
Love of an hybrid


_Cute_Angel16 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Temporary separation II

Meanwhile Back in Jordan's palace, Chyna literally ran all the way to the room, when she got there she pushed the door open and ran inide to find Jordan.

" Jordan!!" "Jordan! "She called out to him Panickedly as she searched the room.

She stopped Abruptly when she saw him sitting In the Balcony,

" Jordan!" she called out as she Slowly walked towards him .

"I am sorry Jordan I didn't mean to hurt you" she apologized as soon as she got closer to him.

She was very nervous as he turned around slowly to face her

"Your parents want you to go back to them for the Ball, we'll see each other in the Ball and then you can return here with me if you want " he informed her.

"Why are you saying this to me" she asked panickedly. "Am sorry ok am sorry" She said as she slumped down on the Floor.

"yna don't be like this please, i wasn't mad at you I Just wanted to see your reaction. Even i dont want to send you to them but i have to, its thier right, you are thier daughter yna "he explained.

" I don't want to go to my parents, Grandcrest is still very dangerous for me, Dylan can capture me easily" she said sadly.

"Dont wory About that, I'll send half of the Shadow troop with you, they will keep you safe"he assured her

"No need to worry we'll see each other in three days time" he added

"Three days?" she exclaimed.

"I'll come to see you occasionally, is it okay with you now? he said sweetly

" Do you promise to visit me regularly" She asked

"Yes" he answered.

"ok fine I'll go to them" she agreed.

"You'll leave tomorrow morning I've told the maids to pack your things" he Informed.

" ok thanks" she said as she pulled him into thier bedroom

" Don't thank me am not doing it for you, I am doing it for myself, if you are happy then am happy too" he answered and enveloped her in a hug,

They were interupted by the knock on the doorb

"Yes?" Jordan answered

"Your highness, someone is at the door and she Claims to know you'' the maid Informed them

"Am not expecting anyone" he muttered to himself

"What's her name?" he asked.

"she says her name is Princess Daya of Northen lights" the maid answered

"Daya?!! Let her in "he exclaimad Suprisedly and the maid left to do what she had been told to do

" who's this Daya? "chyna asked curiously "shes Jody's Friend From Princess School,she had gone missing after I had rejected her, we've been searching for her all these years and Finally She showed up at my palace"he explained.

"How sure are you that she's not here for revenge" she asked wearily

"That i don't know, let's go downstairs and Find out" he answered as he led her downstairs.