
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


When they got downstairs they say a young lady, She was about Chyna's age, she had long red Fiery hairs and green eyes, She was dressed in a red Silky gown that had a slit which displayed her long smooth legs.

" Dan am so happy to see you after such a long time" she said as soon as she saw Jordan with a big smile on her lips,

"How have you been?" Jordan asked Politely

"Am alive as you can see" she answered

"I was missing Jody so much that I had to Come and see her, But she wasnt at Alvania so I came here thinking she was here"she explained

"you just missed her, she actually left a while ago" he answered

"Do you know where she is headed?" she asked

"No he answered curtly

"can i stay here for sometime you see I can't return now my carriage has been destroyed"she explained.

"sure" he answered.

Feeling left out Chyna cleared her throat to get thier attention on her,

How Could I Forget, Daya meet Princess Chyna of Grand rest, yna meet Princess Daya of northern Lights"he Introduced them to each other.

"nice to meet you"Chyna said.

" the pleasure is all mine" Daya replied Curtly

"As you have heard she is Jody's Friend" he said to Chyna and she nodded with a smile

"And she is?"Daya asked curiously

" am his Fiancee" Chyna answered with a smile and Jordan stared at her suprisedly.

"Oh! Congratulations"Daya said clenching her Jaw in anger

"The maids will Show you to your room, will you excuse us we have to get back to something" Chyna said with a satisfying smile adorning her face.

"sure" Daya answered and they strode away from her.

When Daya had been settled in her room she heaved a sign of relief as she sat down on the bed Weakly,and then suddenly Kiera appeared fo her room

"Good Job for succesfully entering his palace now you must begin your goal as soon as Possible" Kiera said to her

"That princess is too annoying for my liking but don't worry l'll mаkе Sure everything goes As planned" Daya answered a sly smile on her lips

"that's better" Kiera Said before disappearing .

Daya walked to the mirror and stood in front of it when Kiera disappeared then she said

"you dont know what you've done to yourselves by bringing me into your house, you have invinted doom into your home, I hope you enjoy the trobules you'll be facing from now on!!!" she chuckled evily

Meanwhile back in Jordan's room she collapsed on the bed immediatly she got into the room

"That was tough" she commented as she sat up and Started massaging her legs

Stop being overdramatic yna you only stood there for Twenty minutes" Jordan said to her Teasingly

"Yeah! she wasted Twenty minutes of my precious time" she answered Parting her lips in annoyance

"why are you getting all Worked up now yna?" he asked curiously

"do you not remember that I am leaving tomorrow?" she Joked

"yeah I do, I Just wish you could stay here with me" he answered"

"Then keep me here with you" she said sadly

"yna we've talked about this" he said to her and she nodded.

"Yes i know we've talked about it, they are my parents so you can't say No to them"she answered sarcastically and walked to the balcony staring at the numerous lights that lit up the Forest and a single tear escaped From her eyes:

When Jordan noticed her sad Action he walked towards her and wrapped his hands around her waist hugging her from behind. "Don't be sad,yna we'll see each other in three days!" he said comfortingly

"Do you think staying away from you for three days is very easy to do? "She asked with a teary voice and he Shaked his head sadly

"I don't want to go please dont Send me away "she pleaded as she turned around and hugged him tighity sobbing hardly

"Shh my love dont Cry"he comforted her as he patted her back soothingly.

After crying for a long time she stopped and buried her Face in his chest

"Are you okay now ?" he asked patiently and he felt her nod her heard then he lifted her head up and helped her wipe her tears

"Your Face is as red as a ripe Apple princess maybe I should call you my little Apple"he said teasingly and she Pouted her lips playfully,

"you look very cute"he said and kissed her on her forehead.

" can you hold me like this for a while" Ghe acked and he answered "sure" then she led him to the bed and he cuddled her making her feel a lot better.