
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

They are gone

The nanny replied her "I don't know baby. But they won't be able to make it till your birthday. They are busy. Maybe the day after tomorrow.

She gapse in suprise "What? But they promised me. They promised that they wouldn't miss my 17th birthday why are they not coming.

The nanny also replied back "they did but honey, they are workingrking there".

Aria was angry and hurt "They are the worst parents ever who would miss their kids 18th birthday under the pretense of working.

She said that and ran to her room.

Tara felt bad afte lying to Ocean. But

her Master order her and the others

that their arrival should be a surprise for

Aria. Tara called her Master and told them about their daughter's reaction to the news.

On the other hand, Aria locked herself

in the room. She didn't even come out for

dinner. She was crying in her room. Tara tried to make her open the door or at

least eat something but she started

sobbing harder, so she left.

In all those sobs and tears, Aria prayed to God for her parents' arrival by dawn. Between tears and prayers, she didn'know when she dozed off. She heard the door bell rang twice, just like Carl rings it every time.

She opened her eyes, it was dawn to her it might be her parents, thinking if this her

heart welled up with happiness, She got up, unlocked her door and ran out of her


She heard voices coming from the.

living room. She toads and hid behind

the wall so no one would see her. She

wanted tp surprise her parents.

She first heard a man's voice, the man was talking to her Nanny "where is she?

And she replied Master, she's in her room. Locked inslde since last night. That's good at least l don't have to deal with the that hard part right now.

Tara become alert and asked him back What is it Master, Is everything okay?

The man replied "nothing is okay Tara. Aria heard the man start crying, she

got curious. She decided to walk to the

door of the living room. The man talking

to Tara, was no other than her Uncle


He continued They were on their

way back to New York City, but their plane crashed. Rescue team is working there but there is no way they have survived it. They are gone Tara.

It's over My brother Carl and his wife and are

ded. That was when Tara heard aloud gasp by the end of Paul's sentence. They both turned and looked at Aria's shocked state.

She whispered "you're lying..."

That's all she managed to say as

darkness enveloped her. Paul ran her to her

and was able to catch her befofe she could hit the ground. He carried her to his car, got in and Kept Aria on his lap.

He ordered the driver to take them to the

hoshitai as fast as he could. In 30

minutes, they reached the hospital. Paul

carried her to the emergeny room.

Doctors checked Aria and Paul waited


Paul saw the doctor coming and asked him about Aria "how is she? The Doctor replied "She is in shock. She needs some

rest, she'll be fine". Thank you doctor.

The Doctor left and Paul dialed his wife number to call her. As Soo as she answered he was meet with questions "Paul did you tell her? How did she react?"

He replied "She's in the hospítal. She fainted because of the shock. Catherine gapse "oh my God". He continued "I will be bringing her with me."

"Okay. I'l set her room" said Catherine

" see you in a few hours."

"Take care of your self too Paul "Yeah, bye"

Paul hung up and sat down beside the

hospital bed. In a few minutes he

received another call. It was the Chief of the rescue team, who are looking for Carl and Laura.

"Good morning sir."

"Good, morning did you find


"Yes sir. I'm so sorry. We have

found their bodies. They jumped out

before the crash but they weren't really


"How much time will it take to get

them to New Orleans?"

" he chopper is here sir. It will

take a few hours."

"Okay. Thank you for your help.

Paul looked at Aria. He knew it would be difficult for him to handle his niece alone, so he caled Tara and of ordered her

to pack Aria's personál belongings as

she won't be living here anymore. On the

other side, Paul ordered the pilot of his

private plane to get ready as they will

leave New York in an hour. Paul

talked to the doctors for Aria's discharge,

he signed the discharge papers and took

his niece with him.

On their way to the airport, they picked up Aria's luggage, an hour later, they were in the air and on their way to New Orleans Aria opened her eyes and everything

was changed.

She looked around, the room which looked familiar but it wasn't her room, She got up and looked through the window above the head of the bed. She saw a dark forest. The same forest she dreams about every night.

Thạt's when she got it that its her uncle's

house. But she didn't know when and

how shę got here? Her father did as he

said she never came to New Orleans

after that incidend so how come she's


She couldnt remember at all. All

she knew was that she was praying for

her parents arrival on her birthday and

she must have falen asleep with that. She leaned to the window to look at the

dark forest.

It was as beautiful as all those years ago. Then the picture of those two stars came in hermind again and her room started to becomme all dark. Slowly, her surroundings vanished and all she could see or feel was the forest.

Her Aunt Catherine camep into her room to check her if she is okay. She found her leaning with her head of the bed as her forehead was on the glass of the window. Catherine called her many times þut she didn't move an inch.

She got scarred and called Paul. He came running to Aria's room. He sat at the edge of the bed and turned Aria's body to hin, now she was face to face with Paul.

He saw Aria's once sky blue eyes were pitch

black and it was like she was in a deep sleep

and dreaming. Paul grabbed her by

her shoulders and shook her hard.

That's when her eye color changed back from black to blue. She looked at Paul with

confused eyes. It was like she just woke up from deep sleep. Then all the things

hat happened in New York City came into her mind. Her eyes welled

and all she said was.

"They left me alone".