
Like you’ve never known

A collection of short stories, that at times can be written to be longer stories depending on what is favored! Includes angst, war, love, emotions, supernatural beings, etc.

Seos_76 · Realistic
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17 Chs

Ghosts talk big for someone who’s dead

There was once a rumor of a ghost that lingered in the hallways, I had always wondered if it was true. Casper was adorable so why wouldn't this ghost be?

I was wrong the ghost wasn't adorable apparently he had killed someone in the hallway and then proceeded to kill himself. The janitor found them a couple minutes before school started.After being told that information I had once again realized, just because they are ghosts does not mean they must be like casper.

My fellow classmates had told me the story right before class had ended and once the bell rang everyone scattered out to go home. I had stayed as I wanted to finish my math homework here and not at home. To me it felt like my brain liked numbers in school but not at home. I was alone in the classroom figuring out how to do math all over again when I heard it, the whispers, the stepping, the chill that had passed through, I looked around but there was no one there.

"The answers 55"

"This better be the right answer because I am not turning in a wrong math assignment and getting in trouble"

"Dude just trust I've done this already"

"Alright alright, thanks"

Wait...there was noone in the classroom I was sure of it...so who the fuck just gave me the answer?

"C-casper?" I whispered slowly

There was no answer, I checked the classroom and again, it was empty.

"Why the fuck would I be casper?"

I had heard someone from my left so I quickly turned around but all that was there was a presence, it was heavy but not a human was there.

My eyes widened and I put my hand over my mouth, "holy shit it is casper ohmygod"

The warm presence moved, "no you stupid fuck casper doesn't exist, I'm just a regular old ghost"

"Oh" I was quite sad, this ghost was clearly not casper. "Figures, casper's a friendly ghost you sound like a bitch"

The wind rustled a bit and my paper moved to the left, "you're having a normal conversation with someone you can't see and that's your answer?"

" I talk to myself all the time, I was bound to lose my mind one day" I replied, which wasn't false I really did talk to myself it was as if I had my own imaginary friend.

"Dude" the ghost started, "you're kinda lame like that's sad"

What? How dare this ghost?

"Huh? You're one to talk, you're dead and If you are who I think you are, you're even more lame to die in a high school"

Silence. What can i say I leave everyone-


This stupid non-living casper wannabe just slapped me. What the fuck.

"You're kinda sensitive for a ghost huh"


"Dude what the fuck stop, I'm not gonna fight air"

The ghost finally replied, "that wasn't very nice of you, I even gave you the answer to the math problem"

"So casper wannabe, what's your name?"

"You heard the rumour and you didn't get my name?" scoffed the casper wannabe

"Dude you're not THAT important"

Sighing the ghost gave me his name, "It's Ciel"

Oh. oH. Oh. OH

"Like the dude from black butler? " this was crazy

"Y-yes like the dude from black butler" if I could see him, I would assume he was blushing.

"Cool, I'm Alis" I responded.

I had an evil thought.

"Hey Ciel, can you help me with my homework?" I shyly asked.

"For someone who can't count you sure do ask a lot"


"I was standing over you while you used the calculator to figure out 6 times 7, why did you input the number five times by the way?"

"Maybe the answer changed I don't know" jeez how embarrassing this casper wannabe knows I can't count.

"Well it was funny, I laughed a bit too"

So that was the short warmth I felt, this dude had laughed at me.

"That's so rude of you, I'm not scared to fight with air you know"

"Bro you said and I quote 'i'm not gonna fight air'"

"That was before I found out the air was a ghost and a bitch so help me with math"

Ciel sighed, or what I thought was a sigh.

"C'mon I'll use blocks"