
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

First day in school

After her parents' funeral, Aria locked herself in a room. Her uncle Paul tried a lot to get her out and make her come back to her life, but she refused. Seeing her like this Paul's heart ached. He was sitting in his garden when Catherine came and patted his shoulder and said to him

"Talk to me dear, l'm worried about both of you!"He replied "l just want to do something that can ease her pain, her sorrows. I know she misses them. But locking herself like that and crying all the time isn'tvgoing to help her".

Catherine looked at him and suggested once she join school, she'll feel better.

"I didn't even think about it. You're right, thanks love". Paul fished out his phone and dialed Principal Cole's. In an hour Paul and Catherine met him and shown him Aria's past history and grades.

Principal Cole was impressed with Aria's

profile. He gave her a seat in his school. Paul and Catherine happily went back to the Villa to tell Aria about her school. They bought her cookies and ice cream treat. As they reached home and went straight to Aria's room.

They told her how easily she's got admission and how principal Cole was happy seeing her grades and past records. A cute smile made it's way to Aria's lips. She finally smiled.

She nodded her head in agreement and hug Paul. He told her that shecould join school tomorrow and also told her that he's taking her shopping so she can buy things she needs for school. Aria got up and went to the bathroom.

She took a quick shower and changed into jeans and a T- shirt. She reachind downstairs where Paul and Catherine were waiting for her. They got to the car and she hopped into the it and they drove off to the mall. Catherine helped Aria to pick up some decent dresses and casual clothes for her.

Also she helped her to buy some shoes bags and basic necessities for school. After an hour or so they went to the cafe, Paul finally saw his niece happy again. They had their lunch in a cafe then they went

Next dey brought hopes for Aria as She wore her skinny blue jeans and white buttoned up shirt. She wore her shoes and went downstairs. The twins were on the dining table. They thought she's just up early. But Paul told them that Aria is joining their school, he also warned his daughters not to trouble her or he will punish them.

Lilian and Lilyleft for the school but Paul drove Aria himself. She pecked Paul's cheek, got out of the car and walked through the school's main gate. Paul told her to find the principal's office and talk to him only. She was walking towards the school 's main

building when a tall and handsome guy blocked her way.

She tried to walk away but he didn't let her. She felt scared standing in the crowd and they we're enjoying everything. She was looking ather feet nervously. The guy is Luca, he noticed her nervousness and spoke.

"You can only pass if l let you. Now tell me, what's your name"?

Aria replied without looking at him "Aria, my name is Aria Hunt. Luca chuckled and spoke again "another Hunt. You don't look all

firece and bratty like the other two.

"They are my cousins". she said

Luca became irritated that she was avoiding his eyes and said to her "look at me then answer me. I don't like being avoided".

She looked at him. Luca looked straight in her beautiful blue eyes, She also tenked straight in his eyes. She felt something familiar in those green orbs. Luca smiled and got out ot her way.

"You can go".

One bratty girl called Jane was surprise that Luca let the girl go easily and she angrily said "just like that. That was way too easy Luca.

He gave the girl an angry glare and

pointed his index finger on her and said

"Firstly, it's Mr. Morris for you. Secondly, she passed that test a long time ago". He turned back to Aria and asked her

"now tell me where you are going"?

"To the principal's office". she said

He look at her and thought this was her first time here so she doesn't really know anywhere but he still asked her "do you know where it is"?

Aria was about to say she doesn't know but she remembered she did a quick search about the school and hurriedly replied "It's In the main building".

"Yes you are right. You can go now". Luca finally allowed her to go

Aria looked at him again and thanked him before leaving. She walked to the main building Luca couldn't get his eyes off of her. It's her, he knew it's her. Aria stepped in the main building, she roamed around but couldn't find the principal's office.

She was lost. She initially cursed herself for

refusing the help Luca might haveboffered her if she had said she didn't know where the office was. She called her cousins but they need the call without listening to her. Then she saw two guys, she went to them for help.

They looked at her like she was their prey. Before they could do anything to her, Luca found her. He reached to her for hand and asked

"What are you doing here?

She was nervous and replied "I'm lost, I thought they could help me. He looked ahead and saw the guys he let go of her hands and told her to wait for him and went to those two guys.

When he neared them he said" I very well know what's going onin your dirty little head. If you ever looked at her again, I'll make sure to make your colorful life nothing but dark.

They nodded and left. Luca took Aria to the principal's office and left. She sighed in relief and knocked at the office door. Principal Cole heard the knock and urge whoever it is to come in "Come in".

Aria and entered and she greeted the man "Good morning sir".

Principal Cole looked up and said "ah. Good Morning. You must be Miss Aria Hunt right. You're very punctual, I like that".

Without wasting any time, the principal

Handed her all her stuff and notes she needed. Then he called a girl from her same standard. Argelia came in and greeted the principal. Principal Cole was happy about her punctuality.

Argelia proceed to enquire about why she was called "How can I help you today?

"Miss Argelia, meet Miss Hunt. She's new here. I want you to be her guide and be friends with her as well.

Argelia took a look at her and said I'll be more than happy to help her. She went to her and introduce herself Hi, what's your name? My name is Argelia Bliss. You can call me Argelia or Argle as all my friends call me.

Aria replied in a friendly mannee "Hi, I'm Aria Hunt".

After their short pleasantries Aria followed Argelia. She showed her a bit then they both heard alarm bells. Argelia gave Aria the direction to her class and went to take her class. Moon was standing in front of the class.