half naked body with the towel and spoke to his mother in an embarrassed tone.

"Mom knock before you come in".

Marie giggled and replied. "You can spend a whole night in a girl's bedroom but you're embarrassed with your mother while you're just half naked.

Luca was more embarrassed looks were now replaced with a shock as he asked his mother.

"How do you know ma, that I was with her".

"I know you son, Iknow the way your eyes shine every time you see her. How are things now between you both?" Marie said

"it's been good ma. She's so cute.

She blush even when I cup her face.

"I'm glad that you are happy, I want to meet her now". Marie said

"Mom you know Ryker is here and I can't stand anyone laying a finger her. She's a human and I know Ryker will be mad at her. Luca said worriedly

"He'll be leaving in two days, then you can call her to have dinner with us". Marie suggested

"Okay that can work, I'm sure you're gonna love her. She's so sweet".

Marie giggled, seeing his excitement. She got up and went out of his room. Luca got ready for school, had his breakfast quickly and left to pick Aria

Two days passed in a flash, Ryker was leaving. Luca also told Aria about the impending dinner with his family. Ryker bid his goodbyes to his parents and Luca walked him out. Hesitantly he spoke to his brother.

"I'm sorry brother, I shouldn't have talked to you that way. Please forgive me.

Ryker patted his shoulder brotherly and spoke.

"It's okay. It's not all your fault. So don't apologise. Luca gave him a weak smile and Ryker spoke again.

"She's a very precious young lady, take care of her. She's actually the one for you".

Luca's mouth hung open as he spokeagain

"How did you know?"

"I'm your brother, I know you well. And it's not impossible for me to find her". Ryker said

Luca gave him an understahding smile and Ryker left.

Ryker felt a bit guilty to treat a lady so horribly but he couldn't help. He loves his brother and he can't bear to imagine Luca being hurt.

Flash back

Aria was going back home when Ryker followed her, he heard her saying that her uncle and his family will leave and she'll be alone at her place.He followed her and waited till Mr and Mrs Hunt left with their daughters.

Aria stayed in because she had a test preparation and Luca didn't let her touch a book. He was so romantic and didn't let her off of his lap. She came out of the bathroom and screamed when she saw a stranger sitting on her bed. She asked in a fearful voice.

"Who are you? What are you doing here"?

Ryker looked at her. He stood up and walked to her, he stood in front of her and then spoke.

"So you are that very girl who is manipulating my brother.

"You're Luca's brother?

"Yes. I'm his brother and i wantknow what you want from him?"

"Excuse me". Aria was puzzled by his words

"Dont be so surprised, l know girls like you. All you care about is money and fame. You can get it wherever you want. Stay away from Luca.

"l won't". she stubbornly said, keeping her head high.

"I'm going to say this once. Stay way from my brother or else". He said angrily. To which she glared at him and yelled at him bravely.

"Or else what?"

"Or else I will kill you painfuly"