
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


He wrapped his arms around his father as well He had missed him a lot. Jason walked in with Luca and Marie, he went to his room to get a shower. Luca sat with Marie, he was still thinking about what Aria had said to him. It was something he couldn't stop thinking about, he was getting worried. Marie noticed his uneasiness and asked him.

"What is it Luca? Are you worried about something?

"Yes mom. dad is here. I know you'll love Aria, but l don't know about dad, mom l can't live without her". Luca replied

"All she needs is a chance". Marie assured him. I know Jason will love her too. The way you talk about her l'm sure she is a very sweet and loving person.

"And who will tell Dad?" Luca asked

They didn't notice that Jason was back down stairs. He wanted to spend some time with his super sensitive son. He heard Luca's question and asked them back to inquire more.

"Tell me what?"

Luca looked at Marie with pleading eyes and Marie understood that Luca ain't want to explain it to his father. He was worried about Aria being a human. And his father will never allow him to be with a human. Marie made Jason sit beside her and told him about

Aria. Jason got up I'm anger anger said

"That can never happen son. You can bring anyone, but not a human".

Luca didn't say anything. He ran up to his room and locked himself in. He didn't even have his dinner.

"At least give her a chance Jason. I'm sure you're going to love her".

He sighed in defeat and told her.

"Call her tomorrow for lunch".

"Yes, she will be here".

Luca texted his Ryker, he knew Ryker is the only one who can convince Jason for Luca and Aria's relationship. He told him how Jason dismissed it without hearing or giving

Aria a chance. Ryker told him not to worry about it. He said if Aria could easily change himself mind then their dad is a piece of cake.

He assured Luca that Aria is smart and she will earn her place in Jason's heart. And if still Jason Would say no, then He will personally talk to him and convince him to accept Luca and Aria and their relationship.

In a while Marie came in and told Luca that her father was ready to meet her. Luca hugged his mother and thanked her. Then he informed his mother that he'll be spending the night with Aria. Marie can smiled and told him to be back before breakfast.

She fed him then left. As soon as Marie left, Luca jumped out of the window and ran to Aria, as promised, she was waiting for him. Luca came in and pinned her on her bed. She liked his dominant side and she felt safe with him. Luca softly placed his lips on hers. She moaned and he bit her lower lip, asking for entrance. She parted her lips and gave him full access to her mouth.

He drank from her mouth like he was thirsty for days and he found water. He let her go when she was out of breath. She sat on his stomach and he held her by her waist. They talked for a while, then Luca went to the bathroom to get fresh. When he came out, he saw that she was lying on her stomach, her feet held high in the air. He came to her and laid on her.

He moved her hair from her shoulder and placed a wet kiss on her shoulder. She gasped, as Luca again kissed her shoulder and a moan slipped her lips. He smiled and turned her around. She was blushing, as always.

Luca always liked the way she blush. He kissed her both cheeks and then he kissed the tip of her nose. He didn't say anything, they both crawled into bed, he held her tightly on his chest and they both drifted off in each other's arms.Aria got ready to meet Mr. and Mrs. Morris. She was nervous, she wore white knee length dress with white heels.

She didn't tie her hair. She was looking gorgeous. She went downstairs, Paul was waiting for her in the car. He drove her to Luca's Villa. It was her first time to be at Luca's place. Paul stopped the car and looked at his super nervous niece, he smiled, grabbed her hand and said.

"Just be yourself Aria and you'll be fine".

Saying that he kissed her forehead. Aria picked up the flowers and got out of the car. She took three deep breaths and rung the bell. Marie opened the door and invited her in. She handed Marie the flowers she brought. Marie smiled and said.

"Thank you young lady, come on in".

She followed her behind Marie led her to the living room where Jason was reading a book.

"Good afternoon Mr. Morris.

Jason looked at her and froze for a moment. He was looking at her like it's a miracle standing in front of him. Marie cleared her throat and he greeted her back.

"Good afternoon, so you're the very famous Aria. You know Luca doesn't stop talking about you. Aria narrowed her eyes and murmured shyly.

"Oh thank you".

She looked around for Luca who was nowhere to be found. Marie noticed it and told a maid to take her to Luca's room. She entered his room and heard the shower running. He was still not ready. She sat on his bed quietly. Suddenly, he started singing a song and Aria giggled. She fished her phone out of her purse and turned on the camera.

Bathroom door was open and Luca didn't know that Aria was in his room. She recorded everything quitely. When she felt he would catch her, she quickly got out.

She was surprised to see this childish side of him. The Luca around her, he was always protective and possessive, even angry sometimes.

She was watching the video and giggling, she didn't notice when he came out of the bathroom. He was only wearing a towel. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to his hard chest. He took her phone and threw it on his bed. He looked straight in her eyes, she narrowed her eyes and murmured shyly.

"I'm sorry".

Her cheeks were rosy red along with the tip of her nose. Luca chuckled and pecked her lips softly and he let her go and asked her with a smirk.

"So you just to filmed me naked, so you can watch it when I'm not around?

Aria's eyes widened in shock. She looked shook her head without looking at him

and whispered softly.