

Naomi woke up excited for the day, as she will be going to school again to see her friends and boyfriend. She woke up early just in case she accidentally took too long to get ready. She ate her breakfast, grabbed her backpack and went out the door. Naomi is a 16 year-old girl in Peace High and has many friends. (Like a LOT) Her boyfriend is Ryan, a 17 year-old who also goes to Peace High and works at the local fast-food restaurant near his home. Naomi took the taxi to school and when she arrived, her best friend Lana was standing at the entrance, waiting for her. "Good morning, Lana!" "Good morning to you too, Naomi!" They both hugged each other. "Why didn't you go in the classroom?" Naomi asked Lana. " Well, I wanted to ask you something... Are you free after school? Can we go to the boba shop? " "Sure yeah!" Naomi replied cheerfully. When Naomi turned around to head to class, Lana smirked suspiciously but no one noticed.

After school, Naomi waited for Lana outside at the entrance. She was indeed very happy and excited as she hasn't gone out with her friends for a long time, as she had family business over summer break. After thirty minutes, Lana texted Naomi. It read: "Sorry, Naomi! My mom had told me I had to go home so I can't go with you! Maybe next time...? See you tomorrow!" Naomi sighed and then replied : "Sure! It's alright as your mom told you to go home. See you tomorrow! Bye!!~ <3" At the back entrance of the school, Lana smiled, as her plan worked successfully and started walking towards Ryan's house saying Naomi "ditched" her.

The next day, Naomi walked to school happily but then soon it was ended by everyone staring angrily at her. Then, she saw Ryan comforting Lana nearby. Naomi rushed over to see what's happening. "Lana! Are you alright? What happened?" Lana shoved Naomi and yelled "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME BEHIND?! I ASKED YOU TO COME WITH ME TO THE BOBA SHOP BUT YOU DIDN'T! I WAITED FOR SO MANY MINUTES AT THE FRONT BUT YOU NEVER CAME! I HATE YOU! WE'RE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE! " Naomi saw tears running down Lana's cheeks. "W-what. I didn't..." Naomi stuttered as she was confused to the situation. "Stop being so pretentious! Our relationship is over! You are so uncaring for your best friend that was with you for over 10 years." She heard Ryan say. Her heart started beating rapidly. All of the memories with Ryan and Lana zoomed in her head. Outside of her head, she could hear the other people saying things like " What a brat" "How rude" "How could she do that?" "Disgusting" "I wouldn't want a friend like her". Then, she saw all of the ones she cares for leave her. She just stood there, shocked, as she just completely gave up on life.

The next day, Naomi ignored everyone at school. Even though, she could hear the rumors and gossips about her, she really didn't care as today was her last day on Earth. She already knew that Ryan and Lana are a couple now. She didn't care at all. Everything just meant nothing to her. Her parents also scolded her but she didn't care. She just..completely gave up. She had a plan to commit suicide. Tomorrow August 4th, 1:00 pm at Northern Castle Bridge.

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