

August 4th, 1:00 pm at Northern Castle Bridge. It was a balmy afternoon, Naomi thought. She stopped her bike at the intersection to the bridge. She then took out a note that read, "Dear whoever that finds this. Just know that my friends hates me for no reason that I know of. My parents don't take me as their child anymore. I don't care about my life. Whoever reads this, I'm sorry that I just cost my life towards that. It's not like I have anywhere else to go anyway. Sincerely, Naomi Ruth." After attaching the note to her bicycle, she walked towards the edge of the bridge. She thought to herself, Should I really do this? She peeked down how high she would fall. The fall was probably about 500 meters if she stood at the top of the railing of the bridge. Naomi shuddered. She knows she doesn't have a choice anyways. Hopping over the fence and leaned towards the ocean, slowly, she released her right hand, then her left. She closed her eyes while falling on her back and landed with a -splash-. Then she thought, "Wait. I don't think this is a reasonable way to die. I really should go back! " But according to her condition, there was no way she could swim back. Meanwhile, a young man saw a stranded bicycle and walked towards it. "Young master! Don't go there! It's dangerous!" , his butler yelled from the car. The young man read the note, then his eyes widened. He jumped over the fence and dived into the ocean. "YOUNG MASTER! Shoot, master is going to kill me..." said his butler, worryingly.

Naomi woke up in an unknown room, with new clothes. She thought she had died, but..surprisingly she was not dead. On the bedside table was a note that read, "Miss Ruth, please do not attempt suicide again. It may seem hopeless based on how you feel but I can make your life better. Meet me at Che's Royal Kitchen tonight at 4:30 pm.

Later that day, which she had wasted just walking around the room, getting food sent to her room, and watching some movies, she changed into the dress the mysterious man had prepared for her. When she wore the dress, she was amazed at how stunning she really looked. Her hair was in a bun, which is a hairstyle she had just done, as it was suggested by the maid in the house. Then, a makeup artist surprisingly showed up at the room and do her makeup. When she stepped outside of her room, every maid and butler respected her. She got into a car, awkwardly as she had never been in a rich car before, and started to drive to the Royal Kitchen. She thought to herself, Who is this man?

When the car arrived, Naomi stepped out. She then noticed almost every single person there was at least wearing something expensive. I could never afford that, thought Naomi. "Miss Ruth! Over here!" she heard a man yell. She turned to see a young man in a black suit sitting at a round table with a blood red cloth over it. Next to the man was his butler, face worried. Naomi walked cautiously towards a table as the butler set a seat next the man for her. " Do you like a this place? " the man asked. "Uhm...uh.... I'm not used to these kind of stuff" she replied. "Well, you soon will have to. Here, this is for you." The man have Naomi a strange box with her named engraved on it. "What is this?" Naomi asked the man. " This is... "