
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

13...Temporary seperation I

When Jordan heard what she said he pouted his lips and Folded his arms.

"Leon, you can go now ill explain everything to you later" yna said and leon bowed before leaving them alone.

"What's up with you now?"she asked as soon as She noticed his pouted lips .

"You Just broke my heart"he answered as they got sitted.

"me, what did i do?"she asked.

" you denied your Love For me " he said.

"oh that I didn't want you to tell leon that's why i said that" she explained.

"What's wrong with leon knowing?" he asked Curiously

"Its a personal reason" she answered.

"Then tell me" he said.

"Sorry I can't it's personal" She answered and he stared at her for a while before he started eating his food.

She tried to talk to him, but he ignored her so she let him be, thinking he would get over it very Soon,but he didn't.

After they had Finished thier lunch, he stood up and walked away

"Jordan!" she called out to him as he walked towards the room but he didn't turn around he Just kept on walking away, so she decided to go with him and apologize.

But before she could go after him One of the maid's came to her.

"Your highness,The prince has sent for Ballgowns and Jewelleries for you and it has Just arrived, We need you to pick the dress you want to wear to the party"she informed her.

"Send all the dresses to my room I'll check it there" she said as she continued climbing the stairs

"Oh wait I forgot,send it to the prince's room" she added.

Back in Grandcrest the King and the Queen also recieved an invintation From Dacria to attend the royal ballparty of the crowned prince stating they should come with thier daughter. They didn't know what to do, they had not seen thier daughter for a week, and they knew that she was with the crowned prince of Dacria.

"Maybe we should send a message to the crowned Prince telling him to return chyna to us and he'll see her in three day's time at his party" The Quean suggested.

"yeah thats a good idea but what if he doesteasingly.to it because Grandcrest is still not safe For her?"The King asked

Then we'll allow him to send his men with her for her protection and he can also visit anytime he wants" The Queen answered act

"That's a great idea, my Queen is sure Smarter than she looks" he said teasingly.

The king clapped his hands twice, and a maid Came running into thier room.

"Send in the second Command here"he ordered her and she bowed before leaving the room, some minutes later Andrew came into the room and bowed his head before saying

"you called me your majesty"

"Yes i want you to send a message for me to the crowned prince of Dacria,tell him we are very grateful for his kindness towards our daughter, but we have a favour to ask of him,we need him to return chyna to us for his birthday banquet, he's free to send whoever he wants with her and visit her anytime"the king explained.

"Yes your highness"Andrew answered before leaving the room.

"Now we just have to hope he accepts our offer" The Queen said to her husband who in turn smiled at her assuringly

"Have you heard of the royal ball of the crowned Prince of Dacria"Alena asked her team as they all settled down to come up with ways to capture the princess

"Yes I heard of it, all eligible young women are encouraged to attend "Kiera answered.

"But I wasnt sent an invinte" Alena said annoyed!.

Yeah, I also haven't been sent an invinte" Kiera answered.

" This means we'll have to capture her before the Ball"Stephan said

"Yeah but this time We have to think of a well thought of plan"Dylan suggested "Exactly, Since the prince already knows about us after capturing cole,we can't show ourselves we have to use people the prince doesn't suspect "Stephan Suggested

"I think i know the perfect person" Kiera said.

"Stop beating around the bush kiera and say it already"Alena said impatiently

"Who else can be the best Person if not the one who is madly in love with the prince, and can do anything to get him for herself. you see love is a strong emotion and if not taken care of then it transforms to hate and then obsession."she explained

"Are you talking about that crazy princess, whats her name.....uhm .. Daya of Northern lights" Alena asked curiously

"Yeah she is the one" Kiera answered.

"What a sly person you are, you chose the perfect Person"Dylan complimented her

"I guess it's time to pay the Little psycho a visit"Alena said and they all grinned Evily.