
Marc Jacobson

"This is a custom hair clip for you from the Scarlet Rose herself. It includes real ruby, and sapphire." said the man. "Uh! I shouldn't take this gift! It's too expensive!" replied Naomi. " Oh yeah, mysterious guy, you haven't told me your name yet. " The man stood there, frozen. "You don't...know me?" Naomi was confused. "I've never met you before so I don't know you? " The man sighed. "My name is Marc Jacobson. I hope you enjoy the gift I gave you. " Naomi blushed. "Uhh.. Mr. Jacobson, I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to accept your gift." Marc was rejected. He was heartbroken but Naomi doesn't know it. "Well, that's okay. Uhm... Should I send you home?" Marc asked. "No - no thanks! I'll take the bus. " "Alright. See you tomorrow" "Actually..." " Yes? " Marc questioned. "Can I stay over at your place? I don't think my parents will accept me." Naomi asked the man, cheeks red. Marc blushed. "Uhh.. Okay, let's go home now."

The next morning, 5:45 am. "-beep- -beep- -beep-" Naomi's phone alarm rang. "..ughh...." Naomi dragged herself only to realize she's not in her own bed at her house. Replaying the memories back in her head, she remembered where she is. She turned her head towards her phone, and she sees the box with her name engraved on it. "Should I really return to school?" Naomi asked herself, pitiful of her situation. " Miss Ruth! Your breakfast is ready! Young master is waiting for you outside on the dining table! Please get ready and come to the room on your left. " she heard a maid say outside the bedroom. Naomi rushed herself and went to the shower. Just then, Marc walked to Naomi's room thinking she is still asleep. Carefully, he opened the door to find her not in the bed. "Naomi?" He said, looking around. When he turned around, he saw Naomi naked, holding a towel in her hand. "AHHHH!!" Naomi screamed. Marc's face turned bright red as he dashed out of the room. Heart beating rapidly, he slowly returned to the dining table. "Ugh, I can't get that image of her out of my head" Marc thought to himself. Naomi returned, and they ate breakfast quietly, embarrassed about what had just happened.