

Chapter 336: Medicinal Herbs Obtained

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Zhao Ya's injury was far more severe than they expected. If not for her resilient physical constitution, she might not have even survived the journey back.

Liu Ling didn't expect someone to end up so severely injured on a trip to the academy. Shocked, he hurriedly went up to them.

"What happened?"

"She was injured by a vile woman. Liu shi, please save her!" Zheng Yang said.

"Un!" After taking a look, Liu Ling heaved a sigh of relief. "Her zhenqi is in an erratic state having suffered violent tremors. It isn't a serious problem, she should recover after half a month of recuperation."

"Half a month? This won't do. She has to duel with that woman once more three days later..."

Taken aback, Zheng Yang was about to plead with Liu shi to do something about the matter when the latter waved his hands and clasped his fist toward Yang shi, "This is your grandteacher, Yang shi. Hurry up and greet him!"


"Yang shi?"

Only at this moment did Zheng Yang and the others notice the middle-aged man who was sitting at the center of the room.

Yang shi was a man who had produced innumerable miracles in Tianxuan Kingdom. But more important than that, their teacher was his direct disciple.

They had heard of the other party's legends, but they never had the chance to meet him.

Upon hearing Liu shi's words, they trembled in shock, hurriedly kneeled on the floor, and bowed deeply.

"Grandstudent Zhao Ya (Zheng Yang, Wang Ying, Liu Yang, Yuan Tao) pays respect to grandteacher!"


Zhang Xuan nodded his head. Then, with a frown, he turned to Zhao Ya and said, "What's wrong?"

He didn't expect that someone would actually dare to beat up Zhao Ya when he had barely left for just a single day. Who in the world had such guts so as to lay their hands on his student?

"Reporting to grandteacher, my injuries are a result of a loss to another in a fair duel. It's only due to my lacking cultivation that such a situation arose!" Zhao Ya explained.

"A fair duel?" Zhang Xuan frowned.

If she lost in a fair duel, it could only mean to say that she was lacking as compared to the other party. Even as her teacher, it wasn't appropriate for him to stand up for her such a situation.

"Come over!" Zhang Xuan beckoned.

"Yes!" Zhao Ya walked forward.

Placing his finger on the other party's pulse, he sent a surge of pure zhenqi through the latter's body via her meridians.


Under the nourishment of the Heaven's Path zhenqi, Zhao Ya's erratic zhenqi gradually calmed down, and her wounds healed at a speed visible to the eye.

"Thank you grandteacher for treating me!" Feeling strength returning to her body, Zhao Ya's eyes gleamed in excitement.

Their grandteacher was indeed as incredible as the rumors put him out to be. With such a casual action, not only did the other party manage to heal her injuries, he seemed to have triggered her cultivation as well. At the current moment, Zhao Ya suddenly felt that an urge to achieve a breakthrough.


Upon seeing this sight, Liu Ling's admiration toward Yang shi soared once more.

He could tell that Zhao Ya's injury was a result of her forcefully tapping into her strength, overexerting herself, thus resulting in a backlash. Her internal organs had been jolted, and her zhenqi had been dissipated forcefully. It wasn't really a huge matter, but it would take at least half a month for her to recover fully.

Yet, Yang shi managed to heal her completely just by placing a finger on her pulse for a few breaths. His means were truly unfathomable. If not for witnessing the sight personally, he would have never thought of this to be possible.

"What do you mean by dueling with someone else three days later?"

After waving his hands to show that it wasn't a huge matter, Zhang Xuan suddenly recalled Zheng Yang's words and frowned.

What was with these little fellows? Why were they always pitting themselves against others, arranging duels even?

"Reporting to grandteacher, we were outside strolling when we heard a woman publicly sullying the reputation of our teacher. Unable to tolerate it, Zhao Ya stepped forth and challenged her to a duel to uphold our teacher's honor. Who could have known that the other party wasn't weak, and Zhao Ya was eventually beaten into such a state!"

Before Zhao Ya could reply, Yuan Tao had already opened his mouth.

Upon hearing his words, the crowd was taken aback.

Most master teachers detested seeing their own students causing trouble.

Picking a fight with another was already a folly in itself. Yet, they were still unwilling to admit their mistakes and even complained so brazenly. Zhang shi might still be willing to overlook it, but to utter such words before a master teacher whose rank was likely to have exceeded 3-star… There was no doubt that the other party would be displeased. In the worst case scenario, Zhang shi might even suffer a severe reprimand from the latter...

Knowing this, everyone rolled their eyes at Yuan Tao. They were all nervous that Yang shi would get angry.

"Sullying the reputation of your teacher?"

Yang shi's eyebrows shot up, "Not bad, a student should indeed uphold the honor of his teacher. You all did well!"

"Did well?"

They thought that they would have to suffer a severe lashing, but Yang shi ended up praising them instead. Everyone was stunned, and even Liu shi couldn't help but stagger.

Did this mean that he was encouraging them to fight with others?

The ideology that this teacher of his had was... way too extreme, wasn't it!

"However, it is shameful to get beaten up when you were the one who challenged the other party to a duel!" Zhang Xuan harrumphed.

"Actually... Zhao Ya didn't lose out to her in terms of cultivation. It was just that the other party's battle techniques were too strong..." Zheng Yang hesitated for a moment before speaking.

In truth, the other party won only due to her superior battle techniques.

Tianwu Kingdom was a Tier 1 Kingdom whereas Tianxuan Kingdom was an Unranked Kingdom. Given their different ranks, there was a world of difference in the battle techniques available in the two kingdoms as well.

It was already an incredible feat for Zhao Ya to withstand the other party's moves for so long.

"Battle techniques?"

Only at this moment did Zhang Xuan recall that he had never imparted Zhao Ya any battle technique before.

He had imparted Wang Ying the Heaven's Path Leg Art and Heaven's Path Movement Art, Zheng Yang the Heaven's Path Spear Art, and Liu Yang the Heaven's Path Fist Art. After awakening the unique constitutions of Yuan Tao and Zhao Ya, he didn't impart them any battle technique. It was no wonder why they would suffer a huge disadvantage when battling others.

"Since your teacher is currently taking the 2-star master teacher examination, I will impart you a battle technique on his behalf. Are you willing to learn it?"

Thus, Zhang Xuan turned to the lady before him and asked.

"I am willing!" Hearing that grandteacher was going to impart her a battle technique personally. Zhao Ya hurriedly clasped her fist and bowed.

What a joke! This was the teacher of her teacher! The battle technique he was going to impart her was definitely incredibly profound.

"Since you've been using a sword since young, I'll impart you a sword art!"

After contemplating for a moment, Zhang Xuan said.

"However, my sword art is sharp. You've just gotten injured so it's not suitable for you to cultivate for the time being. You should just rest for today, I'll impart the sword art to you tomorrow!"

Even though Zhao Ya had learned some kicking and punching battle techniques, those weren't her expertise. Her true specialty lies in swordsmanship instead, which she had been learning from young. Thus, she would be most suited to learn a sword art.

"Yes!" Zhao Ya nodded.

She had just gotten injured, and she was indeed not in a good condition to be learning a formidable sword art at the moment. Only when in her top condition would she be able to learn better and bring out greater might from the sword art.

"Alright, you should rest for now. Sun Qiang, send someone to the Master Teacher Pavilion to get Jiang Shu over. Tell him that I have something I need him for!"

After dealing with Zhao Ya's matter, Zhang Xuan waved his hands and dismissed them.

He had browsed through many books in the Master Teacher Pavilion, and there were a substantial number of them on swordsmanship. However, those techniques were rather profound, and it might be difficult for Zhao Ya to master them if he were to impart them straight. Thus, Zhang Xuan decided to learn them for himself and test their might before modifying it to suit her.

If he didn't attempt to comprehend every aspect of the sword art before imparting them to Zhao Ya, it might affect her fundamentals, thus causing potential problems in the future.

Sun Qiang moved swiftly and in less than an hour, Pavilion Master Jiang was already before him.

Looking at Yang shi, who was seated at the main seat in the hall, he excitedly kneeled down and bowed, "Jiang Shu pays respect to teacher!"

Not only did the person before him help him to tame a powerful savage beast, the other party even imparted him a cultivation technique to clear away the trauma in his body. As such, he was filled with gratitude for the other party.

"There are two medicinal herbs that I need, Goldleaf Spark Twig and Nine Worms Flower. Do you have them?"

Cutting straight to the point, Zhang Xuan asked impassively.

"Goldleaf Spark Twig and Nine Worms Flower? I do happen to have them!"

With a flick of his wrist, two medicinal herbs appeared on Jiang Shu's palm. These were the medicinal herbs that Zhang Xuan was looking for.

"Un!" Taking the medicinal herbs, Zhang Xuan waved his hands. "I won't take advantage of you. How much do these two medicinal herbs cost? I'll have Sun Qiang pass you the money later on!"

"I am heavily indebted to teacher. It's just two medicinal herbs, please treat it as a filial gesture of mine..."

Jiang Shu hurriedly said.

Without Yang shi's cultivation technique, it was just a matter of time before his trauma acted up. His life would have been constantly at risk. But now, not only did he manage to tame a powerful savage beast, he even managed to clear up his trauma. For this, he would be willing to even run through a mountain of flames for the other party! In comparison to that, two medicinal herbs were truly nothing.

It was this kind of earnest gratitude that induced the formation of a golden page in the Library of Heaven's Path.

"Fate brought us together, that is the only reason why I helped you. I won't take advantage of you." Zhang Xuan frowned. With an imposing tone, he said, "I will pay you however much the cost!"

Seeing his teacher insist on the payment, Jiang Shu was impressed.

Did you see that?

This is the true magnanimity of a master teacher.

It was impossible for one to not respect him.

"Yes!" Nodding his head, Jiang Shu rummaged through his memory before replying, "I got these two medicinal herbs from the Great Herb King back then. As both of their maturity exceeds a hundred years, they are worth a total of twenty million gold coins!"

"Twenty million... cough cough!"

Zhang Xuan had intended to pass the money to the other party grandly, but upon hearing those words, he nearly coughed blood and fainted.

Twenty million gold coin?

The heck!

Even if he were to sell himself, he wouldn't be able to earn this sum of money!

He thought that it would just be a few million gold coins, that was why he offered to pay for it so generously. Never in his dreams did he expect these two medicinal herbs to be even more expensive than all of the other herbs added up together.

What the hell could these herbs be to cost so much money...

All he wanted to do was to accept a student, raise his strength, and earn his trust. To think that just doing so would result in his bankruptcy...

This was way too darned!

"Money is just material possession. As a master teacher, thinking about money all day long... will affect your mental resilience!"

With a reddened face, Zhang Xuan waved his hands grandly.


Jiang Shu was baffled.

I said that there was no need to pay but you insisted on it. So why are you saying that thinking about money will affect one's mental resilience now?

Seeing the bizarre expression on the other party's face, Zhang Xuan coughed awkwardly. Waving his hands casually, he said, "You should condition yourself well for the next few days. I'll find some time to help you achieve a breakthrough in your cultivation... Treat it as the payment for these two medicinal herbs!"

He had promised the other party to pay him, only to realize that he had insufficient money. As the unfathomable expert Yang shi, he couldn't afford to lose his reputation over such a minor matter. Thus, he could only promise the other party some other benefits.

"Help me achieve a breakthrough?"

Just as Jiang Shu was curious as to why his teacher would have such a sudden change in attitude, he heard those words and his excitement then instantaneously erased all doubts that were on his mind. He hurriedly kneeled to the floor and kowtowed.

"Thank you, teacher..."

He had been stuck in Zongshi realm pinnacle for many years. If he could achieve a breakthrough and reach Half-Zhizun, his lifespan and strength would be increased significantly.

"You can leave now!"

Having collected all of the medicinal herbs, Zhang Xuan was anxious to return to the academy. Thus, he bided everyone farewell.

"I still have matters to attend to so I'll be leaving first. I'll come by once more tomorrow!"

Saying so, Zhang Xuan stepped out of the residence.

After leaving the residence, he walked into an isolated alley. Looking around to ensure that there was no one around, he reverted back to the appearance of Liu laoshi and headed straight back to Tianwu Academy.

The residence that Bai Chan acquired was right between the Master Teacher Pavilion and Tianwu Academy. Thus, it didn't take him too long to return back to his classroom.

However, before he could enter the classroom, Meng Tao rushed up to him and said in a fluster, "Teacher, you're back. Please save senior! She's... injured!"

"Mu Xueqing is injured?"

Zhang Xuan was taken aback.




Chapter 337: Raising Lu Chong's Strength

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

In less than a day after leaving his students, Zhao Ya was injured by someone. Then, in less than four hours since leaving the classroom, Mu Xueqing was injured as well?

Wasn't this too coincidental? Was the God of Misfortune lingering around him?

"Yes!" Meng Tao's face was flushed.

"Bring me to her!"

Shaking his head, Zhang Xuan followed him into the classroom.

Upon entering the classroom, he saw Mu Xueqing leaning against the wall of the classroom with a pale face.

Walking up to her, Zhang Xuan took a look and...

He suddenly felt dismayed.


He couldn't discern anything at all!

Zhao Ya was cultivating a cultivation technique he imparted, and the technique could be considered as an offshoot of Heaven's Path Divine Art. Furthermore, he had been with her for a significant period of time, thus even without knowing the illness, he was able to cure her easily.

On the other hand, Mu Xueqing was a student he had just accepted today. As such, he didn't have a clear idea of her physical condition and thus, was unable to see through the root of her affliction in a glance.

If he couldn't even discern the root of her problem, how could he possibly treat her?

"Execute a battle technique!"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan could only decide on the crudest course of action.


Even though Mu Xueqing was perplexed over her teacher's instructions, she still nodded out of trust for the other party. Clenching her fist tightly, her arm shot out swiftly.

Her offense caused the book of her in the Library of Heaven's Path to be refreshed. After taking a look, Zhang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief.

This lass had forcefully used battle techniques beyond her and injured her meridians. This wasn't a big problem for him.

With a flick of his fingers, a few silver needles appeared and flew toward several parts of her body.

A moment later, Mu Xueqing felt a surge of comfort gushing through her body. The injuries she had sustained from forcefully executing battle techniques beyond her had disappeared without a trace.

Sensing the change in her body, Mu Xueqing widened her eyes in disbelief.

Her father was an apothecary who often formulated pills to treat the traumas of others. She knew that injuries caused by forcefully using battle techniques beyond one's capability were hard to resolve. A single mistake in the treatment could potentially cause one's cultivation to be crippled.

Yet, why did this complicated problem seem so easy in the hands of Liu laoshi?

"I apologize for adding to teacher's troubles..."

Mu Xueqing understood that Liu laoshi's means far surpassed that of ordinary physicians or apothecaries, and her admiration for the latter deepened.

"It's nothing. How did you get injured?"

Zhang Xuan asked doubtfully.

"Senior got..."

Meng Tao was about to explain when Mu Xueqing raised her hand and interrupted.

"I was trying out battle techniques and forcefully used battle techniques beyond my cultivation out of my negligence... Teacher, sorry for worrying you!"

Zhang Xuan could tell that that Mu Xueqing was hiding something, but since the latter was unwilling to talk about it, Zhang Xuan decided not to ask any further. "Alright! If there's nothing else, Lu Chong, you stay behind. As for the rest, you should return and rest for the day!"


Mu Xueqing hesitated.

"Is there something?" Zhang Xuan turned to look at her.

"Teacher, can you impart me a battle technique..." Mu Xueqing asked with a reddened face.

She was the one who tried to turn the entire class against him at the very start. Thus, she felt embarrassed asking the other party to impart her a battle technique at this moment.

However, she knew that if she didn't learn a new battle technique, it would be impossible for her to triumph over that lady.

Her father's battle technique was too powerful for her. If she didn't execute it well, she would sustain heavy injuries just like how she did earlier.

More importantly...

It was impossible to become adept at a battle technique without several years of effort. She was going to fight against that person three days later. If she were to ask this of anyone else, she would never make it in time. Thus, she could only pin her hopes on Liu laoshi, who had created miracle after miracle.

"Battle technique?"

Zhang Xuan turned to look at her doubtfully. "What do you want to learn?"

"I specialize in saber, so if possible, I hope that teacher can impart me a saber art..."

Mu Xueqing said.

"Saber art?"

Zhang Xuan was surprised.

Ladies tended to prefer swords due to their lightness and elegance which complemented their disposition. Yet, this lass favored sabers instead. This was something that was beyond Zhang Xuan's expectations.

"Alright, I'll think about a suitable saber art and impart one to you tomorrow. You should leave for now!"

Zhang Xuan nodded.


Mu Xueqing bowed in gratitude before leaving with Meng Tao and the others.

"Senior, why didn't you allow me to say it?"

After leaving the classroom, Meng Tao couldn't hold himself back and immediately questioned.

She obviously got injured while trying to uphold Liu laoshi's honor, so why did she stop him from saying it?

"Say? What do you intend to say? That I got injured while sparring with Zhang shi's student? If I were to say so, Liu laoshi would most probably drag me to the other party to apologize!"

Mu Xueqing harrumphed.


Meng Tao froze.

The standing and influence of a master teacher mustn't be underestimated. A genius like Zhang shi wasn't someone that an ordinary teacher like Liu laoshi could stand up against.

If Liu laoshi were to find out that his students had conflicts with other party, it was highly possible that he might drag senior there to apologize.

"It's not a big deal for me to lower my head and apologize, but I earnestly feel that Liu laoshi isn't inferior to Zhang shi in any way... In fact, I think he is even more capable than the latter! How can there be such a huge difference between their reputations? I must defeat that fellow and bring honor to Liu laoshi's name!"

Determination gleamed in Mu Xueqing's eyes.

How could Liu laoshi, despite his capability, remain as an unknown figure in the capital? Clearly, it was due to the lack of a suitable platform for him to display his prowess. The duel with Zhang shi's student was an excellent platform to prove Liu laoshi's ability. As long as she wins against the other party... Liu laoshi's name would be known throughout the entire capital instantly.

Everyone would know that even though Liu laoshi wasn't a master teacher, his capability wasn't inferior to one!

"I agree with you!"

Meng Tao nodded his head in agreement.


If senior were to report this matter to Liu laoshi, it would be impossible to continue on with the duel. If so, how could she bring honor to Liu laoshi's name? How could she make everyone understand that he is an incredible teacher?

Of course, he also knew that she was only trying to justify her actions. That wasn't her primary aim at all.

Mu Xueqing was a mini tyrant in the academy, having chased away several teachers. Someone had crossed her path and even wounded her. If she didn't get her revenge and make the other party apologize to her, she wouldn't be able to let this matter rest.

"Alright, don't let Liu laoshi know about this matter. I'll teach whoever who dares to babble to him a lesson!"

Mu Xueqing glared at her juniors menacingly.


Everyone hurriedly nodded their heads.

"We won't say anything, but what if Lu Chong..."

Meng Tao suddenly thought of something and pointed toward the classroom.

Lu Chong was currently alone with Liu laoshi in the classroom. Even if they were to seal their mouth, it would be for naught if Lu Chong revealed the matter.

"Lu Chong? That fellow is reluctant to even open his mouth! Do you think it is possible for him to babble to Liu laoshi?" Mu Xueqing rolled her eyes.

"That's true..." Meng Tao scratched his head awkwardly.

In the two years that they had been with Lu Chong, the latter had spoken less than three sentences. How could he possibly start gossiping about this matter...


And just like they had guessed, Lu Chong didn't say anything.

At this moment, he was staring cautiously at Liu laoshi... The request that Liu laoshi raised had put him in a difficult position.

"Take off your clothes..." His teacher's voice sounded.

"Take off my clothes..."

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Lu Chong was at a loss.

"The cultivation of Poison Body is extremely difficult. For that, the physical body enhancement technique that I taught you has to reach Major Accomplishment at minimum. You are still lacking in mastery, and I'll have to give you a boost!"

Zhang Xuan said.

Cultivating the Poison Body was an extremely difficult and dangerous matter. Otherwise, countless poison masters wouldn't have died in the midst of doing so.


Upon hearing that his teacher was only getting him to strip for cultivation purposes, Lu Chong heaved a sigh of relief.

If Zhang Xuan were to know what the other party was thinking, he would definitely die of rage.

The students nowadays... Do they all mature that early?

What in the world is going through their minds...

Soon, Lu Chong took off his clothes and lay horizontally on a bench in the classroom.

Frowning slightly, Zhang Xuan flicked his wrist and a few silver needles appeared on his palm.

With a slight movement, the silver needles immediately pierced into Lu Chong's acupoints. The pure Heaven's Path zhenqi started flowing through his body.

Lu Chong's talent was nothing short of ordinary. Given his current cultivation speed, it would take at least two days or so before he could reach Major Accomplishment for the simplified version of Heaven's Path Golden Body. After reinforcing his cultivation, around four days would have already passed.

Zhang Xuan had already boasted that he would grant Lu Chong the ability to exact vengeance within ten days. If Lu Chong were to spend so long a time on the Heaven's Path Golden Body, it would be difficult for him to form the Poison Body within the deadline.

Thus, in order to hasten the process, he intended to use his own zhenqi to drive the other party's and raise the other party's cultivation.

If he were to do so for Zhao Ya and the others, they might grow reliant on him, and this kind of mindset could potentially limit their future accomplishments. However, Lu Chong was different.

He had kneeled at the entrance of the academy just so to come under the tutelage of a teacher. Furthermore, to prevent himself from revealing anything, he could even play off as a mute for two years... His mental fortitude was far beyond Zhang Xuan's other students.

With such mental fortitude, how could he possibly lose his confidence even if his rate of growth of his cultivation was slow after this?

More importantly, the method of forcefully raising one's cultivation would expose one in excruciating pain. Zhao Ya and the others, and this was including Yuan Tao as well, would be unable to endure such grievous pain.

Peng peng peng peng!

Zhang Xuan flicked his five fingers, and silver needles danced around.

Surge after surge of zhenqi flowed through Lu Chong's body via his meridians, and the previously narrow meridians began to tear apart.

It was as though thousands of knives were lodged into his body, slicing his flesh simultaneously into innumerable pieces. It was fortunate that Lu Chong possessed a strong will. Otherwise, his mind could have broken down by now.

"Endure it!"

The zhenqi in Zhang Xuan's body pumped furiously as he shot all of the silver needles in his hands out.

Zhang Xuan was well-versed in the pathways that one's zhenqi had to flow through for the cultivation of the Heaven's Path Golden Body. The silver needles seemed lodge into Lu Chong's body in a certain pathway, heading upward until it eventually reached the cap of his head.


Under the guidance of Zhang Xuan's silver needles, zhenqi gushed into Lu Chong's head. In that instant, Lu Chong felt as if an explosion had occurred in his head, as though he had broken through a bottleneck.

"Pixue realm... I have actually reached Pixue realm?"

He instantly realized that he had broke through Dingli realm pinnacle, reaching Pixue realm.

"Don't move, it's not over yet!"

Feeling the agitated trembling of Lu Chong's body, Zhang Xuan's eyebrows shot up. With a flick of his hands, the medicinal herbs that Zhang Xuan obtained from the Physician Guild appeared in his hands. With a sudden burst of zhenqi, he reduced all of those medicinal herbs into powder.


The powder melded together, and a reaction immediately occurred. Swiftly, it morphed into an extremely toxic substance.

With a grasping action, the silver needles across Lu Chong's body flew back and plunged into contact with the toxic powder. In an instant, the entire needle turned black.

Then, with another flick, these poison needles flew back into Lu Chong's body.


The lethal poison flowed through the silver needle and seeped into the Lu Chong's body. An excruciating pain several times greater than that of the previous one struck him. His face immediately paled, and unable to hold himself back, he yelled in agony.


After striking all of the silver needles back onto the other party's body, Zhang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he kept the remaining medicinal powder back into his storage ring.

He was done conducting the first round of poison tempering. Whether the other party was able to pull through would depend on his mental fortitude.

If he failed to hold on, he would fall into death's embrace!

But if he held on, he would be able to metamorphose from a cocoon into a butterfly, becoming one of the strongest experts in Tianwu Kingdom!




Chapter 338: Zongshi Realm Heaven's Path Divine Art

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

As the lethal poison seeped into his bloodstream, Lu Chong found himself reaching the limits of his sanity.

The intense pain that assaulted his mind was too hard for him to endure.

"Father, mother, sister, brother..."

Many figures flashed across his head, as though attempting to summon him over to the other side. A powerful force threatened to pull his soul into the eternal darkness, a place where he would never be able to return from.

"No, I can't faint now. The moment I give in, teacher's hard work would be in vain... How can I face father, mother, and the others like that?"

Clenching his fists tightly, he yelled tenaciously within.

For two years, he had played the role of a mute. It wasn't because he didn't want to speak of the matter, but... his enemy was simply too strong and influential! He didn't want to be killed before he became sufficiently strong to exact vengeance.

He was at the age where bustle posed an irresistible attraction to him. Yet, he forcefully held himself back and stayed away from social interactions, as though a reticent old man. This had caused great stress to weigh on his heart.

Yet, why did he still continue to push on?

It was because that resentment in his heart didn't allow him to rest!

His father, mother, sisters, brothers... His entire family consisting of 137 people died in agony... If not for his coincidental absence during that tragedy, he might have been reduced to a corpse as well.

He thought that his vengeance would be a hopeless cause, especially given his subpar talents... But Liu laoshi had presented a chance to him. He mustn't let go of it!

"Persevere! I have to persevere on!"

Howling furiously in his mind, the will that he had tempered over the course of the past two years intensified. His drowsiness and weakness abruptly vanished, replaced by tenacity.

"Not bad!"

Seeing how the other party was still able to hold on despite the intense pain, Zhang Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

His evaluation of Lu Chong turned out to be spot-on. The latter's mental fortitude was indeed impressive. If he could persevere on with the same tenacity, it was highly likely that he would be able to successfully cultivate the Poison Body. If so, his strength would be raised tremendously.

"The effects of the lethal poison will continue on for an entire night. This night will be painful, so find some way to persevere on. Don't worry, you'll soon realize that your suffering isn't in vain!"

After instructing so, Zhang Xuan placed a blanket over Lu Chong and walked out of the classroom.

The cultivation for the Poison Body had already started, and there was no stopping now. Whether Lu Chong could persevere on or not would depend solely on his mental fortitude. No one could help him through this. Since Zhang Xuan was of no use here, he decisively left the room.

After leaving the room, he realized that the sun had already set.

Thus, he found a restaurant and ate some food.

"I have to impart a sword art and saber art to Zhao Ya and Mu Xueqing tomorrow respectively. I should give it a try first..."

He had promised the two ladies that he would impart them battle techniques, but the current him was incapable of utilizing either weapon. Thus, he had to quickly cultivate and master these two battle techniques so that he could impart them well.

"I should begin with swordsmanship!"

Zhang Xuan's consciousness delved in the Library of Heaven's Path and he started browsing through the sword-related battle techniques he saw in the Master Teacher Pavilion.


Soon, a complete sword art secret manual was formed.

"Sword, the sovereign of the hundred weapons. Nimble and flexible, as though a snake or a phantom..."

A complete cultivation method of a sword art was detailed in the book.

Casually picking up a tree branch from the ground, Zhang Xuan drove his zhenqi according to the formula written in the book.

However, a short moment later, he stopped and frowned.

"That's not right... There are still some flaws in the sword art. It isn't complete yet..."

The battle techniques in the Master Teacher Pavilion were at a higher level than those in Tianxuan Kingdom. Even the weakest of them was at least of Mortal pinnacle, and many of them were at Phantom low-tier.

The more profound a battle technique was, the rarer and more valuable it was. There were only several dozen of sword art manuals in the entire library. With this quantity, it was impossible to even form a single perfect move after compiling all of the correct portions together, lest to say, a Heaven's Path battle technique.

"Forcefully cultivating this kind of incomplete sword art might cause one's cultivation to go berserk..."

Looking at the incomplete sword art manual, Zhang Xuan felt dismayed.

He thought that he would be able to form Heaven's Path Sword Art with just the sword art manuals in the Master Teacher Pavilion. From the looks of it, he was underestimating the matter.

It was fortunate that he didn't impart this sword art to Zhao Ya. If he did, the latter might have probably died from cultivating this technique before she could dueling with her opponent.

"Forget it, I should take a look at saber art manuals first..."

Holding back his dismay, he turned his attention to the saber art manuals.

Soon, the frustration on his face deepened.

Just like for sword art, there were too little saber art manuals here as well. It was impossible for a complete move to be formed with this meager quantity.

Other people required profound secret manuals for their battle technique, but Zhang Xuan was different. All he needed was quantity. As for quality... it was of negligible difference.

As the greatest occupation in the world, master teachers didn't think highly of ordinary battle techniques. As such, they didn't bother collecting them.

While this wasn't anything much to other master teachers, to Zhang Xuan, this was extremely bad news.

"Where in the world can I find fundamental manuals on saber art and sword art?"

After organizing his thoughts, Zhang Xuan scratched his head in frustration.

"Right! How could I forgot that I am at Tianwu Academy! There must be quite a few fundamental saber art and sword art manuals here!"

Zhang Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

It might be difficult to find battle technique secret manuals elsewhere, but this wasn't an issue for Tianwu Academy. As a school for cultivators, there must be plenty of such items on the campus.

Thus, Zhang Xuan grabbed a nearby student, asked for the location of the teacher's library, and started walking over with widened strides.

Soon, he arrived in a huge vault filled with books.

After flashing his identity token, he walked into the room.

As expected of the location where the secret manuals of the academy were stored! Even though it wasn't as large as the Master Teacher Pavilion's library, it was still of formidable scale. Cultivation technique and battle technique manuals of all kinds filled the shelves, and in just a single glance, it was clear that the number of books definitely numbered beyond a million.

There were many books on the other occupations in the Master Teacher Pavilion, but over here, the books were mostly cultivation technique and battle technique manuals; the books on the other occupations numbered in the minority.

Cultivation techniques beneath Zongshi realm were useless to Zhang Xuan. Thus, he went straight for the sword art manuals.

Soon, he found the shelves where the sword art manuals were held. There were more than several thousand books on those shelves.

He quickly collected them into the Library of Heaven's Path.


This time, the sword art that was compiled was in perfect condition, thus safe for cultivation.

Instead of testing it out immediately, Zhang Xuan went to the section on saber art and collected the respective books into the Library of Heaven's Path as well.

"Hm? Zongshi realm cultivation technique?"

Walking along the shelves, Zhang Xuan collected a few other battle technique manuals when he suddenly saw the books on a row of shelves and his eyes lit up.

To think that there would be... Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals here!

In Hongtian Academy, Zongshi realm secret manuals were incomparably valuable. As such, they were placed in an isolated vault and only elders were qualified to browse through them. Zhang Xuan didn't expect Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals to be accessible to all teachers in Tianwu Academy.

Casually picking up a book, Zhang Xuan browsed through it. Soon, a bitter smile spread across his face.

He thought that Tianwu Academy was truly practicing equality in education, granting both elders and ordinary teacher access to the same resources. But after flipping through a book, he realized that... it was just wishful thinking on his part...

Even though those were indeed Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals, no doubt about that, those were the most ordinary and simplest cultivation technique. In terms of quality, they were around Mortal low-tier.

Using these cultivation techniques, even if one was incredibly talented, it would take at least a decade or so before one would be able to advance a single realm.

It seemed like the truly incredible cultivation techniques were still kept in an isolated vault. Those that were available here were the useless ones.

It was a waste to throw it away, but no one cultivated them anyway.

Even so, this was a huge treasure trove to Zhang Xuan.

Sliding his finger across those manuals, he swiftly collected them all in his mind.


He had collected quite a few Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals back when he was at Red Lotus City. Adding all of these into the mix as well, the Library of Heaven's Path immediately formed the Zongshi realm Heaven's Path Divine Art.

"I should go out first before starting to cultivate!"

Holding back his urge to cultivate on the spot, he strolled around the library and collected some other useful-looking books before leaving.

Returning back to the classroom, Zhang Xuan went over to examine Lu Chong's condition, and upon seeing that the latter was still trying his best to withstand the poison, he nodded his head in approval. After which, he walked into the small classroom and sat down cross-legged.

Flipping open the Zongshi realm Heaven's Path Divine Art, he closed his eyes and started cultivating.


Along with the flow of his zhenqi, spiritual energy in the air began to gush into his body, flowing through his acupoints and meridians.


After cultivating for a moment, Zhang Xuan abruptly opened his eyes.

His cultivation didn't feel as smooth as before. In the past, achieving breakthroughs felt as easy as simply drinking a cup of water. But now, he felt starved instead. It was as if he was trying his best to gobble down whatever that was before him, but whatever that was before him was simply insufficient to satiate his appetite.

"It's spiritual energy..."

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Xuan came to a conclusion.

The first seven realms of a Fighter, Juxi, Dantian, Zhenqi, Pigu, Dingli, Pixue, Tongxuan... The cultivation of these realms didn't require much spiritual energy. For example, in Pixue realm, one only had to open up one's acupoints to raise one's strength. In Tongxuan realm, one only had to connect all of one's meridians together. In Dingli realm, one only had to temper one's physical body...

However, it was different once one reached Zongshi realm. The accumulation of spiritual energy and storage of zhenqi became the priority instead.

Every slightest increase in one's cultivation realm required a vast supply of spiritual energy.

Using an analogy, a Zongshi realm cultivator's dantian was like a pond whereas the spiritual energy in the air was like a stream flowing into the pond. If one wanted to fill the pond, naturally, the greater the flow, the better it was.

Cultivating a high-tier cultivation technique would cause this stream to expand. With Heaven's Path Divine Art, Zhang Xuan's 'stream' was no different from a ridiculously wide river. Naturally, the volume of water that could flow through it at any given moment was much greater than a small stream... But of course, that was only if there was sufficient water being supplied to the river in the first place.

Without sufficient water, no matter how vast the river was, the rate at which it filled the pond wouldn't be much faster than a stream.

That was to say... while there was no problem with the Heaven's Path Divine Art, due to the lacking spiritual energy in the environment, Zhang Xuan would be unable to leverage the advantages of his cultivation technique to the maximum extent.

In other words, Zhang Xuan was no longer able to raise his cultivation by an entire realm in just two hours like he did in the past!

"Given how thin the spiritual energy in the air is, it will take at least three to five months before I reach Zongshi realm pinnacle!"

Zhang Xuan thought in dismay.

The prowess of Heaven's Path Divine Art was incredible, but it had no way of making up for the lacking spiritual energy in the air. Given the current rate of absorption, it would take at least three to five months before he reached the peak of Zongshi realm.

Of course, if others were to know of his thoughts, they would definitely raise their pitchforks and light their torches.

Reaching Zongshi realm pinnacle within three to five months is already an incredible feat, you know? To be unsatisfied with such speed...

"Forget it. I should go to the Apothecary Guild tomorrow to see if I can find any pills harnessing spiritual energy. With the help of such pills, I should be able to advance my cultivation realm faster..."

Knowing that it would be terribly inefficient to cultivate normally, Zhang Xuan chose to put the matter aside for now.

The lack of spiritual energy in the environment was a huge problem to Zhang Xuan, but this problem could be alleviated by consuming pills. The Apothecary Guild had many pills that harnessed concentrated spiritual energy within them.

Thus, Zhang Xuan turned his attention away from the Zongshi realm cultivation technique to the sword art manuals and saber art manuals in the Library of Heaven's Path.

Four hours later.


Casually grabbing a sword from the weapon rack in the classroom, Zhang Xuan drove his zhenqi according to the formula in his head and flicked the sword in his hand lightly.


The zhenqi Zhang Xuan imbued into the sword formed a blinding radiance on the tip of the sword.

And with a light slash...!

A sword qi flew for more than a dozen meter before coming to a stop. A narrow but deep cut appeared on the hard ground.


Dantian refers to a place in the abdomen. Usually, this is where the core of a cultivator's energy come from, somewhat similar to how our blood has to be pumped from our heart. In Fighter 2-dan Dantian realm, what one does is to open up this dantian so that they could accumulate zhenqi.

Sword qi refers to a visible emanation of a slash from the edge of the sword.

Weapons, Battle Techniques and Cultivation Techniques follow the same power system.

Mortal, Phantom, Spirit, Saint, God. Each level can be divided into low-tier, intermediate-tier, high-tier, and pinnacle. There are exceptions, especially when it comes to the higher tiers due to the massive difference in prowess between tiers. For example, there additional tiers between ranks.

For a Battle Technique, there is the concept of mastery as well (i.e. how adept you are at using the technique). The higher the rank of the battle technique, the harder it is to gain mastery in it. Mastery is divided into Novice, Initiate, Minor Accomplishment, Major Accomplishment, and Consummation.




Chapter 339: Lu Chong's Deep Grudge (1)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up. He immediately picked up a saber and attempted a light swing as well.

Just like with the sword, an imposing white emanation formed flew forth the saber, leaving behind a deep cut on the ground.

"As expected of a battle technique compiled from high-tier battle techniques! These two techniques are much stronger than the Heaven's Path Fist Art and Heaven's Path Spear Art!"

Zhang Xuan was satisfied with the force of the sword qi and saber qi.

After reinforcing his understanding of the techniques, Zhang Xuan finally heaved a sigh of relief and a slight smile crept onto his face. "After I simplify these techniques and impart them on to Zhao Ya and Mu Xueqing, they would surely be able to emerge victorious regardless of who their opponents are!"

He had no idea who Zhao Ya's opponent was, but he knew the primary reason behind Zhao Ya's loss was due to her disadvantage in terms of battle techniques. Once she learns this sword art, no matter how powerful her opponent may be, it would be impossible for the other party to withstand her attacks.

Zhang Xuan was certain that there was no battle technique in Tianwu Kingdom that could surpass those created through the Library of Heaven's Path.

As for Mu Xueqing, even though she didn't say a thing, it couldn't be any clearer to Zhang Xuan that her injury originated from a brawl. After imparting her this saber art, she should be able to protect herself from any opponent.


Mu Xueqing returned to her residence.

Recalling what that had happened today, she couldn't help but doubt that everything was just a dream.

Even though she had witnessed Liu laoshi's capability with her own eyes, she still found it way too unbelievable.

With just a few casual pointers from him, all of the students in the class achieved a breakthrough in their cultivation, and the problem of the pill poison that had accumulated in her body was resolved. On top of that, he even declared that he would grant Lu Chong the strength rivaling that of a Tongxuan realm cultivator within ten days... Even a master teacher wouldn't be able to rival those feats!

Walking into the living room, she stretched her back and prepared to return back to her room to rest. But just then, her father suddenly rushed into the living room with an agitated look on his face.

"Qing-er, you're back! I've good news for you!"

"What's wrong, father?"

Her father, Apothecary Mu, had always maintained his composure regardless of the situation. What in the world could have happened for him to get so agitated?

"There's a cure for you!" Apothecary Mu's eyes were gleaming with excitement.

"A cure?" Mu Xueqing was perplexed.

A cure? It wasn't like she was terminally ill! What did 'a cure for you' mean?

"You have been consuming pills since young to augment the speed of your cultivation. Even though you managed to improve swiftly, due to your physical constitution and the nature of your cultivation technique, a significant amount of pill poison has accumulated in your body, thus making it extremely difficult for you to advance to higher realms! I only managed to notice this problem last year... and by then, it was already too late."

Apothecary Mu looked at her daughter apologetically. "In order to solve your trauma, I've visited the Physician Guild and consulted them on your problem. However... none of them had a feasible solution for your problem! Even Guild Leader Mu Hong is helpless before this matter, and he even inscribed the question on the Wall of Dilemma..."

"I thought that it would be nigh impossible to find a cure for your problem, but... today, an incredible physician appeared, and he solved all of the questions on the Wall of Dilemma with perfect treatment methods! In other words... there's a cure for your pill poison..."

Apothecary Mu's eyes were glowing.

He had always felt guilty to his daughter over the issue of the pill poison, and thus, he had gone to great extents to find a cure to his daughter's affliction. Upon realizing that the new guild leader of the Physician Guild could solve the problem easily, he could no longer hold back his agitation.

"Pill poison?"

Mu Xueqing blinked. She was just about to say that she had been cured of her pill poison when her father continued speaking.

"You don't know how talented this new guild leader is. He solved nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma consecutively, achieving a Perfect grade for each of them. In the end, he even came up with an answer that even 4-star physicians were incapable of evaluating..."

Apothecary Mu praised in amazement.

Even though he had heard the news from a reliable source, he still found it hard to believe.

If not for his friend in the Physician Guild swearing on the matter, he would have surely thought the other party was just pulling his leg.

"Ah, right! I heard that... the new guild leader is a teacher in your academy. Help me look into it tomorrow so that I can make some preparations. I'll pay him a visit and beseech him for the treatment method to cure you of your affliction..."

Apothecary Mu turned to his daughter and said.

"There's such a formidable teacher in our academy? What's his name?" Mu Xueqing asked doubtfully.

She had heard of the Physician Guild's Wall of Dilemma as well. To be able to solve nineteen questions with a Perfect grade, that person was indeed an incredible genius!

His feat was in no way inferior to that of Master Teacher Zhang Xuan.

But Mu Xueqing knew all of the teachers in the academy, and she was certain that none of them were capable of such a feat.

After all, how could a person possessing such formidable capability possibly remain unknown!

"If I recall correctly..." Apothecary Mu pondered for a moment. "His surname seems to be Liu..."

"Liu?" Gedeng, Mu Xueqing's heart skipped a beat. A figure suddenly appeared in her mind, and her face flushed in agitation. Staring intently at her father, she asked, "It can't be that his name is... Liu Cheng?"

This was the name Liu laoshi introduced himself with when he entered the classroom.

"That's right, his name is Liu Cheng. He seems to be a new teacher in Tianwu Academy..." Recalling the contents of his conversation with his friend, Apothecary Mu nodded.

"Liu Cheng..."

Mu Xueqing's widened into large circles, and at that moment, she looked as though she had seen a ghost.

Was her teacher a physician too? Not to mention, he actually solved nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma and became the new guild leader of the Physician Guild?

Even though she had already guessed the answer before her father said anything, she was still astonished when she heard the confirmation.

"You know this teacher? Great! I'll pay him a visit tomorrow and beseech him to solve your pill poison..." Oblivious to his daughter's shock, Apothecary Mu continued speaking excitedly.

"There's no need to pay him a visit... He has already cured my pill poison affliction..."

It took awhile before Mu Xueqing managed to digest this news. Smiling bitterly, she said.

"He has already cured you?" Surprised, Apothecary Mu swiftly turned to look at his daughter.

"Yes..." Mu Xueqing nodded.

"Why... would he help you?" The situation was much too sudden for Apothecary Mu to accept.

Given Liu laoshi's standing, there shouldn't be any reason for him to solve his daughter's affliction for free.

"That's because..."

Hearing her father's doubt, Mu Xueqing tilted her face upward and a proud expression appeared on her face.

"He... is my teacher!"

"Your teacher?" Apothecary Mu was stunned.

The same situation was also occurring with Meng Tao and the other students of Liu laoshi. That very night left innumerable people astonished.


Waking up from his sleep, Zhang Xuan felt revitalized.

He had spent the entire night modifying the Heaven's Path Sword Art and Heaven's Path Saber Art for Zhao Ya and Mu Xueqing's usage.

The battle techniques created through the Library of Heaven's Path were formidable, but without Heaven's Path zhenqi to sustain one, not only would one be unable to bring out the full might of the technique, one might even sustain severe injuries from it.

Just like a baby swinging a hammer—Without sufficient strength to wield it, a formidable tool would just hurt oneself.

The two ladies would be able to better bring out the might of the battle techniques after Zhang Xuan made some modifications to the respective techniques according to their needs.

After walking out from the small room, Zhang Xuan saw Lu Chong panting heavily on the bench. The latter had managed to survive the first round of torture in cultivating the Poison Body.


Upon seeing Liu laoshi, Lu Chong hurriedly clasped his fist.


From the very start, Zhang Xuan had expected that Lu Chong would be able to tide through the pain. Thus, he wasn't too surprised by the matter. Nodding his head, he smiled, "How do you feel?"


Lu Chong hesitated for a moment before replying, "I don't feel anything different from before. I am still at Pixue realm primary stage. Why didn't my cultivation rise..."

As soon as the poison started to fade, he immediately took an internal look at his condition. Just like how he was yesterday night, he was still at Pixue realm primary stage. There wasn't any advancement in his cultivation at all. If not out of trust for Liu laoshi, he would have thought that the pain he suffered yesterday night was for naught.

Upon recalling the pain he felt then, he couldn't help but shudder.

It was as if he was plunged into the deepest abyss of hell, subjected to the worst tortures that could exist in this world. Many a time he felt that it would be better for him to just let go of everything and give up. If not for the grudge in his heart fueling his determination, he would have surely caved in.

"There's a Strength Measuring Rock Pillar there. You should give try hitting it!"

Zhang Xuan smiled lightly.


Even though Lu Chong was perplexed by the instructions, he still nodded his head and walked over to the rock pillar. Clenching his fist, he struck it with all of his might.


The rock pillar trembled, and a line of digits slowly floated into appearance.

"44 ding? Pixue realm pinnacle... H-how is this possible?"

Upon seeing the numbers on the pillar, Lu Chong's body trembled and his eyes widened in shock.

He could clearly sense that his cultivation didn't rise at all. How did he manage to achieve a might of 44 ding?

This was too scary!

A normal Pixue realm cultivator's strength would only increase by one ding for every acupoint opened. Going by that calculation, 44 ding was equivalent to having 40 acupoints opened. However... Lu Chong had only cleared one acupoint to date. So, how in the world could he possibly possess such tremendous strength?

"The strength originates from your physical body!"

Zhang Xuan nodded his head as he explained. He was rather satisfied with the outcome.

What the Poison Body augmented was the might of one's physical body, not one's zhenqi cultivation.

Upon reaching a certain level of strength for one's physical body, one could gain the strength to rival zhenqi cultivators. In fact, some of the formidable poison masters were even able to tear Zongshi realm cultivators apart without using their zhenqi at all.

By tempering his physical body through lethal poison, in the course of a single night, Lu Chong's strength rose from 5 ding to 44 ding!


Seeing the number on the stone pillar, Lu Chong's eyes reddened.

Back then, when Liu laoshi said that he would grant him the strength to exact vengeance within ten days, he still bore some doubts to the other party's words. But now, not even the slightest trace of doubt lingered in his mind!

In just a single day, his fighting prowess rose from the level of a Dingli realm primary stage cultivator to a Pixue realm pinnacle cultivator. This rate of growth was completely unheard of! Even though Lu Chong was experiencing it firsthand, he couldn't help but doubt if it was all just a dream.

"Thank you, teacher!"

All that was left in his mind at this moment was awe and gratitude for the young Liu laoshi.

"So, can you tell me about your matter now?"

Zhang Xuan asked.


Lu Chong clenched his fists tightly.

"Remember, you are Liu Cheng's student, my student. Even if your enemy is the emperor of Tianwu Kingdom, as long as he is at fault..."

Placing his hands behind his back, Zhang Xuan exuded an aura of indubitable confidence. "I'll blast a hole through him for you!"


Having lost his family, Lu Chong had to learn to be independent swiftly. In the past two years, he trusted no one and relied on no one. He chose to shoulder all of his burden alone. But despite his incredible mental fortitude, in the end, he was just a young child.

In an instant, all of Lu Chong's pent-up emotions suddenly came bursting forth, and tears started streaming down his face.

If it was anyone else who said such words to him, he would have surely laughed it off, thinking that the other party was just bragging.

But for some reason, he couldn't help but feel inclined to trust the words of this Liu laoshi.

He had lost all of his pillars of support with his death of his parents. He didn't expect to find the feeling of wanting to rely on someone on Liu laoshi.

Even though the teacher before him was young, he felt like an indomitable mountain that pulled his floating heart back to the ground, allowing to him to find calmness. For once in a very long time, he felt that he wasn't alone.

"Go on, speak!"

Zhang Xuan looked at Lu Chong.


Thus, Lu Chong began talking about his history.




Chapter 340: Lu Chong's Deep Grudge (2)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

It wasn't too different from the plots of cliché plots one would see in soap opera.

The Lu Clan, which Lu Chong was born in, wasn't exactly a prestigious clan in Tianwu Royal City, but still, it was a sizeable one.

Lu Chong's talent had been average since young. On the other hand, her elder sister was the star of the clan, becoming an apprentice formation master at just seventeen-year-old. Back then, she was the talk of the town.

However, that was also the origin of the disaster.

Talented and beautiful, she caught the eye of a certain scion.

Love eventually grew into hate, and the story ended in a tragedy.

"Eventually, our entire family of 137 people was all killed in the span of a night. Back then, I happened to be out hunting and coincidentally avoided the calamity..."

Recalling the matter, the resentment he sealed in his heart burst forth, and his entire body trembled in agitation.

"Your clan used to be in Tianwu Royal City?" Zhang Xuan asked.

If his clan wasn't located in Tianwu Royal City, there would be no need for him to act so cautiously here, going to the extent of even playing mute.

"Yes!" Lu Chong nodded. "Given my weak cultivation, I knew that I would never be able to escape from the other party's pursuers. Thus, I decided to join Tianwu Academy instead and cooped myself within its compounds. I think that it is likely that the other party didn't think that I would pose much of a threat that I was able to survive until now."

"The most dangerous place is always the safest place. Perhaps the other party didn't expect you to hide in the prestigious Tianwu Academy. However... given that a clan of 137 people was killed, there should have been a huge uproar in the city. Didn't the Master Teacher Pavilion and Tianwu Kingdom attempt to investigate the matter and return justice to the Lu Clan?" Zhang Xuan realized that there were some doubtful aspects to the matter.

The Master Teacher Pavilion was a powerful organization spread across innumerable nations. Not only was it responsible for grooming master teachers and guiding the populace, it also took on the role of maintaining order in the region. While they typically didn't interfere in fights of minor scale, an entire clan being slaughtered overnight was a huge matter. Given such, the Master Teacher Pavilion should have sent someone to look into the matter.

Besides, even if the Master Teacher Pavilion chose not to interfere, how could the royalty of Tianwu Kingdom stay out of the matter as well? How could they allow the murderer to get away scot-free when an entire clan was killed in the capital right beneath their eyes?

"I am not sure about the details either. After everyone else died, I went undercover. I didn't dare to look into the matter out of fear that the other party would notice my existence." Lu Chong had a savage expression on his face, and deep resentment burned in his eyes.

Zhang Xuan continued asking a few more questions, but after realizing that Lu Chong didn't know much about the matter as well, he stopped.

"There's no need to bother all these first, just focus on your training for the time being. Use the method I taught you yesterday to cultivate. As long as you persevere on for five more times, you should attain the strength to kill Tongxuan realm pinnacle experts easily. You should rest well for now and prepare for the second round tonight!"

"Yes!" Lu Chong clasped his fist before returning back to his dormitory.

Even though Lu Chong had worded it lightly, Zhang Xuan knew that the matter wasn't as easy as it sounded.

Given how the royalty of Tianwu Kingdom stood idle when an entire clan was killed, his opponent must either possess immense strength or be of high standing.

More importantly, if it was only a matter of love turning into the hate, the other party could have just killed his sister. Was there a need to wipe out the entire clan?

There was probably something deeper to it.

It seemed like his student was still hiding several matters from him.

"I shouldn't pressure him if he doesn't wish to say it. I will ask him when he's willing to talk about it!"

Shaking his head, Zhang Xuan decided not to dwell on the matter.

Even though he had decided to help the other party, their time together was still too short. It was normal for Lu Chong to not have absolute trust in him. Thus, Zhang Xuan wasn't angry.

In the book compiled on Lu Chong in the Library of Heaven's Path, it was only reflected that Lu Chong carried a deep grudge against him. It didn't state who his enemy was, and what exactly happened back then.

It was just like the case with Zhao Ya and Mu Xueqing. He could tell that the duo was injured, as well as how they were injured, but he wasn't able to tell who was the one who did it.


Walking out of the classroom, Lu Chong turned around and glanced at the young Liu laoshi. His eyes reddened, and he tightened his fist.

It wasn't that he didn't trust Liu laoshi, but he... didn't dare to tell him th e truth!

He knew very well the standing and influence his enemy wielded. He didn't want the only person in the world who treated him sincerely to be harmed because of him.

"Liu laoshi, I am indebted to you. It seems like I won't be able to repay you... I really hope that you won't be implicated in this matter. After all, you're just an ordinary teacher in the academy! If they were to realize that you have taken me as your student and imparted me with knowledge, they might lay their hands on you!"

"Allow me... to settle my grudge myself!"

Coming to this decision, Lu Chong turned around and left.

The sudden surge in his strength had reignited his hope for exacting vengeance.


Not long after Lu Chong's departure, the other students arrived.

After imparting them some basic knowledge and giving them pointers on their cultivation one by one, Zhang Xuan called Mu Xueqing into the small room and imparted her with the Heaven's Path Saber Art.

Initially, when Mu Xueqing heard that there was only one move, she was slightly disappointed. However, after learning it, she realized that it was an exceedingly profound and high-level skill. Agitated, her body couldn't stop shaking.

Even though she was unable to tell the tier of this saber art, she knew that it was at a much higher level than the Fallen Flower Fist that her father imparted her.

They weren't even comparable to one another.

This saber art seemed to harness the fundamental laws of the universe. Profound concepts were concisely expressed through this single move, making one feel as though it was impossible to withstand it.

"Thank you, Liu laoshi for your generous bestowment!"

After practicing it for two hours, Mu Xueqing finally opened up the zhenqi pathway required for the Heaven's Path Saber Art. Filled with gratitude and reverence for her teacher, she kneeled onto the floor and kowtowed.

The other party had solved her pill poison issue and imparted her with such an incredible battle technique...

It was impossible to express her gratitude through words.

"I must defeat that lady and bring honor to Liu laoshi's name!"

Gritting her silver teeth, she strengthened her resolve.

She had no other way to repay her teacher but to bring glory to him, and defeating Master Teacher Zhang Xuan's student was the most effective way to do so.

Oblivious to the fact that this newly accepted student of his had already made up her mind to give Zhao Ya a good thrashing, Zhang Xuan instructed for the other students to cultivate properly before leaving the classroom.

It wasn't easy for him to create the Zongshi realm Heaven's Path Divine Art, but due to lack of spiritual energy, he could only cultivate slowly. Now that he had some free time, he decided to head to the Apothecary Guild to find some suitable pills with concentrated spiritual energy.


"Is that Liu laoshi really as incredible as they say? Helping others achieve a breakthrough with just a few casual pointers?"

Not too far away from Zhang Xuan's classroom, two young men were discussing.

If any other students were here, they would surely recognize the duo to be the two stars of the academy, the champion of the academy's tournament, Zhao Wuxing, and the first runner-up, Liu Changyan.

The one who had just spoken was Zhao Wuxing.

"There must be a reason behind these rumors! It's not like you don't know Mu Xueqing's temper. To be able to make her listen obediently and even fall out with Zhang shi's students, that Liu laoshi must possess exceptional means." Liu Changyan replied.

After witnessing the brawl between the two ladies, the duo grew interested in the legendary Liu laoshi.

"No matter what, we should see for ourselves whether it is real or not. I don't believe that there's any teacher in this academy who can surpass Bai laoshi in terms of teaching!" Even though the Liu Changyan's words were logical, Zhao Wuxing still found it hard to believe the matter.

As they lived on the campus, they were unaware of the ruckus that Liu laoshi had caused in the Physician Guild. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been doubtful of the other party's capability.

As for Bai laoshi, he was the most famous star teacher in the academy. His standing was similar to that of Lu Xun in Hongtian Academy.

"Hm? Why is the carriage of the royal family here?"

Just as the two of them were discussing the matter, Liu Changyan abruptly pointed to the road.

Tracing the other party's finger, Zhao Wuxing was stunned.

A golden carriage was slowly heading toward the academy from the streets.

The insignia of the royal family was on the exterior of the carriage.

"Eight horses... This is the carriage that only the core members of the royal family are entitled to ride on. Is this the crown prince or... the third princess?"

Speaking of the third princess, Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan's eyes immediately burned in passion.

Third Princess Mo Yu was the ideal goddess in their mind. Not only was she beautiful, she was blessed with great talents as well... Despite her young age, she had already passed the master teacher examination, causing her name to be known throughout the capital.

If not for Zhang Xuan and Mo Hongyi, she would definitely be the brightest star in the city.


The carriage came to a stop and an elegant figure alighted from it.

"It is indeed the third princess..."

Upon seeing the figure, the two geniuses immediately flushed in agitation.

However, puzzlement soon replaced their agitation. "Why would she be at the academy?"

As a 1-star master teacher and an incredible genius, if Princess Mo Yu was planning to conduct a lecture in Tianwu Academy, they would have definitely heard of the news beforehand. But if she wasn't here to conduct a lecture, what other reasons could she be here for?

Perplexed, they saw her walking toward Liu laoshi classroom and bowed.

"Tianwu Kingdom's Mo Yu is here to pay respect to Liu Cheng laoshi!"

A crisp voice sounded clearly in the surroundings.

"Pay respect to Liu laoshi?"

"Princess Mo Yu is a 1-star master teacher, 2-star apothecary, and 1-star beast tamer. Despite all of these, she still has to pay respect to this Liu Cheng?"

Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan were stunned. They were so shocked by the sight that their lower jaw nearly fell to the floor.

In Tianwu Kingdom, Princess Mo Yu's talent was only second to Mo Hongyi and Zhang Xuan. On top of being a master teacher, she was also a Tongxuan realm pinnacle expert... Yet, she came to the academy to pay respect to an ordinary teacher?

Surely they were seeing things?

Didn't that Liu Cheng just entered the academy yesterday?

For a 1-star master teacher and the princess of the kingdom to visit him personally, who exactly was he?

Before they could recover from their shock, they saw Liu laoshi open the door, walk out, and glance at Princess Mo Yu.

"What are you doing here... Cough cough, do you need something of me?"


Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan fell to the ground. A mouthful of blood welled up in their throat.

What in the world was with that attitude!

Even if you are capable, it is only right for you to bow in greetings to the princess!

At the very least, you should at least address her respectfully... To immediately say 'what are you doing here' and 'do you need something of me' upon seeing the princess...

Who do you think you are?

You aren't even a star teacher, you are just an ordinary teacher in the academy. The other party is a 1-star master teacher, but not only is your attitude completely disrespectful, there is even a questioning edge to your voice. Aren't you disregarding the other party a little too much?

Infuriated, the duo was thinking about how they should report this matter to the academy to send a strict warning to this conceited fellow so that he would learn to follow the rules of the Teacher Guild when Princess Mo Yu stepped forward and said, "My father is waiting outside for you. He hopes that Liu laoshi can spare some time for him..."

"Father? His Majesty Mo Tianxue?"

"He hopes that Liu laoshi can... spare some time? What in the world is going on? His Majesty is actually paying a visit personally to an ordinary teacher?"

Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan's eyes were widened to the maximum. At this moment, they really felt as though the world had gone mad.