
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


He was talking to his friends. He saw her coming his way. He stood straight but Aria pretended like she didn't see him and passed by. Luca saw Aria going to the same class as him. He smiled and was about to get into the class when Jack, his best friend called him.

"Hey, dude! Where are you going? He looked at him and replied "to the class".

Jack was suprise and asked him "dude, are you alright? The latter also replied "Yeah! I'm fine. I'll see you all after the class".

Jack and the others stood there, shocked. Luca got into the class and spotted Aria sitting in the third row, he went to her and sat beside her. Aria sensing him shifted in her seatuncomfortably and Luca noticed that. He tapped on her shoulder and spoke.

"You know, I don't eat people".

She didn't reply to him, he tapped on her shoulder again. She fully ignored him. Luca tapped on her shoulder again and Aria gave him a deadly glare. He chuckled, seeing she looked more cute when angry. He raize both of his hands in the air in surrender.

The teacher got into the class and froze seeing Luca in the class. Professor Mitch was suprise and gave a comment "today must be a lucky day for us all. Mr Morris has finally decided to attend the class. What so special about today, Mr. Morris that brought you here today?

Luca chuckled and gace him a narcissist reply "The Moon was found in your boring class today, Mr Mitch. Professor Mitch looked at him and asked again "And where is your moon"?

Luca looked at him and said in a boring voice "it's in the class old man". Professor Mitch didn't mind and continued "at least you're here to attend this class".

Luca was annoyed and said old you that whether l take your class or not. I'm always the one here who gets A+.

Professor Mitch was curious and said "sometimes I get really wonder, how do you actually get that at every time"?

Luca replied back "you wanna test me again old man. Wanna see again whether I cheat or not? You've already lost that bet about thirty times in 2 years.

Professor Mitch replied "No I'm not in the mood to place a bet with you again on this. Everyone settled in their places and the professor started his lecture. After 20 minutes Mara Lukes got into the class. Professor Mitch started clapping and they all looked at him wondering why he is clapping and hinted to them to stand up and clap either.

Aria was watching all this, she was confused. Professor Mitch said "we are so blessed today. First Mr Morris and now Miss Lukes us here as well.

Mara looked at the man and said If you missed me that much, would have called darling".

Professor Mitch ignored her comment and continued "what is so special today? Please tell me somebody. His eyes moved to Luca and the latter said to him

Don't look at me old man. I've told you already. Suddenly one of the students shouted "It's the new girl in our class that brought Moon to your class".WhenProfessor Mitch heard this he walked to the new girl. He was curious to know what brought Luca Morris to his class.

Luca was a very intelligent student. But he never attended anyone's class and because of his grades principal Cole was on Luca's side. And because of his support, no teachers were allowed to punish Luca. Professor Mitch stood right in front of Aria. She was chewing her bottom lip in nervousness.

Professor Mitch asked her. "So you're the reason for the miracle we have witnessed today. What's your name? She replied "Sir, I'm Aria Hunt.

Professor Mitch said without giving a thought "Oh! Another idiot Hunt you are". Professor Mitch saw her surprised face and said "don't be so suprised"

Aria was hurt and said "How can you say that? You dont even know me!

Professor Mitch said to her "I know you all. Those two brats weren't enough for principal Cole. He allowed you too. I'm tired of handling stupid mistakes of the Hunts.

Aria didn't say a single word, but her eyes said everything to Luca. She picked up her stuff and ran out of the class. Luca followed her behind. Professor Mitch called him many times but all Luca could hear was Aria's sobs. She went to the washroom andlocked herself in.

She was sobbing hard. She was so sad. No one ever talked to her that way. In her sobs she hiccups she complained to God, Why mom and dad left me? Why do I have to go through all this? What have I done to

anyone? Luca reached to the washroom and knocked many times, but she didn't answer him. A loud sob escaped her mouth and anger shot through Moon's body. He was pissed.

Why would someone hurt a pretty thing like her? Professor Mitch always tried to find a way to find a way to make principal Albert punish Luca and finally he got one. He went to the principal's office. Immediately he entered he didn't even bother to great and started complaining I'm sick and tired of

Mr. Morris.

Today he came to my classand then left in the middle of the lecture. This is too much Mr. Cole. Principal Cole at the old man and said "calm down professor Mitch. You have to be thankful that he finally attended your class.

Professor Mitch became even more angry and said "he left in the middle of the lecture. I called him but he ignored me like I'm nothing to him. I can't work like this Mr Cole.

Principal Cole was tired of him and finally said Fine, where is he? He was annoyed and said "like I know". Principal Cole called his assistant and told him to find and bring

Mr. Morris to the principal's office. The assistant went straight to the monitor room and searched for Luca through the school CCTV footage He found Luca in front of the ladies urinary room.

He headed to the ladies room and said to him "Mr. Morris, principa Cole wants to meet you. Luca was annoyed and replied "tell him I can't come. I'm busy.

The assistant was frustrated and said "I'm sorry to say Mr. Morris but I've never seen you standing outside the ladies room like a culprit.

Luca was angry and retorted "I'm not a culprit. A girl is crying inside.

The assistant didn't question him but he urged "Okay?? you better go. I'Il bring the girl there too".

Luca looked at him and threatened "If you don't??..."

The assistant assured him "Mr. Morris you know me for two years and you very well know that I keep my words. Now you go and I'll bring her".