
Like you’ve never known

A collection of short stories, that at times can be written to be longer stories depending on what is favored! Includes angst, war, love, emotions, supernatural beings, etc.

Seos_76 · 現実
17 Chs

For fear of me

With all the strength I had I raised my fist and punched him in the face. As he fell back I towered over him,

"I don't love you, not once in those years we've spent together did I ever think I had fallen in love with you. You're nothing but a stepping stone for my goal and a warm body to keep me company so don't confuse my kindness with love"

He looked up at me, teary eyed with a blooming bruise on his cheek and a busted lip.

"Don't lie! Those nights we spent together planning our future together when you told me you'd never leave me we're real! You're spouting bullshit over and over again" He was crying, eyes bubbling over with a quiver in his voice.

"You held me closely kissed me and promised that where ever you'd go I'd follow, I'm keeping my promise and staying by your side"

With a distasteful look in my eyes I punched him again.

"Shut" I raised my fist "up" and brought it down to his cheek.

"You're an absolute fool for ever believing me, I'm the incarnate of evil and despair, I love nobody so get your head out of your ass because I, as King would never fall for a disgraceful human like you" every bone in my body was burning, how could he think I would love him? Did he think himself as special?

"Ashura" he murmured

"Please, please let me stay by your side"  he grasped my shirt and pulled.

"Ashura, even if I stay by your side as a errand boy, even if you treat me horribly, I will stay. I will love you because I know that deep down you care and that is what'll keep me going" his eyes, he was sure, confident that I would let him stay by my side.

"Eloise" I chuckled, "naivety will get you killed"

I summoned a katana and before he could respond I sliced his neck. The blood spewing over, covering my clothes and the dirt below. His once bright, determined eyes lost light and as his head hit the floor, I begged.

I'm sorry Eloise, you were right I was lying, I love you, with every fiber of my being I love you. Maybe in another life we can live together, travel, and love each other. The sole person I have ever loved was not meant to be this soon, I guess right person wrong time really exists. Maybe in our next life I can be human, maybe in our next life I can love you without burden. Until that life comes, I'll live for you, I'll carry out your dreams so when I meet you we can both be happy.