

Chapter 331: Challenging the Guild Leader?

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Initially, they thought that the other party might really possess true capability as it was unlikely that a teacher would cause trouble given their esteemed standing. However, after hearing the other party's words, they realized...

They were overthinking it!

To not even know the procedures to the physician examination, the heck was he taking the examination for!?

Suppressing his anger, the guard leader said, "Liu laoshi, since you don't even know the procedure for the physician examination, I think... it is better for you to just drop the matter..."

"Drop the matter?"

Zhang Xuan shook his head, "I don't want to take the examination as well, but you just told me that it is impossible to buy those medicinal herbs if I'm not a physician! Alright, you just have to tell me what is tested on the physician examination, I'll settle the rest!"

The crowd tugged on their hair.

We don't want to bother you either... Just that, don't you think that you are going a little too far, attempting to take the physician examination despite knowing nothing at all?

However, since you are so adamant to shame yourself, we'll wash our hands clean of this matter then...

Displeased, the complexion of the guard leader darkened further. Even so, he still explained the procedures of the examination, "Similar to the examinations of other occupations, the physician examination tests one's theoretical knowledge and practical skills... After you enter the Physician Hall, there will be some specialized personnel to bring you around..."

Hearing those words, the young man nodded, turned around, and walked to the Physician Hall.

"Physician Hu, the one in charge of the Physician Hall, detests this kind of ignorant examinee who banks on sheer luck to pass. That fellow is probably in for a round of misfortune!"

"I thought that teachers will at least conduct themselves with propriety in consideration of their standing. But from the looks of it, it seems like I was expecting too much... To not even know the procedures of the physician examination, how can he possibly pass the examination?"

"Indeed! If it was so easy to become a physician, there wouldn't be just thirty physicians in the entire city!"


Seeing how that fellow walked into the Physician Hall despite knowing nothing at all, everyone shook their heads.

The guard leader initially thought that the other party might truly possess true capability. However, upon realizing that the other party was truly ignorant, he felt disdain toward the other party as well.

It was often said that the academy's teachers were respectable and modest. After seeing this teacher, he realized that it was all bullshit!

Have you seen a person who would dare to take the physician examination despite not knowing a single thing at all?

"Alright, Ya Rou xiaojie, we will continue our patrol. See you later..."

Eventually, the guard leader clasped his fist and prepared to leave. But just as he was about to leave, the ground beneath him suddenly shook. A loud chime reverberated within the Physician Guild.


It seemed to originate from a huge bell, and under the deafening reverberation, even the ground tremored.

"What's going on?"

"I've got no idea, but it sounds like it came from the Physician Hall!"

"Physician Hall?"

"That seems to be the case..."


After hearing the sound, the patients who were lined up for a diagnosis burst into commotion.

In contrast to the confusion of the patients, the guard leader's face turned ghastly pale, and he began to tremble uncontrollably. With a fearful voice, he uttered, "This fellow... it can't be that he barged into the [Wall of Dilemma]..."

"Wall of Dilemma? What's that?"

Ya Rou asked doubtfully.

She was just a front receptionist. While she was roughly aware of the rules surrounding the physician examination, she didn't know the specific tests on the examination.

"The Wall of Dilemma... is a place where the incurable illnesses are recorded... The illnesses that no one in the Physician Guild has been able to cure for the past century!" The guard leader seemed as though he was about to cry.

"The illnesses that no one in the Physician Guild has been able to cure for the past century? Even a 3-star physician like Mu Hong?"

Ya Rou was taken aback.

In their Physician Guild branch, the most skilled physician was 3-star Physician Mu Hong!

If the illnesses that no one could cure were recorded on the wall, didn't that mean that even 3-star Physician Mu Hong was helpless before them as well?


The guard leader nodded his head, "Not just him, the physicians in our guild for the past few generations had been unable to do so as well. That's why it is called the Wall of Dilemma..."

"If that's the case, why do you look so worried? Since it's a place where difficult illnesses are recorded, it shouldn't be a problem for him to enter, right?"

Ya Rou was perplexed.

She thought that it was a huge affair. In the end, didn't that teacher just enter the place where difficult illnesses were recorded?

At most, the teacher could just back off after realizing his ignorance. As the guard leader of the Physician Guild, do you really need to be trembling uncontrollably like this over such a small matter?

Ya Rou wasn't the only one, the other guards were bewildered as well.

Their leader had always been a calm person. Taking the encounter from a moment ago as example, even though he was infuriated by the other party's arrogance, he still remained calm and responded to his queries patiently and politely.

Why would someone as calm as him become so nervous upon finding out that the other party had barged into this Wall of Dilemma?

"You all don't know what that place represents..."

Seeing the casual look on everyone's faces, the guard leader shook his head.

"What that place represents?"

"That's right! The Wall of Dilemma is a place... where only the guild leader of each generation is qualified to enter! Entering such a place means to challenge the incumbent guild leader for his position!"

With pale, trembling lips, the guard leader explained.

"Challenging the guild leader… for his position?"

Everyone felt their vision turning dark.

What in the world was going on?

Why would barging into the Wall of Dilemma equate challenging the guild leader?

"Written on the Wall of Dilemma are problems that had stumped the physicians of the guild for a long period of time."

Seeing the doubt in everyone's eyes, the guard leader smiled bitterly and explained, "In order to become the guild leader, one has to possess medical skills far surpassing the others so as to win the respect of the entire guild!"

Everyone nodded.

It was natural that one had to possess skills far surpassing other members to become a guild leader of an occupation!

"Unlike cultivation, the Way of Medicine isn't something that can be quantified. You can't simply gauge a person's medical skills by how long the treatment takes. After all, a complete treatment involves many aspects such as the post-recovery care and checking whether any trauma was inflicted in the process of the treatment... A person might be able to treat a patient within two days, but in the end, he might only be treating the symptoms rather than the root of the problem, thus leaving room for the illness to make a comeback. On the other hand, another physician could take a whole month to treat the same patient but he could be treating the root of the problem instead..."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The strength of a cultivator could be easily gauged via a fight. But for physicians, it was harder to quantify one's ability. Different physicians had different specializations, and the fastest treatment might not necessarily be the most effective one.

This was even more so when the two physicians were around the same level.

"Thus, the Physician Guild came up with a way to determine if a physician was superior to another—the Wall of Dilemma!"

The guard leader continued, "Recorded on the wall are the most difficult problems the physicians of the guild have faced throughout the years, and only those who intend to challenge the current guild leader would enter its premise. The more problems one solve, the more advanced one's medical skill is deemed to be, and thus, the easier it will be for one to gain the respect of the entire guild! If one couldn't even solve a single problem, it will be taken as that the other party was causing trouble and challenging the guild leader's authority. As such, that person will be punished!"


Everyone blinked their eyes as they came to a realization.

It was no wonder why he was so anxious.

Despite knowing nothing at all, the other party barged into the Wall of Dilemma—an action taken as a challenge against guild leader. If he were to fail to solve any of the problems listed, he would be subjected to a severe punishment.

On the other hand, they, who had 'misled' him, might be implicated as well.

"But since the illnesses listed on the Wall of Dilemma are problems that no one in the guild is able to solve, even if he were to answer them wrong... No one should know of it, right?"

After a moment of silence, Ya Rou asked.

Since it was a wall full of questions that no one could solve, no one should be able to say for sure whether a person's answer was right or wrong!

Even if that fellow were to answer randomly, he might just be able to smoke his way through.

"If only it was that simple..."

The guard leader smiled bitterly, "The Wall of Dilemma is a unique Spirit artifact that is linked to the headquarters. If someone challenges the Wall of Dilemma, a 4-star physician on the other side of the wall will check the answer personally. If he deems it to be correct, an orange glow will appear on the wall; if he deems it to be wrong, a red glow will appear instead!"

"Linked to the headquarters?"


Everyone was stunned.

If that was the case, it was impossible for that Liu laoshi to falsify his results. Given how ignorantly that fellow acted just now, red glows would only appear again and again, and then... it would be the end of them!

"Then that bell is..."

Ya Rou asked.

"That bell informs the entire Physician Guild that someone has triggered the Wall of Dilemma to challenge the guild leader..." At this, the guard leader froze and pointed forward, "We're done for..."

Looking toward where his finger was pointed at, the edges of everyone's mouths twitched.

More than a dozen of the top echelons of the guild were currently walking toward them.

"Guild Leader Mu Hong, 3-star Physician Du Rao, Physician Cheng Feng..."

Every time a name was called, Ya Rou's eyebrows would twitch once.

They were all figures in the upper echelon of the Physician Guild. The chiming of the bell had summoned all of them here!

For someone to challenge him... it was clear how awful the Guild Leader Mu Hong's complexion would be.

"What happened?"

Guild Leader Mu Hong immediately walked to the Physician Hall and asked imposingly.

"Reporting to the guild leader, a person has just entered, and he seems to be challenging... the Wall of Dilemma!" An apprentice who was done diagnosing a patient replied.

He didn't see the situation clearly, but after hearing the bell, he heard a thing or two from the discussions in the surroundings.

"Challenging the Wall of Dilemma?"

Guild Leader Mu Hong's eyebrow twitched.

Someone was eyeing his seat!

"Who is it?"

"I... I didn't get a good look at him. However, he seemed to came from over there so the front receptionist might know something!" The apprentice hesitated for a moment before replying.

"The receptionist? Call those guys over!"

Guild Leader Mu Hong instructed. Ya Rou and the guards had no choice but to walk over with tearful faces.

"Speak, what happened? Who is the one who challenged the Wall of Dilemma?" The guild leader spoke authoritatively.

"Reporting to the guild leader, it's a teacher from Tianwu Academy who goes by the surname of Liu..."

The guard leader trembled in fear, but he mustered his courage and answered.

"A teacher who goes by the surname of Liu?"

Physician Mu Hong blinked, "Why would a teacher enter the Wall of Dilemma?"

"He is here for the physician examination, so we directed him to the Physician Hall... We also have no idea how he managed to enter the Wall of Dilemma..."

The guard leader said with a quivering voice.

"He is here for the physician examination? How many stars is he? To challenge the Wall of Dilemma, is he a 3-star physician? But this doesn't make sense..."

Guild Leader Mu Hong frowned as he contemplated over the matter.

Since the other party dared to challenge the Wall of Dilemma and him, he had to be at least a 3-star physician, but when did... such an incredible physician appear in Tianwu Academy?

"3-star?" The guard leader nearly fainted. "Reporting to the guild leader... he doesn't have a rank yet, and he isn't even an apprentice!"

"He isn't even an apprentice? And yet, he dares to challenge me?" A dark line streaked across Physician Mu Hong's forehead. "Is his medical skills outstanding?"

"Outstanding..." The guard leader cried. "It... it's possible that... he doesn't know medicine at all!"




Chapter 332: Perfect Solution

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"He doesn't know medicine at all?" Guild Leader Mu Hong's body trembled.

To dare to challenge him despite not knowing the slightest thing about medicine at all... When did the position of a guild leader become so cheap?

"What happened? Explain everything to me clearly!"

With a complexion so dark that it seemed as though one could squeeze ink from it, he bellowed.

"It... it's like that..."

The leader of the guards and Ya Rou explained the situation with Liu laoshi in detail to Guild Leader Mu Hong.

After hearing the words of the duo, regardless whether it was Mu Hong, Du Rao, Cheng Feng, or the other physicians, they were all dumbfounded.

How could there be such an eccentric person in the world...

To manage to stumble into the Wall of Dilemma like that, wasn't he lucky!

"Guild Leader, given that he has triggered the Wall of Dilemma, connection with the headquarter must have already been established. What should we do now?"

Physician Cheng Feng asked.

Upon the activation of the Wall of Dilemma, a bell would chime and the Wall of Dilemma would attempt to establish connection with the headquarter. Most likely, a 4-star physician would have already been stationed on the other side, waiting to assess the challenger. If they were to intrude into the test halfway, it was highly probable that they would incur the ire of the headquarters.

"What else can we do? We can only wait here until he's done. Since he doesn't even know the slightest thing about medicine, he would surely be unable to answer any of the questions. Once he fails, we'll teach him a lesson and kick him out!"

Mu Hong's complexion looked awful.

Challenging the Wall of Dilemma didn't just undermine his authority and sully his prestige... More importantly, the headquarter would be alarmed of this farce as well!

To allow such an ignorant oaf to challenge the Wall of Dilemma... Just the thought of what the headquarter would think of them made Mu Hong tempted to kill the other party...

For such a blemish to appear on a Tier 1 Kingdom Physician Guild, could the situation be any more darned...


Knowing that the guild leader was truly enraged over this matter, the crowd didn't dare to even breathe loudly.

"Can we see the results of the Wall of Dilemma from here?"

While a gloomy atmosphere was looming in this area, there was huge bustle over at the apprentices and patients' side. The apprentices had finally understood what was going on and they immediately put aside their work to observe the abrupt situation out of curiosity.

"Un!" One of the more knowledgeable people in the crowd nodded. "The Wall of Dilemma of the Physician Hall is constructed with a unique material similar to that used in the examination hall of the Master Teacher Pavilion. If the challenger inside were to submit an erroneous answer, the exterior wall of the room will flash red. On the other hand, if a correct answer is submitted, an orange glow will appear. Furthermore... there are different tiers to the answer as well!"


"That's right. Different techniques and medicinal herbs used in the treatment of the same illness would yield different effectiveness. As such, treatment methods can be classified as Subpass, Pass, Good, and Excellent. A ray of orange light represents Subpass, two rays represent Pass, three rays represent Good, and four rays represent Excellent! Back then, Guild Leader Mu Hong consecutively solved four illnesses on the Wall of Dilemma, and on top of that, every single treatment method he submitted ended up inducing three rays of orange light, dazzling the entire Physician Hall. It was truly an unforgettable sight for all that was present back then..."

Recalling that incredible scene back then, the faces of a few veterans of the guild reddened in agitation.

Those illnesses were problems that had remained unsolved by the geniuses of the guild throughout the years. Those problems might not be anything much to those 4-star physicians of the headquarter, but to Tianwu Kingdom, they were questions of absurd difficulty!

Guild Leader Mu Hong's feat of solving four questions with three orange rays of light each had left everyone both awestruck then.

"Guild Leader Mu Hong sure is incredible!"


"Given how that fellow who just barged in knew nothing at all, a red light will probably appear very soon..."

Discussions could be heard around the room.


Suddenly, the wall of the Physician Hall trembled, and an imposing aura emanated from it.

"That fellow has just finished answering a question on the Wall of Dilemma, and the physician on the other side is currently checking it. I think he'll be in for a round of misfortune soon..."

Halfway through his words, that person's eyes suddenly widened. A reverberation echoed in the room, and he suddenly froze.

The wall before him emanated a bright light, but it wasn't red... It was orange!

"How is this possible? Did he answer it correctly? But... how can that be? These questions have remained unsolved over the course of so many years, and innumerable 3-star physicians had attempted them only to end in failure. How could he possibly succeed? Isn't he an ignorant oaf who knows nothing at all...?"

Rubbing his eyes, that person stared at the sight before him in disbelief.

"It seems like not only did he provide a correct answer, it seems to be... above the level of Subpass..." A voice sounded among the crowd.

After which, before the light on the wall could fade completely, another burst of light took its place!

The two rays of light overlapped with one another, filling the room with tremendous brilliance.


Before everyone's gaze of disbelief, the wall shook once more and yet another ray of light burst forth. For a moment, it was as if a sun had descended upon the room, blinding everyone's eyes with its radiance.

Three rays!

Four rays!

Five rays!

A total of five rays of orange light had appeared from the wall!

"This is... Perfect! A perfect answer..."

Upon seeing the sight, the mouths of a few veterans in the room twitched. They were rendered completely speechless by the sight.

It was common knowledge that there were only four levels to a treatment method: Subpass, Pass, Good, and Excellent! But in truth, there was another level that few knew about, a level that only existed in the legends. A treatment method of that level was capable of solving an illness completely in the shortest period of time while using the most inexpensive and common medicinal herbs!

It was known as Perfect Treatment Method. Such treatment methods possessed absurd compatibility with the illness that not the slightest side effect would be derived from the treatment. Compared to this, all other treatment methods were no different from dirt.

However, such level of treatment method existed only in the legends. In the several thousand years of history since the establishment of Tianwu Kingdom, no one had ever heard of the existence of a Perfect Treatment Method!

Yet, not only did that ignorant oaf actually managed to come up with such a treatment method... Are my eyes playing tricks on me?

"Five rays of orange light?"

"What in the world is going on?"

"A Perfect Treatment Method?"

The entire room burst into an uproar.

Upon seeing this sight, Guild Leader Mu Hong felt a little light-headed. He immediately turned to Ya Rou and the guard leader and glared at them.

The heck!

Didn't you say that the fellow who went in was an ignorant fellow?

Explain to me what is going on…!


Tears streamed down the face of the guard leader.

Brother, I thought you didn't know anything at all?

How in the world did you manage to solve the incurable illnesses of the Wall of Dilemma? Furthermore... for it to induce five rays of orange light, a Perfect Treatment Method?

"He... he... is probably just lucky. Perhaps he will fail at the next question..."

Biting his tongue, the guard leader could only force his way through.

However... before he could finish his words, the wall shook once more.

Weng weng weng weng weng!

Another five rays of orange light burst into the surroundings once more.

"Another Perfect Treatment Method?"

"What the heck is he!"


Seeing the second instance of five rays of orange light, another huge uproar exploded in the hall. The guard leader felt a stinging sensation on his face, and he nearly spurted blood and died from frustration.

He had just said that the other party was only lucky when the other party immediately overthrew his words with his actions. Even if you are so eager to slap my face, surely you don't have to do it so quickly...

Weng weng weng weng weng!

However, that wasn't the end of it yet. The light grew brighter and brighter, and the intervals between them grew shorter and shorter. It was as if they had stepped into a festive firework celebration; wave after wave of orange light assaulted their vision.

"Three times!"

"Four times!"

"Five times..."

"Eighteen times..."


It was only less than an hour since the appearance of the first instance of the five rays of orange light, and it had already appeared consecutively for another seventeen times.

Slowly, the shock grew into numbness.

Guild Leader Mu Hong's lips quivered. At this point, he was already on the verge of tears.

He thought that he could already be considered as a genius given how he induced three rays of orange light for four times. He thought that no one in Tianwu Kingdom would be able to match his feat. However, after seeing this sight... he realized that his accomplishment was truly nothing at all!

The other party doesn't know medicine?

What a joke! If the other party doesn't know medicine, then what do I count as?

Am I worse than an ignorant oaf?

"Guild leader..."

Seeing Mu Hong's current state, the guard leader called cautiously after noticing the latter's daze.

"Guild leader your head! I am no longer the guild leader, that fellow inside is!" Mu Hong flung his sleeves furiously.

As long as one's result in the Wall of Dilemma surpassed that of the previous guild leader, one would automatically take his place. Mu Hong had only managed to induce three rays of orange light four times, but the other party had achieved the level of Perfect for eighteen times straight. At this point, there was already no way to dispute this!

In other words, that fellow inside was already the guild leader!


The mouth of the guard leader twitched, and he hurriedly shut his mouth fearfully.

He was afraid that this Physician Mu Hong would go on a rampage and kill him on the spot if he were to speak any further.


Ya Rou shuddered fearfully. She felt so much regret that her guts were turning green.

If only she knew that the fellow inside possessed incredible medical skill that was superior to even that of the guild leader, she would have never dared to act so rudely to him!

Considering how disdainfully she treated him at the start, it was about time for her to resign from her job and go into hiding.

In contrast to the gloomy atmosphere floating around Guild Leader Mu Hong and the others, the majority of the crowd in the hall was rowdy, excited by this incredible sight.

"Five rays of orange light! All eighteen of those solutions are a Perfect Treatment Method!"

"To be able to see such a formidable physician overcome the Wall of Dilemma, I feel like I haven't lived my life in vain..."

"Hurry up and inform the old master! Wasn't his illness listed on the Wall of Dilemma? There is finally a cure for him..."


The commotion slowly crescendoed as everyone's eyes burned with excitement.

The explanations and descriptions from the apprentices and veterans had given them a rough idea of the current situation.

To actually solve eighteen difficult illnesses listed on the Wall of Dilemma, and on top of that, for all of them to reach the level of Perfect Treatment Method, the medical skill of the person inside had already surpassed the capability of a 3-star physician!

It was a huge benefit to have such an incredible physician in Tianwu Kingdom.

After all, no matter how much money they had, if they couldn't find a sufficiently capable physician to treat them, it would be for naught.


"There are only a total of twenty questions on the Wall of Dilemma. Could he really... solve all of them in one go?"

Putting aside his dismay, Physician Mu Hong stared at the wall before him intently.

Other people might not be aware of how many questions there were on the Wall of Dilemma, but as the previous guild leader and someone who had challenged the Wall of Dilemma, it was natural that he was aware of the situation on site.

Even though these questions had accumulated over several centuries, every succeeding guild leader would always strike a few questions off the wall, leaving only a total of twenty questions.

The other party had already solved the eighteenth, and every single answer was on the level of Perfect. Could this fellow really solve all twenty questions in one go?

"Impossible... The final question is an illness who no one was able to solve in the past several centuries. It is impossible for him solve it..."

Recalling the final question, Mu Hong clenched his jaws.

Even though the other illnesses were difficult as well, this concept of 'difficult' was only limited to Tianwu Kingdom. To the physicians in Xuanyuan Kingdom or other more advanced regions, those problems were nothing more than a walk in the park.

However... the final question was an illness that stumped even the physicians of Conferred Kingdoms!

It was an extremely rare and troublesome illness. Rumor has it that a 5-star physician had once attempted to find a solution to the illness, but in the end, he wasn't even able to find the root of the problem, leaving him at a loss to even where he should start.

Weng weng weng weng weng!

Just as his thoughts were wandering around, orange rays of light filled the hall once more. The nineteenth question was also solved with a Perfect grade.

"It's down to the last question now..."

Physician Mu Hong's breathing quickened.




Chapter 333: We Don't Know Either

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

A middle-aged man was seated on the lofty throne within Tianwu royal palace.

The emperor of Tianwu Kingdom, Mo Tianxue!

"You say that someone challenged the guild leader in the Physician Guild, and that he solved nineteen consecutive questions on the Wall of Dilemma?"

Mo Tianxue was staring at a guard in disbelief.

He was well aware of the fact that the questions on the Wall of Dilemma were difficult illnesses which had baffled innumerable genius physicians over the years. Even if a 4-star physician came, he would definitely be unable to solve all of them in a single go. Yet, a seemingly unimpressive fellow had solved nineteen successive questions. On top of that, his solutions were on the level of Perfection...

This is insanity!

"It is the unmistakable truth!" A gray-robed man clasped his fist respectfully.

This gray-robed man's aura was rather irregular, but one could still tell that he was a Zongshi realm expert.

Those who were familiar with the kingdom's workings would definitely recognise his identity as a member of the most secretive army in Tianwu Kingdom —— Shadow Squad!

The Shadow Squad was an organization directly controlled by Mo Tianxue, and they often carried out unhonorable missions in the darkness.

With such a huge affair at the Physician Guild, all of them rushed to the royal palace in first time to inform the emperor of the news.

"To be capable of solving so many questions on the Wall of Dilemma and provide perfect treatment methods over and above all, that person's mastery in the Way of Medicine has most probably already reached the standard of a 4-star or even 5-star physician!"

Mo Tianxue clenched his fists tightly.

"Indeed. If he were to offer his services to the kingdom, the traumas that occur in the guards' training would be resolved easily. Perhaps, with his help, Your Majesty might even be able to achieve a breakthrough to reach that level!"

The gray-robed man said.

"You're right!" Mo Tianxue's eyes lit up. Then, with an anxious look, he asked, "Have you found out who he is?"

There was no such thing as a perfect cultivation technique. As such, all kinds of traumas would appear in one's cultivation.

Even though most of them do not pose a threat to one's life and do not affect one's ability to exert their strength, it locks down one's cultivation, making it difficult to progress further.

If one can solve his traumas, there is a high possibility that he will be able to advance another step in his cultivation.

But of course, that is only a possibility. After all, a physician is only capable of treatment. Unlike master teachers, a physician is incapable of offering pointers for one to achieve a breakthrough. Even so, resolving one's trauma would extend one's longevity and make one more spirited.

This is also the reason why physician is one of the top occupations of the Upper Nine Paths.

"We have already looked into the matter. His name is Liu Cheng, and he is a newly recruited teacher in Tianwu Academy! At twenty-four this year, his cultivation is at Tongxuan realm primary stage. He passed the teacher examination in Quanhai City's Teacher Guild, and he once took a class at Quanhai City for a year! Here is his information!"

After which, the gray-robed man passed a piece of paper over.

The fact that the Shadow Squad was able to gather comprehensive information on Liu Cheng so quickly bore testimony to their fearsome prowess.

"Un!" Grabbing the paper, Mo Tianxue swiftly browsed through the contents.

All kinds of personal information on Liu Cheng had been recorded on the document.

The identity that the Master Teacher Pavilion created for Zhang Xuan was truly impeccable. There were no flaws, and even the Shadow Squad was only able to gather this much.

"To think that an ordinary teacher in Quanhai City would possess such astounding medical skills! Help me prepare another identical set of the gift that was meant for Master Teacher Zhang Xuan, and as soon as he leaves the Wall of Dilemma, we will head over to greet him!"

After browsing through his information, Mo Tianxue affirmed that there was nothing wrong with his background and he gestured excitedly.

"The present for Zhang shi?" The gray-robed man was taken aback.

As a close aide of the emperor, he knew how valuable the gift prepared for Zhang shi was.

"Indeed! A talent of his level is already on par with Zhang shi. In fact, his usefulness surpasses even that of Zhang shi!" Mo Tianxue reasoned.

"Yes!" The gray-robed man nodded.

"Alright, let's go. Accompany me to the Physician Guild!" After which, Mo Tianxue dismounted his throne and began forward without any hesitation.


Tianwu Academy.

Principal Xie was sitting gloomily alone in his courtyard.

No matter who it was, it would be hard for one not to feel embarrassed getting criticized by a new teacher.

"Principal, principal..."

He was thinking of a way to vent his frustration when an elder rushed into his courtyard.

"What's wrong?"

Principal Xie frowned.

"That... Liu laoshi went to challenge the Wall of Dilemma!" An elder said.

"Challenge the Wall of Dilemma? To provoke Guild Leader Mu Hong, is there something wrong with that fellow's head?" Principal Xie's body swayed, and he nearly blacked out.

Instead of teaching your class properly, what are you doing over at the Physician Guild? On top of that... challenging their Wall of Dilemma and provoking their guild leader, you must be mad!

"He is truly a problematic teacher. Nevertheless, he possesses true capability and will become a pillar of the academy in the future. We mustn't allow anything to happen to him!"

The other party had embarrassed him in public, but as fellow teachers, he felt obligated to stand up for him. "Bring me my name scroll, I will visit Guild Leader Mu Hong now. Hopefully, he won't pursue the matter on my account!"

"No, that's not enough. Challenging the Wall of Dilemma is equivalent to an attempt to wrest authority from the current guild leader. Guild Leader Mu Hong won't allow this matter to simply rest... Let's go to the Master Teacher Pavilion to look for Pavilion Master Jiang. With his help, the situation should be much easier to resolve"

Thus, Principal Xie stood up and prepared to rush to the Master Teacher Pavilion.

"Cough cough... Principal, wait for a moment. Allow me to finish my words first..."

The elder felt stifled. The principal had reacted violently after hearing a single sentence. He couldn't find a chance to cut into his words at all.

"What's the use of talking about it? I know Guild Leader Mu Hong's temper well, he will definitely fly into a rage upon seeing someone eye his position! Even though that Liu laoshi is a little arrogant, he is still a member of our Tianwu Academy. We mustn't allow anything to happen to him. Otherwise, the pride of our academy will be sullied!"

Principal Xie swung his hands and rushed out of the courtyard.

However, barely after he took two steps, the elder stopped him.

"Principal, allow me to first finish my words..."

The elder felt faintheaded.

Why are you so agitated? Can't you allow me to finish my words?

"Speak! Can it be that... we're already too late and that Guild Leader Mu Hong has already laid his hands on him?" Seeing the anxious look on the other party's face, an ominous omen loomed over his mind. Gedeng, Principal Xie's heart skipped a beat.

"That's not it... Liu laoshi has solved nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma consecutively, and he provided a perfect treatment method for every single one of them... Right now, the entire Physician Guild is in an uproar!"

Afraid that the other party would jump into conclusion once more, the elder spoke quickly.

"Solved nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma? Provided a perfect treatment method for each of them..." Principal Xie was taken aback. It took him moments before he managed to digest the other party's words, and his eyes nearly popped out from its sockets. "You mean to say that... Liu laoshi has already broken Physician Mu Hong's record and he is now the new guild leader of the Physician Guild?"


The elder flashed a bitter smile.

When he first heard this news himself, he also felt as though the world had gone mad. His condition then wasn't any better than that of the current Principal Xie.

"How-how-how is this possible?"

Principal Xie froze in shock.


Oblivious to the huge uproar he had caused, Zhang Xuan was staring at the final question on the Wall of Dilemma.

The Library of Heaven's Path could only reflect flaws, it couldn't provide a solution to these flaws.

When a person is ill, it means that a flaw has appeared on him, resulting in his current condition. As long as one is able to identify the crux of the problem and work backward, it isn't too difficult to treat an illness.

That was precisely the reason why even though the first nineteen questions had stumped many talented physicians, Zhang Xuan was able to solve them easily, providing perfect treatment solutions without thinking for long.

"Innate Muscular Deficiency resulting in the lack of strength in one's body and a lifespan of only twenty years. How do we treat this?"

The final question carved on the Wall of Dilemma was just two short sentences, and it seemed to be simple.

"Innate Muscular Deficiency?"

With a will of his mind, a book appeared in Zhang Xuan's head.

Zhang Xuan had taken in a substantial number of books in the Master Teacher Pavilion. As physician was one of the top occupations of the Upper Nine Paths, there was a substantial collection within. It just so happened that there was an introduction on the illness.

"Innate Muscular Deficiency results in the stagnation of the growth in one's muscles. A person born with such a condition can only lie on the bed, unable to exercise or cultivate..."

There was only a brief introduction to the illness in the book. There wasn't a solution provided.

"Let's see whether there is any solution to it. Flaws!"

Placing his hand on the wall, Zhang Xuan thought.


A book appeared in his mind.

"Innate Muscular Deficiency refers to a lack in strength in one's muscles. Flaws: An inborn damage in one's meridians..."

On the portion of the book detailing the flaws of Innate Muscular Deficiency, the locations of the damaged meridians, acupoints, and body parts were stated.


With a glance, Zhang Xuan suddenly froze. "This illness is actually the opposite of the Heaven's Path Golden Body?"

He had never heard of the illness, but based on the flaws, he realized that it bore striking resemblance to the cultivation method of Heaven's Path Golden Body.

That was to say, one could easily solve this illness through the cultivation method of Heaven's Path Golden Body.

"The Heaven's Path Golden Body shouldn't be leaked out, but this is a part of the physician examination. If I were to answer this question inaccurately, I might not be able to become an official physician..."

Feeling distressed, Zhang Xuan rubbed his glabella.

He didn't know about the Wall of Dilemma, and up until now, he still thought that he was only taking the physician examination.

"Since I know the specific points where the flaws appear in, as long as one uses zhenqi to nourish these few spots, the illness should still be treated even without the cultivation method of Heaven's Path Golden Body!"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan suddenly slapped his forehead.

All along, he had been thinking in the capacity of an individual, neglecting the fact that the zhenqi could come from an external source.

As long as he wrote down points that needed to be nourished with zhenqi and avoid mentioning the formula in detail, the Heaven's Path Golden Body would not be leaked.

After all, the crux to all cultivation techniques lies in the formula to propel one's zhenqi.


After confirming the treatment, Zhang Xuan picked up a brush and started writing on the wall.


"It'll probably be impossible for him to solve this question!"

Physician Mu Hong stood stiffly before the Physician Hall with his hands clenched by his sides.

The other party had already surpassed his feat, replacing him as the new guild leader. No matter how depressed he got over this matter, this was already a fact. At this moment, all he wanted to know was whether this Liu fellow would be able to solve all twenty problems on the Wall of Dilemma with a Perfect grade.

If that really happens, the Tianwu Kingdom Physician Guild would gain great prestige because of this.

However... Even 4-star physicians would be puzzled by the final question. Is it even possible for that Liu laoshi to succeed?


Just as they were anxiously waiting for the result, the wall before them started to tremor once more.

"The results are out..."

Everyone waited with bated breaths. Physician Mu Hong stiffened in nervousness.


A bright ray of light radiated from the wall.

"It's... a ray of white light? What does white light means?"

"Red light should indicate failure while orange light reflects a correct answer. Why would there be a white light?"

Upon seeing the light, everyone became flabbergasted.

Even Physician Mu Hong widened his eyes in astonishment.

The answers should either be right or right. In other words, the light should either be red or orange. For a white light to be emanated instead... What the heck?

"Can the wall in the Physician Hall have spoiled?"

"That should be impossible, right..."

Everyone blinked in disbelief.

"Wait, something seems to be appearing..."

Just when everyone was overwhelmed with shock, someone from within the crowd shouted suddenly.

Swiftly turning toward the smooth wall, four words slowly floated into appearance——

We don't know either!

Translator's Thoughts

StarveCleric StarveCleric

Sorry to delay updates on a cliffhanger -_-""

I've posted it on my Discord already but my editor and I have been rather busy lately so do pardon us.

I won't be able to guarantee updates for the next two days but rest assure that we'll make up for the chapters lost over the weekend~




Chapter 334: Guild Leader

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"We don't know either? What does that mean?"

"I have no idea too!"

"It is said that answers to the Wall of Dilemma are appraised personally by 4-star masters... For 'we don't know either' to appear, does that mean that... even 4-star physicians are unable to determine whether the answer Liu laoshi gave is correct?"

"That... can't be true, right? If that's the case, doesn't that mean that Liu laoshi's medical skill surpasses that of a 4-star physician?



Everyone stared at the wall before them dumbfounded.

The four words 'we don't know either' left everyone faint-headed.

The ones on the other side of the Wall of Dilemma are 4-star physicians. And, even they are unable to determine whether the answer is correct or wrong...

The heck.

Liu laoshi, exactly what kind of answer did you give? Such that other side does not dare to reject it outright, even admitting its ignorance?

The corners of Physician Mu Hong's lips twitched. He found himself swaying from side to side, unable to maintain his balance.

He thought he had imagined every circumstance possible, even that of five rays of orange light. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected that the other party would admit to... not knowing the answer!

Don't know your head!

All of you are 4-star physicians! To speak of such words before so many people... Are you still in your right mind?


Before they could recover from their shock, the four words on the wall had faded and another line appeared.

"We will announce our judgement ten days later!"

These words disappeared slowly as well.

"Seems like... the other side is truly unsure. They will need to report to a higher level branch or look for a patient with Innate Muscular Deficiency in order to test out the treatment method!"

Even though it was said that the Wall of Dilemma was connected to the headquarter, this headquarter actually referred to another branch which was just a tier higher than that of the Tianwu Physician Guild branch. After all, the headquarter was a incomparably powerful, filled with 8-star to 9-star physicians. How can it possibly be connected to small place like Tianwu Kingdom Physician Guild?

It was just like how Zhang Xuan requested for a Unravel Yin Pill from the headquarter in the Tianxuan Kingdom Apothecary Guild back then. In truth, their communications had merely reached Tianwu Kingdom, and Apothecary Hong Yun was dispatched.

Otherwise, if everyone were to contact the headquarter for all random and miscellaneous matters, wouldn't it die from exhaustion?

"We will give our judgement ten days later... So does it mean that he solved the question... or not?" The crowd was stunned.

"Even if he answered the last question wrongly, this Liu laoshi has already answered nineteen questions with a Perfect grade. He has already surpassed Guild Leader Mu Hong, making him... the new guild leader!"

Someone commented.

Everyone came to a realization.

So what if that fellow got the final question wrongly? The results had already far surpassed that of any previous guild leader!

Without a doubt, he had already become the new guild leader.

"However, wasn't his purpose here the physician examination? If he doesn't have a rank beforehand, what rank should he be assigned?"

Someone raised his doubt.

Suddenly, the entire room fell silent.

Indeed, if he doesn't possess any rank as a physician from before, how should we handle this situation?

He was able to solve all of the questions on the Wall of Dilemma, even forcing 4-star physicians to admit their ignorance...

The level of mastery of his medical skill definitely far surpasses that of a 3-star, perhaps even reaching the level of a 5-star!

However... Since even the guild wasn't able to evaluate such a high ranked physician, how can they issue such an emblem to him?

"Don't worry, the answer will be out in ten days. Once the answer is determined, the headquarter will decide his rank personally, so we don't have to worry too much!"

A 2-star physician said.

"Un!" The crowd nodded.

That made sense as well. This shouldn't be a matter within their consideration. Given how the other party challenged the Wall of Dilemma and solved so many questions, even jotting down an answer beyond the understanding of 4-star physicians, this problem should be one for the headquarter to bear.

There wasn't a need for them to think so much.


They were still discussing when the door to the Physician Hall opened and Zhang Xuan walked out.

Upon seeing the huge crowd gathered outside, and that all of the gazes were on him, Zhang Xuan was given a shock.

"What... is going on?"

He had merely taken a physician examination, why was there such a huge crowd, and why were all of them looking at him?

Glancing around, he finally found the leader of the guards and Ya Rou, and the hurried over, "Why is the examination different what you told me... So, have I passed the examination?"

According to their words, the physician examination should be no different from that of other occupations. Yet, after he went in, he didn't see anyone, only a wall which kept posing questions to him.

It was completely different from what they said. It can't be that I took the wrong examination? Will they fail me for this...

"Gu-guild leader, you are jesting..."

The leader of the guards trembled uncontrollably.

"Guild leader?" Zhang Xuan was stunned. He stared at the duo, and just he was about to ask them what they meant, more than a dozen of physicians with an emblem pinned on their chests walked over and clasped their fists, "Paying our respects to Guild Leader Liu!"

"Guild Leader Liu? What does this mean..." Zhang Xuan was dumbfounded. He had no idea what was going on.

It is just a physician examination... Why is everyone calling me guild leader? Did they eat something wrong this morning?

"Guild Leader Liu challenged the Wall of Dilemma and solved nineteen questions consecutively. As such, you have become the new leader of our Physician Guild!"

Physician Mu Hong stepped forward.

"New guild leader?"

Zhang Xuan blinked his eyes.

Becoming a guild leader just by answering a few questions? Isn't this too much of a child's play?

The others swiftly explained the situation to him, and upon comprehending what was going on, Zhang Xuan went speechless.

He had only intended to take the physician examination. Never in his dreams did he expect to cause such a huge commotion and become the guild leader of the Physician Guild...

Even so, everything had already happened, and there was nothing much he could do. Remembering the initial aim he had in mind coming to the Physician Guild, he turned to Ya Rou and asked, "Then... since I became the guild leader, do I have to right to purchase White Angelica Flower, Crimson-edged Leaf, Wolf Venom Grass... All of these medicinal herbs?"

"..." Ya Rou cried.

She had just said that the other party didn't have the qualifications to purchase it, and he went on immediately to become the guild leader of the Physician Guild...

This face slap!

"Since you are the guild leader, of course you do have the qualifications to purchase these medicinal herbs. However, we don't have all of the herbs you want here!"

Upon knowing about the entire situation, Mu Hong hesitated for a moment before explaining to the other party.

Physicians do utilize poison in their treatments, but it is extremely rare. While the guild had White Angelica Flower, Crimson-edged Leaf, and such medicinal herbs, it didn't have the more potent poisonous medicinal herbs.

"Then... Bring me those that can be found here first!" Zhang Xuan said.

"Un!" Mu Hong replied and issued some instructions to Ya Rou. It didn't take long for Ya Rou to return with a huge bag of medicinal herbs.

After taking a look, Zhang Xuan verified that all except two of the medicinal herbs he needed were inside.

"Goldleaf Spark Twig and Nine Worms Flower are lethal poison, so we don't have any of them here. However... the Poison Hall will definitely have them!" Mu Hong said.

"Poison Hall?" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

Naturally, Zhang Xuan knew that the Poison Hall had them as well.

However, it would take him four to five days just for a to-and-fro trip to the Red Lotus City. On top of that, he would require an additional ten days to tread through the Red Lotus Range to arrive at and return from the Poison Hall. In total, the journey would would take at least half a month. By the time he returned, it would already be way past ten days.

"Right, I heard that Pavilion Master Jiang likes collecting valuable medicinal herbs. You might be able to find those two herbs from him!"

After hesitating for a moment, Mu Hong suddenly recalled something and said.

"Pavilion Master Jiang? Alright!"

Zhang Xuan nodded.

It might have been difficult for him to obtain those two valuable medicinal herbs from anyone else, but Pavilion Master Jiang... was his student! As long as he appeared before the other party as 'Yang Xuan', obtaining these two medicinal herbs shouldn't be a problem at all.

"How much do all of these medicinal herbs cost?"

Keeping the medicinal herbs into his storage ring, Zhang Xuan asked.

"A total of fourteen million gold coins!" Mu Hong clasped his hand.

"Fourteen million gold coins?" Zhang Xuan was astounded.

He thought that it would only cost a few hundred thousand gold coin. For it add up to fourteen million gold coin, this was daylight robbery...

But considering that he was already the guild leader, it was impossible for the other party to lie to him blatantly in public. Thus, he could only hand over a huge wad of cash helplessly.

Ten million might be a huge sum, but Zhang Xuan accrued quite a substantial wealth back when he was still in Tianxuan Kingdom. As such, he was still able to bear with such expenditure.

"I still have matters to attend to so I'll be leaving now. Physician Mu Hong, I will only serve as an honorary guild leader, so I'll be depending on you to deal with the matters of the guild!"

Zhang Xuan only came here just to buy medicinal herbs. Since he had already achieved his goal, there was no need for him to remain here. Thus, he clasped his fist and bided farewell.


Everyone thought that the new guild leader would immediately attempt to conduct a reorganization of the entire guild. After all, most newly appointed leaders tended to flaunt their authority by trying to instill new changes to the organization. Yet, contrary to their expectations, the other party simply dumped everything on Physician Mu Hong and left. This left everyone dumbfounded.


Ignoring the bewildered gazes of the crowd, Zhang Xuan walked out of the Physician Guild. It didn't take long before he disappeared from their sight.

He wasn't interested in being a guild leader or whatsoever. His only goal at the moment was to successfully advance as a 2-star master teacher so as to gain the authority to look up the affairs of Empyrean Kong shi and find the solution to his Innate Fetal Poison.

There was nothing more important than this.

"What happened?"

After Zhang Xuan left, everyone was silent for a long time. At this moment, a perplexed elder suddenly walked into the guild.

"Physician Hu? You... aren't at the Physician Hall?" Upon seeing the elder, the crowd froze in shock.

Physician Hu was the physician in charge of the physician examinations. How in the world was he only walking into the guild at this moment?

"I just went out for a moment. What's going on?" Physician Hu had been away the entire time so he had no idea what was going on. He was just perplexed as to why such a huge crowd, not to mention, Guild Leader Mu Hong and the other influential elders, was gathered here.

"Went out for a moment..."

Everyone was speechless.

They had considered the possibility that Liu laoshi might have intentionally challenged the Wall of Dilemma. But judging from how Physician Hu wasn't around then... there was a high chance that the other party really stumbled into the room accidentally.

But yet, he still managed to solve all of the questions on the Wall of Dilemma...

Does it have to be so darned?

"You all are saying that... in the hour I was gone, someone barged into the Physician Hall and solved all of the questions on the Wall of Dilemma with Perfect Treatment Methods?"

Soon, someone explained the situation to Physician Hu, and in that instant, Physician Hu could only hear thunder rumbling in his head.

For such a matter to happen while he was gone, it seems like he wouldn't be able to escape the blame for neglecting his responsibility...


The ruckus that Zhang Xuan's successful challenge of the Wall of Dilemma caused wasn't just limited to Tianwu Kingdom.

On the other end of the Wall of Dilemma, a few elders were gathered together. They were all staring at one another blankly.

"The Innate Muscular Deficiency is a terminal disease. Back then, Physician Fei Qing attempted to solve this affliction but even he fell in defeat before it. In the end, he could only watch as his patient fell into death's embrace. The answer that physician gave us... Can it really be the right treatment method to the illness?"

"That... I don't know either, but there are two ways to check on it. We can either report it upward or we can try the solution on someone with Innate Muscular Deficiency!"

"I remember that the second princess of the alliance suffers from Innate Muscular Deficiency!"

"Indeed! Prepare the carriages, let's head off to the Alliance Head Residence now!"

The few elders stood up simultaneously.




Chapter 335: Myriad Kingdom Alliance

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

There were countless kingdoms like Tianxuan and Tianwu scattered all over the continent.

The ranks of a kingdom are as follows—Unranked (Tianxuan Kingdom), Tier 2 Kingdom (Beiwu Kingdom), Tier 1 Kingdom (Tianwu Kingdom), and Conferred Kingdom (Xuanyuan Kingdom).

Due to the multitude of kingdoms, conflict and war were inevitable. Thus, in order to mediate the conflicts among the kingdoms, an existence transcending beyond the system of kingdoms emerged.

Myriad Kingdom Alliance!

The Wall of Dilemma was connected to the Physician Guild of the Myriad Kingdom Alliance!

The alliance head who those elders spoke of was the most authoritative figure within the alliance, the one whom all emperors bowed down to and dared not defy.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the Alliance Head Residence.

"Report to the alliance head that Guild Leader Meng and Physician Hong from the Physician Guild requests an audience!"


Soon, under the lead of the guards, the physicians walked into the palace-like Alliance Head Residence.

"You're saying that you found a way to treat Lian-er?"

Arriving at the main hall, a middle-aged man looked at them with glowing eyes. He exuded an aura of authority and power which all would defer to.

"We aren't sure about whether the treatment method is effective or not, so we would like to..." Guild Leader Meng's face flushed as he hesitated for a moment before continuing, "...try it out..."


As the most authoritative man in the Myriad Kingdom Alliance, it was already a huge torture for him to watch helplessly as his daughter suffer. Yet, these physicians were saying that they want to experiment an unverified treatment method on his daughter. If something wrong were to happen, who could bear the responsibility?

"Are you suggesting to experiment with my daughter's life?"

Raising his eyebrows, a menacing aura emanated from that middle-aged man. In an instant, the two physicians felt as though they were suddenly plunged into massive storm, and the world was ripping apart before them.

The alliance head of the Myriad King Alliance wasn't a hereditary position but a nominated one. Without absolute strength, it was impossible for one to rise up to the position.

"I dare not to!"

Guild Leader Meng's face paled. Exhaling deeply, he said, "Alliance head, please allow me to finish my words first. If you don't wish to have the princess take on this risk, then we won't say any more on the matter!"

"Un!" The middle-aged man nodded gravely.

"We are indeed helpless before the illness the princess is suffering from, but just today, a physician from a Tier 1 Kingdom has delivered us a plausible treatment method to verify!" Guild Leader Meng said.

Upon hearing that it was a treatment method from a Tier 1 Kingdom, the middle-aged man's complexion turned even more awful.

Even a 5-star physician of the Myriad Kingdom Alliance was unable to solve the matter, what kind of solution could a measly physician from a Tier 1 Kingdom possibly offer?

Are you jesting with me?

But even though the middle-aged man was infuriated, he didn't say a thing. He simply stared at the duo coldly, waiting silently to see what they had to say.

"Alliance head, you must be thinking how absurd it must be for us to take the treatment method from a measly Tier 1 Kingdom for real... But if you were to see the treatment methods that person sent prior to that, you won't be thinking the same!"

As though reading the thoughts of the other party, a bitter smile flashed across Guild Leader Meng's face, "That person challenged the Wall of Dilemma, and in a single hour, he solved nineteen questions. On top of that, all of the solutions he gave... reached the level of Perfect!"

"All nineteen solutions are at the level of Perfect?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback, "Are you certain of this?"

The Physician Guild's Wall of Dilemma was where all the difficult illnesses uncovered over the years were recorded. One could already be considered as a genius among geniuses if one could solve a question or two on it. To solve nineteen at once, and for all of the solutions to be Perfect...

This meant that the other party's comprehension of the Way of Medicine had already reached an incredibly high level.

"Yes. This is the treatment method he proposed for the last question. His idea is extremely novel, and none of us here have ever seen something like this before. Upon recalling that the second princess is afflicted with the same illness, we came over in hopes of trying it... If it's really effective, the princess will be able to recover from her affliction!"

Guild Leader Meng said.

The middle-aged man hesitated.

There wasn't a single person in the world who would be willing to allow his own daughter act as a guinea pig.

"Other than the method he proposed, we truly can't think of any other solutions. Furthermore... the second princess doesn't have much time left. Thus, I beseech you to give it a try!"

Guild Leader Meng clasped his fist.

Those afflicted with Innate Muscular Deficiency were fated to be unable to reach their twenties. The princess was already nineteen this year, and her condition was deteriorating with every single passing day. Even if this treatment method was ineffective, it was much better than doing nothing at all!

"Alright. I'll be troubling you then!"

After a long moment of silence, the middle-aged man closed his eyes and exhaled deeply.

If there was any other choice, he would have never allowed his daughter to undergo such risk.

Soon, the princess was brought over.

"Pardon my rudeness!"

Taking a deep breath, Guild Leader Meng recalled the treatment method written on the Wall of Dilemma and drove the zhenqi in her body.

Wu wu wu wu!

The wind howled!

The strength of a 4-star physician had already surpassed that of Zhizun realm. Even if he didn't come into direct contact with the other party, he was still able to send a surge of zhenqi into the other party's acupoints to clear her trauma.

Peng peng peng peng!

Soon, an immense amount of zhenqi was sent through the other party's acupoints and meridians according to the treatment method detailed on the Wall of Dilemma.


Exhaling deeply, Guild Leader Meng wiped the sweat off his forehead.

There was simply too many acupoints and meridians one had to deal with in the treatment method. Furthermore, many of these meridians and acupoints were narrow, and thus, he had to concentrate deeply. It was fortunate that he possessed superior medical skills and a high cultivation, otherwise, a single careless mistake could easily spell the other party's death.

"I wonder if it's effective..."

After carrying out the instructions on the treatment method strictly, Guild Leader Meng glanced at the second princess worriedly. But with just this single glance, his entire body shuddered and his eyeballs were popped out from their sockets.

The second princess, who was still lying completely motionless a moment ago, suddenly leaped off the bed and smashed her fist into the ground, causing stone fragments to fly everywhere.


Rendered speechless by the sight before them, the other physicians trembled in astonishment as their lower jaws fell to the ground.

The middle-aged man stared at the situation with a dumbfounded expression. At this point, he was already on the verge of going insane.

His second daughter had been diagnosed with Innate Muscular Deficiency at birth. Pain and suffering followed her as though they were her shadows, and immobility had always been something she had to cope with. Making use of his connections as the most influential person in the Myriad Kingdom Alliance, he had invited the most formidable of physicians from all locations, but all of them were helpless before her affliction.

He thought that it would be yet another disappointment. Never in his dreams did he expect that she would really be cured of her affliction this time around...

More importantly... Shouldn't recovery be a slow process? Shouldn't one start from moving their fingers before walking around?

How in the world was she able to... leap off the bed right after the treatment was completed, and not to mention, smash through rock with her fist?

This was way too exaggerated!

"Lian-er, you've... recovered?"

Unable to believe his eyes, the alliance head asked.

"Father, I have recovered fully. Furthermore... I feel boundless strength surging through my body!"

The lady chuckled as she stomped on the ground.


A rock tile flew up, and the lady struck the tile with her palm.


Fragments flew around the room.

"..." The crowd.

For an Innate Muscular Deficiency patient to abruptly become a powerful person with overwhelming muscle strength with just a short treatment...

Even if the treatment method was effective... wasn't this was way too effective!

"Guild Leader Meng, may I know from which kingdom did the person who presented the treatment method come from? I would like to thank him personally!"

Seeing her daughter walking around healthily as though an ordinary person, the middle-aged man was so excited that his eyes were gleaming.

"Yes... He came from a remote Tier 1 Kingdom near Xuanyuan Conferred Kingdom!" Guild Leader Meng pondered for a moment before replying.

"Father, there's no need for you to do so. Since I have recovered, I would like to go out and walk around. I will meet and thank the person who saved me personally!"

The lady chuckled.

"Alright then!"

The middle-aged man nodded his head.


Naturally, Zhang Xuan was oblivious to the matters occurring at the Myriad Kingdom Alliance. At this moment, he had already altered his features to take on the appearance of 'Yang Xuan', and he was currently on his way to the Master Teacher Pavilion.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

"Wouldn't it be inappropriate for me to meet Jiang Shu like that?"

Yang Xuan, who he was impersonating at, was supposed to be a master teacher ranked above 3-star.

Given his standing, if he were to travel all the way to the Master Teacher Pavilion to look for Jiang Shu, he might incur the other party's suspicion instead.

He was confident in fooling others, but having taken the master teacher examination, he understood how fearsome the eyes of master teachers could be.

The slightest carelessness might possibly cast doubt upon his identity or even give him away.

"I should look for Liu Ling and the others and have them bring Jiang Shu over to me!"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan decided on another course of action.

It was perfectly normal for a master teacher of 'Yang Xuan's' level to summon his student if he wanted to meet him. It would hurt his prestige instead if he were to head there personally to look for the other party.

As Zhang shi''s students, Zhao Ya and the others were considered as celebrities in the capital. As such, it wasn't too easy for him to find their residence.

"Looks like that fellow Bai Chan at least knows how he should act!"

Upon seeing the residence, Zhang Xuan chuckled. He immediately knew that his threat was effective.

Otherwise, it would surely be impossible for Liu Ling, Zhao Ya, and the others to find such a huge residence in the vicinity of the Master Teacher Pavilion.

After ascertaining the location, Zhang Xuan walked over. Soon, he was already standing at the entrance.

"Old master, you're back..."

Just as Zhang Xuan was thinking about how he should explain his identity to the guards to enter, Sun Qiang suddenly appeared and welcomed him. The latter was so agitated that the fats on his face were bouncing around vigorously.


Sun Qiang had appeared at a timely moment, saving Zhang Xuan of the hassle. Nodding his head, he walked into the residence.

"Old master, I heard from the young master that you're coming as well. I thought that it will take a while longer before you arrive here..."

Sun Qiang spoke agitatedly as the duo walked along the corridor of the residence.

Bai Chan's ability to accomplish tasks was indeed splendid. This residence was several times larger than the one Zhang Xuan rented at Tianxuan Kingdom.


Soon, he arrived at the main hall. After receiving news of Yang Xuan's arrival, Liu Ling and the others also hurried over.

At this moment, Bai Chan had an anxious look on his face.

The person before him was the teacher of Pavilion Master Jiang and Zhang shi. No matter how brazen he might be, he didn't dare to act out of place before him.


Nodding his head, Zhang Xuan surveyed the surroundings before frowning, "Where are the students of Xuan lad?"

Bai Chan, Liu Ling, Lu Xun, and Huang Yu were all here. Why were all of his students missing instead?

He was currently assuming the identity of Yang Xuan, the teacher of their teacher. In other words, their grandteacher!

How could they not greet their grandteacher? They were being too impertinent!


Liu Ling and the others were just about to speak when flurried footsteps sounded beyond the hall.

"Liu shi, bad news! Zhao Ya has been injured by someone. Please save her..."

After which, Zheng Yang and the others walked in while supporting Zhao Ya.