
Living in Marvel

Joshua, our main character was working in construction when suddenly multiple bolts of lightning strikes him taking him and the whole building down.

Mister_Ren · 映画
11 Chs

Chapter 09 - Finding Himenez

Queens, 9:00pm.

"Man, don't look back, just run!"

Four men can be seen running with panic and pure fear. Their legs are giving up and their stamina is near its end but their fear is winning.

Fear of dying, fear of pain, and fear of consequences.

Originally they were 10 men doing drug transactions when they were attacked..

One by one they are hunted and no matter where they go they are still dying.

The killer is nasty and makes sure that they saw how their comrades died.

Their getaway cars exploded before they even got near it.

Guns are useless as they cannot even see their enemy. Where will they even point it?

Another death commenced as one of the men's heads exploded like a watermelon shot by a rifle.

The remaining three don't know what to do so they continue to run even if they know that it is inevitable.

"Just kill us, why are you torturing us?!" One of them shouted but he didn't stop running. No matter how low the chance he wanted to live.

"Shut up, Ha- why are you provoking him more, are you stupid?!"

The last one didn't talk as he is already out of breath to consider talking.

The three men ran and ran until they went dead end.

In the dead end there was a man with white hair waiting for them to arrive as he mercilessly flicked the air.

The air went like a bullet and instantly killed two men. The man only needs one of them anyway.

The sole surviving man felt his knees become like jelly and fell to the ground in fear. He wants to survive as he has a family. All he wants to do is do one deal, just one and he will be free on all of his debts.

"Forgive me Ned, Please forgive your idiotic father," The man said, weeping on the ground still panting.

The man is a little short, and has Asian features which made Joshua wonder how this man became a muscle of an illegal group.

'Maybe he's a good shot?,' Joshua thought.

The man is still crying and begging for forgiveness but Joshua just shrugs his shoulders and begins his interrogation.

"The deal is simple, you will give me information about dr. Himenez and I'll let you go," Joshua calmly said.

Even with the help of SHIELD, Joshua still didn't stop his own search for Himenez.

The man opened his mouth but Joshua cut him off.

"I believe you should think more before answering, I develop a habit of putting down uncooperative people," Joshua said

The fear inside of the man made thinking harder but a glimpse of memory gave him hope.

"Y-you m-meant Essua?" The man stuttered.

Essua Himenez, a crime lord or more like a lunatic doctor who will do anything to earn fortune. Essua is known for his greed and tolerance against pain.

He has various connections and is good at cutting off his involvement in any crime.

"Hoo, You're quite lucky today huh, You'll survive, well if you give me details," Joshua helped the man to stand up.

"I-I'll will?" The man said with slight hope.

Joshua smiled and nodded.

"I was having money problem, personal stuff you know, My friend-my friend David said I can join him just this once," The man looked at the corpse on the ground with a sad expression then continue, "I m-met the doctor 3 days before today, he call himself bringer of despair of whatever and wanted us to-"

Joshua didn't care what the doctor called himself so he said, "Get to the point, Where did you meet him? Where is he?"

"I-don't know his current location right now but we previously met him under Ingram St, Near the forest there's a dog statue, y-you need a special card to use it." The man explained.

"Great he has a secret lair no wonder that piece of shit is so hard to find," Joshua said with slight anger.

With that Joshua gave the man a smile and put him to sleep.

Hurrying up, Joshua flew with great speed, he is not wasting time.

Felicia Hardy also known as Black Cat was being hunted by the police as she made a very amateur mistake in stealing a painting called, "Emergence by Shindol".

Apparently, the painting was highly protected by the Men Of Culture, they even put laser triggered alarms all over the place for it.

Black Cat didn't expect top security for a highly insensitive art like that but its value never lies, that's why she called it an amateur mistake.

Parkouring in the buildings, Black Cat makes her way inside then outside the buildings confusing the hell out of the police.

Hell, they didn't even last 10 minutes in chasing her but the sheer number of them and the perimeter and checkpoints they've created still made escape difficult..

But what shocked the pussy was when she saw something unbelievable. She just got a glimpse of it, but she is sure that she saw a man flying at super fast speed.

Trouble. Imagine if that superhuman became part of the good guys, troublesome right?

Luckily for her she was just a small-time criminal.

Jessica Neil became more desperate.

Seeing Joshua in the T.V is enough drive for her to search for the love of her life but seeing him with her own eyes already confirmed in her mind that that is Joshua.

After seeing him in T.V Jessica aggressively expanded her business and at the same time her information network.

Traveling all over the world Jessica did her best in finding him.

Finishing her bath Jessica went into the mirror and looked at her face.

Her eye bags are growing as her hours of sleep are getting slimmer everyday.

With a sigh Jessica put on her night dress as she laid her tired body to the bed.

"Joshua, I want to see you again…" Jessica mumble as she falls asleep.

– END –

Thank you for the comments in the previous chapter. I like most of the ideas but I'm favoring @Finnish_man comment.